Derek’s Quarterly Newsletter Spring Season 2024
Hello Friends & Clients dotted around the world, welcome to my SPRING Newsletter!
My apologies for not arriving in your mailbox during the Spring Equinox late March – but a month later, late April. This is primarily due to my on-going health challenges, which I write about in this Newsletter.
Derek’s Quarterly Newsletter Summer 202321st June through to 22nd. September
Hello & a warm welcome to all Readers of my Summer Newsletter!
When the transit Sun enters the zodiacal sign of Cancer on 21st. June, we celebrate this event as the Summer Solstice, the longest Day of Light on the planet. Six months from now, we have the shortest Day of Light, the Winter Solstice at 21st. December, as the transit Sun enters Capricorn, the polar opposite sign to Cancer.
Derek’s Quarterly Newsletter SPRING SEASON 2023
Hello Friends & Clients around the World! Copenhagen calling!
With great pleasure I send you my very first Quarterly Newsletter starting appropriately with the SPRING SEASON. Instead of 12 Newsletters a year, there will be 4 Newsletters, one for each of the 4 Seasons. That fact divides the circle into 4 parts or quadrants – and that is the source of my inspiration for the Spring Season which contains our first three Zodiac signs, Aries, Taurus & Gemini. Hope you will enjoy the read. You can also access the text with me reading on:
Derek’s Newsletter Late October/November 2022SCORPIO
This Newsletter goes to friends & clients in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, USA, Italy, Holland, Poland, Malaysia, New Zealand & Australia. Did I miss anyone?
It’s the Autumn season here in the northern hemisphere and true to the nature of Scorpio, leaves are turning golden brown and falling down to the ground where they shall decompose and become valuable compost to the land. The time of flowers has ended and life turns inward, concentrating into the seed-state. The transition between life, death and rebirth is upon us. The zodiac sign of Scorpio challenges us to penetrate deep into life’s mysteries – are you ready for this new journey?
Derek’s Newsletter Autumn Equinox -Libra Late September/October 2022
Greetings Friends, Clients & Colleagues near & far, and a very warm welcome to this month’s LIBRA Newsletter!
As you read this I am about to travel to Egypt with our international group of Scandinavians & friends from USA, and therefore this Newsletter has many references to Egyptian wisdom, which I hope you will enjoy.
You are receiving this at the time of the AUTUMN EQUINOX, 23rd. September this year, as the transit Sun enters the seventh sign of the Zodiac Libra and we celebrate equal day & night on the planet.
Derek’s Newsletter - Virgo - Late August/September 2022
Hello and a very warm Welcome all readers of my Monthly Newsletter!
We have now reached the sixth sign of the Zodiac, the sign of VIRGO and the time of the year, in our northern hemisphere, when we gather in the harvest. VIRGO is a Zodiac sign and a time of the Year of great fertility. What we planted in the fields has now become ripened – and as the old saying goes, what we have sowed we are now reaping. You can recognize this physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
We are living in a time of crises, war, threats of war, famine, refugee crises, climate change and the list goes on & on – and crises challenges us both as individuals and collectively as humanity, to take decisions, to make choices based upon our value system. We are preparing for the great shifts in consciousness as we move closer to 2025!
We are experiencing the gradual birth of a new world order, a new civilization that will emerge from the dissolution of the old – but what are we “birthing”? What are we harvesting from our past activities?
Derek’s Newsletter Late July/August 2022 LEO
Hello Friends, Clients & Readers of my Newsletter!
A very hot-hot welcome to this month’s exploration of the zodiacal sign of Leo. Yes, this past few weeks we have experienced much warmth & heat across Europe with a staggering record-breaking 40 degrees C for London and southern England. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also been cooking and will be looking for a new job. And so we are experiencing the fire element increasing in our external environments – is there is corresponding increase of fire in our internal world? Last month we focussed attention upon the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer and now we turn our awareness to the Sun-ruled sign of Leo. It’s time to come closer to the Sun and turn-up the heat and welcome new livingness.
Derek’s Newsletter Late June/July 2022 CANCER
Hello Friends, Clients & Readers of my Newsletter!
A very warm welcome to this Summer Newsletter for the sign Cancer. It is time for our heat-wave here in Scandinavia and Europe – and time for the longest Day of Light on planet Earth, the Summer Solstice which occurred June 21st.
It is time for light – more light available than at any other time of the year – and we need it! We need increased LIGHT! I don’t know anyone who is not going through some form of personal crises during these transitional times. And just how we deal with these challenges depends upon how comfortable and secure we feel within ourselves – so welcome to our theme of Cancer, the Moon and our connection to safety.
Derek’s Newsletter Late May/June 2022 Gemini
Hello and Welcome to this month’s GEMINI NEWSLETTER – and true to the versatile character of this sign, we shall jump around and cover a great variety of subjects! Yet they are all connected – enjoy the treasure trail!
Derek’s Newsletter Late April/May 2022 Taurus
”I See and when the Eye is opened all is Light”
Esoteric Keynote for Taurus
In the above photo you can see two huge magical Gate Guardians, with stylised human face and the massive body of a Bull, that originally came from ancient Mesopotamia and now in the British Museum, London. I used to live nearby the Museum and was a frequent visitor to this section of antiquities, enjoying silent communion with these majestic figures. They were solid and empowering to be with, yet they also had wings so they could fly too.
If ever there was a time to see more clearly the present world situation, it is now. This month’s TAURUS Newsletter is dedicated to seeing in a new light.
Derek’s ARIES Newsletter Late March/April 2022
This is ARIES, the first sign of the Zodiac, leading the way forth into unknown territory, eager to experience life and enthusiastic to explore and pioneer.
We enter a time of new beginnings – let it be so!
The symbol of the sign ARIES is the head of a ram. The ram indicates power, force and a straight dash. The sign Aries is identified with the head of man, with the eyebrows & nose representing the glyph of Aries. Man is a vertical being on this planet with our head as the highest point. Our Crown chakra is known as the Thousand petalled lotus, giving us access to a thousand realities. What do we choose to focus our consciousness upon?
Pisces Late February/March 2022
Hello & Warm Greetings to All my Newsletters Friends dotted around the World – it is time for my PISCES presentation – Hooray!
Pisces is a WATER sign, and the major theme of the Element water is the “urge to merge”.
Water represents the “feeling” side of life, so we want to join in the Collective feeling life. As I write these words, the transit Sun has reached 8-9 degrees of Pisces. What is our Collective Feeling Life focussed upon during these last days of February? Unquestionably, the brutal invasion of Ukraine by the Russian military forces under the leadership of President Putin.
Derek’s AQUARIUS Newsletter Late January/February 2022
Hello Dear Reader, and a very warm welcome to my first Newsletter of this Brave New Year 2022!
As Aquarius enjoys to break patterns and do things different, for the first time ever, I am putting my voice to my text so you can also hear this Newsletter.
Derek’s Newsletter C A P R I C O R N Late December 2021/January 2022
Capricorn Keynote:
”Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.”
Warm Greetings from a cold Copenhagen (-6 degrees C) to all Friends & Clients dotted around the world receiving this month’s Capricorn Newsletter.
A blanket of pure white snow has fallen and here in my part of the world we are enjoying some wonderful White Christmas days.
The annual birth of the “Invincible Sun” has occurred with the Winter Solstice, and the days of light now are becoming increasing longer. The Sun has travelled to its furtherest northern destination, and we have experienced the shortest day on planet Earth 21st December as the transit Sun appears from our Earth perspective to be still in the heavens for 3 days. This is the meaning of the word “solstice”, the Sun standing still from 21-23 December, and on the third day leading into the fourth, it begins to make its Return to Earth, bringing with it life, warmth, livingness and light. Hooray – the birth of the Invincible Sun! And so, just like the ancient world, we have been merrily celebrating, drinking & feeding the Sun within, the “Christ-Child” within and now we have reached the end of 2021 and are about to enter the New Year 2022 in some few days.
Derek’s Newsletter S A G I T T A R I U S. Late November/December 2022.
Sagittarius Keynote:
“I see the goal, I reach that goal - And then I see another.”
Sagittarian Greetings to Friends & Clients around the Globe – with great pleasure I send you my Newsletter as we reach the last month of this year!
We are in the last days of November as I write this and approaching that magical time of the year when a distinct presence descends upon us during the “holy-day” season. True to the energies of The Archer, our immediate goals may indeed revolve around focussing upon what gifts we shall purchase for family & friends, which is appropriate before the crazy days building up to Christmas. But Sagittarius is a sign of DIRECTION and this is a good question to ask ourselves and our societies at the close of the Old Year and soon the start of a New Year – what direction are we moving in?
Derek’s Newsletter S C O R P I O Late October/November 2021
“Warrior I AM and from the battle I emerge triumphant”
Hello Friends & Clients around the globe – it is time for my Scorpio Newsletter to reach you!
LIBRA Newsletter Late/Sept./October 2021
Autumn Greetings Dear Travellers on the Path of the Sun!
At this stage on our zodiacal Journey we have reached the sign of Libra. The transit Sun entered this sign on 22nd. September and we celebrated the Autumn Equinox with equal Day & equal Night on planet Earth. You are receiving this month’s Newsletter on the 29th. September, the Day we celebrate Saint Michael, the Christian Archangel and Leader of the Celestial armies, often depicted with sword in one hand & the Scales of Justice (Libra) in the other hand, conquering the forces of chaos and ego fixation, represented by the serpent/snake/dragon/kundalini.
Derek’s Virgo Newsletter– August/September 2021
Welcome Dear Travellers & Seekers to this month’s Newsletter!
It is exactly 1 year ago on the Autumn Equinox, September 22nd. 2020, that I launched my new website and started my Newsletters. To celebrate that fact, I am going to “raise the bar” and upgrade the frequency by introducing a more inner or esoteric presentation. I hope you will enjoy the Journey!
Derek’s Newsletter – August 2021
Summer Greetings to all Friends & Clients receiving this AUGUST Newsletter!
I hope you are continuing to enjoy the delights of the Sun! This is the Leo Newsletter and everything is BIG with this sign, including the size of this Newsletter!
Derek’s Newsletter – July 2021
A very warm welcome to all my readers receiving this summer Newsletter! May your summer be one of enjoyment and nourishment!
We have now entered the 7 th . month of this year and the character of 2021 is now clearly showing itself. As we shall read in this Newsletter, this is a period of assessment. And yes, during this Cancer month of June-July, there is plenty of international sporting activity taking place providing lots of on-going assessment, with football, tennis, cycling and of course the Olympic Games hosted by Japan with the opening ceremony set for 23 rd . July.