Derek’s Newsletter Late June/July 2022 CANCER

Hello Friends, Clients & Readers of my Newsletter! 

A very warm welcome to this Summer Newsletter for the sign Cancer. It is time for our heat-wave here in Scandinavia and Europe – and time for the longest Day of Light on planet Earth, the Summer Solstice which occurred June 21st.

It is time for light – more light available than at any other time of the year – and we need it! We need increased LIGHT! I don’t know anyone who is not going through some form of personal crises during these transitional times. And just how we deal with these challenges depends upon how comfortable and secure we feel within ourselves – so welcome to our theme of Cancer, the Moon and our connection to safety.

For those of you who would like to hear me reading the entire text, it is available on this link: HERE

Contents: Cancer Newsletter 2022

  1. Introduction: Family events

  2. ”I Build a Lighted House & therein Dwell”

 The esoteric Keynote for Cancer.

  1. Moon Landing July 1969

  2. The Gate of Cancer

  3. Egypt, Cancer & The Scareb Beetle 

  4. Nut & Geb: Our Divine Parents

  5. The Birth of Islam 16th July 622 - Horoscope

  6. Exploring Eternal Egypt Tour  -11 Days 30 Sept. 

  7. The Tarot Key 7: The Chariot

10.Divinatory Questions for The Chariot

11.Therapeutic Tarot: Parts 1-4  Starts October

12. Working with Crowley’s Thoth Tarot  - 33 Lessons

13.Getting to know the Moon Astrologically

14.Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology – 6 Weekends 

      Starts September 2022-February 2023 

15. The Heroic Quest: Exploring the myths of the 12 

       Zodiac Signs – 12 Thursday evenings Online

        Starts 27 October 6pm Copenhagen time

  1. Introduction: Family events

These past weeks for myself and the wife, have been extremely focussed upon family demands. It is this time of the year as my middle son Viktor Elias, has just gone through his Confirmation Ceremony, making the transition as a 15-year old into a realization of his Manhood and growing responsibility as an adult. As a Sun-sign Aquarian, and belonging to this untraditional family, he didn’t want any traditional Church process and so I tested him with a series of 9 questions and games. Just before his Confirmation party he had returned from a 10 day survival experience with the rest of his class in Swedish Lappland, the last remaining wilderness in Europe. They camped in tents & sleeping bags, away from normal home comforts, such as hot water & toilets, had temperatures of 3-degrees C, walked in the snow, made their own food and were totally stretched out physically, emotionally and mentally. When he came home exhausted but happy, he had already been tested to the limit, so it was not necessary for me to stretch him in the same ways as a part of his initiation rites for Confirmation. He had conquered fear.

And a few days after his Ceremony, my oldest son Arthur, 19 years of age, finished his 16 years of attending the Steiner School since he was 3 years old. It was a fantastic ending for him and the whole 12th. Class graduating and becoming “Students” on their final day of school. There was singing, music, theatre and dance, plus an amazing avenue of flowers created by 200 students for them to run through and then jump onto a special wagon, an open car-float that could hold 26 cheering excited boys & girls wearing their blue & white student hats, stomping up & down to loud ghetto blasting music. 

And then, as Danish tradition decrees, they used the next 8-9 hours driving from student house to house, all over the streets of Copenhagen, eating & drinking and partying until the early hours of the morning. Cars seeing them would beep their horns and the whole atmosphere in the city is one of celebration and colour. And this continues for 3 whole days and nights! 

As I reminded my son, he and the class were lucky in so many ways as the previous 2 years of ending students did not get this experience due to the Covid restrictions. So as I write this we are slowing recovering from not just days but weeks of build-up to these highly significant family events. 

After I complete this Newsletter we take off as a family to Norway to then celebrate my wife’s father’s 95th. year birthday celebrations. So a very Cancerian period for me and my family in these weeks of late June/early July.

During my writing this Cancer Newsletter these days in late June, we have witnessed the Supreme Law Court of America pass a ruling that makes sweeping Constitutional changes that effectively denies women the right of abortion. Demonstrations have occurred across USA & two-thirds of Americans are in disagreement with this Constitutional ruling. 

As the sign Cancer and its connection with the Moon deals with theme of family, women, contact with one’s body and the theme of nourishment, this announcement comes at the appropriate time – but it reverses 50 years of abortion rights & protection. The United Nations has called this a tragic blow to human rights and both the USA’s President Biden and UK’s Prime Minister Johnson have condemned this regression. 

In the political climate of the Republican mind-set, ex-President Trump, the pro-life movement and various conservative religious groups, this decision is being celebrated. 

Whatever viewpoint we adopt, the underlying theme is the sanctity of life and our grasp of what is meant by nourishment. It is this theme that I will seek to elaborate upon in this Newsletter.

The Longest Day of the Year is celebrated with the Midsummer Festival. This year the Sun’s entry into 0-degrees Cancer, the Summer Solstice took place on the 21st. June.

In Celtic Britain this was the time that the Court of King Arthur & his Knights & Ladies of the Round Table would meet.  

The New Moon in Cancer, time of seeding for new beginnings, takes place Wednesday 29th. June and the culminating Full Moon Wednesday 13th. July. You are receiving this Newsletter just before the New Moon, so you can work with the coming 14 days of increased light leading up to the climaxing bright Full Moon.

2. The Keynote for Cancer

It has been said by both ancient and modern astrologers that the sign Cancer represents the foundation of civilization. This is the first WATER sign and the fourth sign of the Zodiac. Cancer transforms the people (Aries-Taurus-Gemini) into an organized tribal unit with relationships existing between themselves and other tribes/clans. The tribe groups around a settlement. The tribe becomes the giant parent and all its members are its children, regulated and protected by various codes of behaviour. In return, the tribal members have a responsibility to the community and an assigned role in the family as well. In the Cancer stage of development, Man is forced into playing a larger role in the scheme of the Universal Plan.  

“I build a Lighted House and therein dwell”

The deeper significance of the Keynote: 

This is the esoteric Keynote of Cancer which synthesizes the quality and purpose of the sign. 

The whole aim of a disciple or spiritually motivated individual, is to build a lighted house and dwell in it. But to build such a house the best materials are needed. The house referred to is made up of the vehicles that constitute the lower and higher bodies of the human being. Each body is a house which puts man in contact with the plane by which it is built. The first body is the basement. Then there are the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh floors. It is very interesting to note that it took the Spiritual Spark millions of years to build the physical, astral and mental bodies. People would be surprised if they knew that only recently the building of the physical body was perfected. The other bodies are not yet built. One spiritual Master has said that only 30% of humanity have organized their emotional body but that only 10% can use it correctly. Only 15% of humanity have built their mental body and can use it. Very few out of a million have built their intuitional body and only one in a billion has built their Atmic, Monadic and Buddhic vehicles. That is why these higher realms do not consciously exist for us and we are observed by Advanced Beings as existing only in our animal stage of evolution, tied to death, money, wars, hatred, fear and so on. 

Our bodies are used to assimilate substances from various levels so that the Inner Lord builds new and subtler bodies. Each body starts to be built from the finest substance of the lower body. For example, virtues create very rare substances in the bodies and these substances are used by the Self to build higher bodies or parts and mechanisms in the higher bodies. 

Then the bodies are used for battle on the physical, emotional, mental and higher planes. Does that surprise you? 

It is these bodies that help to shield or to act as weapons. “To battle” means to repel those forces or entities which hinder our progress on our Path back Home. Each time we incarnate as a special traveller, more conscious than last time and equipped with these “fighting” skills, the darker forces find more subtle ways to enslave – imprisonment through materialism, sex, luxury and possessions, the forces of separativeness. 

3. The Moon Landing July 1969

Commander Niels Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969 and Armstrong became the first person to step onto the Moon’s surface 6½ hours later on July 21st.

Some of you will remember that incredible day 53 years ago. The first human beings landed on a planet. As the Moon represents a state of unconsciousness, then this event created a mass consciousness shift, so that we gained access to the feminine unconsciousness in new ways from this point forward.

Do you also remember the first pictures of our blue planet, the Earth, as seen from the surface of the Moon? They were outstanding images for us seeing our planet from outer space and sensing a whole new sense of wholeness and planetary consciousness.The transit Sun had reached 28-degrees of Cancer and the Moon was separating from a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 0-degrees Libra, a very potent Cardinal degree area of the Zodiac, guaranteed to bring important events into the Collective. And this time it was the advance of science and technology that introduced a revolution in our consciousness (Uranus) that expanded our world view, our life philosophy, our religious & spiritual perspectives (Jupiter). 

This Moon landing and those pictures created a new sense of planetary purpose for many earthlings – and it happened in the zodiacal sign of Cancer.

4. The Gate of Cancer

You will often see the symbol for Cancer is a pictograph for the two female breasts. The mothering theme is the Cancerian quality of nourishment, nurturing and protection.

But the sign Cancer has not always been depicted as the crab.  It was a tortoise in the Babylonian astrology at 4000 BC and by approximately 2000 BC in ancient Egypt it became a scarab beetle, an emblem of immortal life. 

Already by then the philosophers of ancient Chaldea referred to the position of Cancer as the “Gate of Men”, the portal through which all souls descended from the heavens and for the very first time assumed human bodies. Part of the astrological reality for this is looking at the first 4 signs of the Zodiac, Aries represents the Element Fire, then Taurus, Earth, Gemini Air and with the fourth sign Cancer we have the Water Element. And with the appearance of the 4 Elements, human life can now begin, for our bodies are composed of these 4 elements and at death they dissolve back into Nature.

If we remember that the sign Capricorn is directly opposite Cancer, so in this axis we have the Winter and Summer Solstice, the shortest and the longest Day of Light on our planet. This reveals a basic spiritual teaching that there are 2 Great Gates in the Zodiac, Cancer represents entry for the first time into the Human 4th. Kingdom of Nature, while the opposite sign Capricorn symbolically represents entry into the Spiritual or 5th. Kingdom of Nature. These two zodiacal signs are therefore the great two Keys of the Christian Bible given to Saint Peter, the first Pope of the Christian Catholic Church and represented in the Vatican’s Coat-of-Arms.

5. The Scareb Beetle & the sign Cancer

In the magnificent Temple of Hathor at Dendara, we find in the ceiling the famous Zodiac of Dendara where the sign of Cancer is depicted as a scarab. As I point out to all travellers on our Group Tours to Eternal Egypt, you can never have too many scareb amulets, so buy them in different stones and colours throughout your Egyptian adventure. At home I have different sizes of scarebs, big & small and in many different stones.

It was a symbol of self-creation for the ancient Egyptians and they believed it came directly into being from the balls of animal dung which it used to protect its eggs and larva. The scareb beetle pushed this ball of dung forever forwards & onwards, so it became associated with the Sun and therefore with life giving warmth and light. Soldiers who went into battle would recover quicker from their wounds and scarebs placed in tombs were a symbol of the renewal of life. 

In this solar role the scareb represented the morning sun opening its wings in the form of the God Khepri. In his beetle form the god rose as the morning Sun from the Eastern horizon. He became Ra, the god of the midday Sun and Atum the god of the evening Sun. What a beautiful if not magnificent way to depict the energies of resurrection! 

Indeed, Khepri holds tremendous importance in the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology. His name is translated as “to become” or “to develop”. With the great god Khepri, we are reminded that everyday is new and we are always at the beginning.

I wish to explore this Egyptian concept even further now, so let us look at our Cosmic parents as seen through the Cosmology of this great civilization.

6.Nut & Geb and the sign Cancer

Nut and Geb are two of the most ancient of the Egyptian gods – they are the original Divine Parents, equivalent to the Christian Bible’s Adam & Eve. In Nut and Geb we find the archetypal perfection of the Garden of Eden – it is a magical place, wherein all our needs are met. 

Geb is the god of the Earth and Nut is the goddess of the Sky. Out of their union is created the world and all of the creatures on Earth. Geb was associated with the nurturance that springs forth from the surface of the Earth and was therefore believed to be a source of sustenance and life. 

The great sky Goddess Nut was often portrayed as a slender, naked woman, her body arched above the Earth with her hands and feet touching the horizon.  The Sun travelled through her body, entering her mouth and exiting her womb.  The Sun travelled through her body at night, the stars during the day. She was therefore, considered to be the mother of all the heavenly bodies. 

As the Goddess of the cyclical working of the Cosmos, Nut was intimately connected to the energies of resurrection. The sarcophagus and the tomb chamber were decorated with stars (5-pointed stars) and the goddess’s image.

In the beginning of the world, the Creator God Atum created the world out of chaos, and His first children were the Gemini Twins Shu, the air and Tefnut, moisture. From these Divine Twins came their first children Geb & Nut, who were locked in an embrace, pressed against each other. Their father Shu, understood that no life could exist without light and air, so He inserted Himself between them and pushed them apart, forcing Nut up into the Sky while Geb remained on Earth. Their longing for each other has never ceased. They reach toward each other, but their father, the God of Air, remains between them – separating them for eternity. 

Their children – all life on earth, are held within the container of their loving embrace. In Geb and Nut we find the archetypal experience of being loved and held safe within a parental embrace. And this is the experience of the zodiacal sign Cancer.

Nut and Geb are the parents of the next generation of the gods: Osiris, Isis, Horus the Elder, Set & Nephthys.

Ra, the Sun god, according to one version of the myth, feared losing his position and power by Nut’s children, so he therefore decreed that she would not give birth. The Egyptian Thoth or the Greek Hermes and the Roman Mercury, went to the Moon Goddess and challenged her to a game of draughts. Thoth won the game and exacted 5 days of light as his prize. The Moon goddess lost some of her brightness and the world gained 5 days in the year, making 365 days and during those “extra” days, Nut gave birth to her five children. This is a wonderful magical story that can be enjoyed on several levels.

The essential theme of Nut & Geb, as our Cosmic Parents, is for us to feel safe in the world, to be nurtured and nourished within a safe container, for that makes it easier for us to open to the next level of growth & experience. For some, the childhood container was faulty, perhaps the parents were in some way physically or emotionally absent. Perhaps the parents were locked in a battle with each other, distracted by addiction and dysfunction. Children born of these unions do not enter adulthood feeling safe and contained in the world. These people are normally driven by ego-fear, there is never enough money, food, security, possessions or protection to make them feel safe in the world. Unless the damage of their fractured childhood is repaired it will be difficult to upgrade to the next level of growth. And as a professional Astrologer the focus is then placed upon the Moon, the ruler of Cancer, to better understand the background and conditioned memory.

7. The Foundation Chart for Islam – Sunrise, 04.30 16th July 622 Medina

As Egypt is a Moslem country, it seems very appropriate to place our next focus upon the birth of Islam. You will not fail to notice the impact of the Moon & Star on the flag.

Sunrise was considered a “beginning point” for many ancient cultures in the Middle East. July 16th.  622 AD is referred to in the Encyclopaedia Brittanica as the starting point for the Islamic calendar. This is the time that the Prophet Mohammed returns to Medina to establish the new religion. For some there may be doubts about the validity of this date & time of day, and there are equally valid assertions for a sunset birth for Islam.

But – whether a sunrise or sunset horoscope for Islam, the one outstanding feature is the concentrated stellium of planets from the Sun’s placement at 25-degrees Cancer to Mars at 20-degrees Virgo, a space of 55 degrees in the skies, which contains no less than 9 heavenly bodies.

It is like a domino-theory, the Sun conjuncts Saturn at 2-degrees Leo, which conjuncts the Moon’s North Node at 7-degrees Leo, which then conjuncts Venus at 14½-degrees Leo, closely conjunct the Moon at 19 degrees with Mercury also within the same degree at 19½-degrees Leo, then an interval of 11-degrees before we reach the Uranus-Neptune conjunction at 1-5 degrees Virgo (a conjunction or celestial signature which only takes place every 171 years and therefore refers to a time of major rebirth & metamorphosis). This Uranus-Neptune conjunction forms a dynamic opposition aspect to the planet of Religion, Jupiter positioned within its own sign at 7½-degrees Pisces. 

Technically speaking this highly significant conjunction will impact the 3rd. House of Writing & Communications. It has a scientific, political, military and social-religious aspect. And on this horoscope, it is supported by fiery Mars, the ruling planet of the Aries Midheaven. Seen in this light and astrological perspective, we could explore the teachings of Allah as presented through the Messenger Mohammed in the Holy Book of Islam, the Koran. 

Observation of historical events within the Islamic world clearly shows how this Jupiter placement and its transit through the signs Cancer-Leo-Virgo has resulted in significant upheavals.

The obvious example would be the 6-Day War with Israel in June 1967 which occurred with transit Jupiter at 3-degrees Leo exactly crossing Islam’s Saturn and 12 years later, February 1979, Iran became an Islamic republic with Jupiter stationary (i.e. stopping still in the skies) at 3-degrees Leo. When the State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14th 1948, the Moon, Mars & Saturn were all in Leo interacting with Islam’s stellium in Leo. These are powerful contacts between neighbours and the symbolism here does clearly describe the deep-seated attitudes between these “tribes” of the Middle East. 

More recently the slow moving transit of Pluto has been in opposition to the Sun at 25-degrees Cancer throughout 2021 and although much could be written, perhaps the obvious process last year would be the military success of the Taliban to turn Afghanistan into an Islamic state. 

On the birth of Islam horoscope there is a Cancer Sun and Ascendant, which clearly emphasizes the extended family of nations united through devotion to religion and the Prophet Mohammed. The Sun ruling the sign Leo, is placed in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer and the Moon on this chart is in Leo. When the rulers of a zodiac sign are placed each other’s sign, this is called “Mutual Reception”, and represents a very potent combination and inner unity. This is portrayed through the Crescent or New Moon image on the Islamic flag itself.

When such “Foundation Horoscopes” for a nation are shown to be historically accurate, then we can successfully project future events and processes. As transit Uranus is moving through Taurus and coming into a series of dynamic square aspects to Venus, the Moon & Mercury in Leo 2022-23, it would be quite natural to see more social awakening and rebellion amongst Moslem women for demanding greater rights & equality. There are so many questions that could be asked of this horoscope for the Birth of Islam. How do we read the Moon & Venus conjunction in Leo regarding Islam’s relations with women?

Or should we refer to the authoritarian and traditional Sun-Saturn conjunction dominating?

But as Uranus represents the unexpected, and if I was to speculate, I would present another possibility.

 The health authorities around the world have been very reluctant to inform us of the ingredients used in the Covid-19 vaccination, although we have laws that compel manufacturers to show the precise contents of all food stuffs that we buy in the supermarkets. What if the Moslem world found out that pig’s urine has been introduced in the vaccinations? Knowing their religious view about pigs, this would be nothing less than a bombshell released throughout the Islamic world community. That really would be a Uranian awakening!

This is just my speculation of course.

And in the summer of 2025 as transit Uranus leaves Taurus and enters Gemini, thus making the first of a series of square aspects (90 degrees) to it’s birth position at 1-degree Virgo, what is the new & radical that could happen with this stimulus?

Looking at the astrology of Nations and International movements, what we term Mundane Astrology, provides us with a fascinating glimpse into the Fate & Karma of the Collective. Today we have just briefly explored the horoscope for the Birth of Islam, with its Cancer Sun and Ascendant.

Our Journey is planned as a magical Adventure from start to finish. It begins when you Register your commitment to be one of the Keys of Light that each traveller shall represent. The Temples & Tombs of ancient Egypt were designed as places for self-realization - and our Tours reflect & respect this tradition.

21st. Century society and individuals can learn so much from the ancient Egyptian world view, which is why our Tours always emphasis “Eternal Egypt”. They were Masters in this technology of Light – and we are their students.

That being so, we shall prepare all travellers with a 70-Day program of meditation & various visualization exercises designed to prepare you for attunement with this ancient Egyptian vibration. This inner preparation work has been an original feature of our Tours for more than 25 years. Every 7 days you will receive a special “Book” – and there are 10 such “Books” or study material.

This will begin exactly 70 Days before our departure date Friday 30th. September 2022. So yes – we travel to Egypt in late September – but your travels will already begin 2 months before departure date - Saturday 23rd. July 2022!

One look at our incredible schedule will show you that this is a carefully crafted adventure that seeks to bring you deep into the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Egyptians – with focus upon increased livingness. We could also rename the Tour: Rebirth on the Nile, for any visitor wanting to enjoy the true, authentic Egypt, must take time to experience sailing on the Nile, experiencing sunrise & sunset, eating & sleeping, reflecting and centering oneself, healing on the Nile. Yet not on a big cruiser but a wonderful luxury sailboat exclusively hired just for our group – fantastic! Are you interested? Get full details & prices from us ASAP!

Section 9: Tarot Key 7: The Chariot


“By harnessing all my efforts toward my goal,

I will be victorious.”

In this next section we want to explore the archetypal images of that Universal picture-book, the Tarot. The 7th. Key of the Major Arcana Tarot Trump cards is The Chariot – this is the Tarot image that represents the zodiac sign of Cancer 

It represents that part of the Self whose power lies in self control & self discipline. It stands for victory over the instincts, mastery, conquest and triumph.

The Chariot bears the Charioteer beyond the city’s walls or known world.

In the traditional tarot decks we see contrasting Sphinxes pulling the Chariot, stating that the rider’s adventures will be a combination of black & white, positive & negative forces, aimed at teaching the rider how to master his or her everyday circumstances and personality responses.

This is beautifully depicted in the Indian classic, the Bhagavad-Gita:

The Self is the rider in the Chariot of the body,

of which the senses are the horses and the mind the reins.”

You will also notice that the driver’s left hand appears to hold the reins with which to direct the Sphinxes telepathically in traditional tarot decks, while in the Crowley version there are no reins.

Now because the Sphinxes are portrayed with human heads on animal bodies, they symbolize the evolution of consciousness, in other words, you are distinguished from the animal kingdom by your intellect. In this card, the Sphinxes represent how your mind identifies and classifies the polar experiences of joy and suffering – joy the White Sphinx and suffering, the Black Sphinx.

Your primary aim is to use your mental tools, the previous 7 cards (The Fool to The Lovers), to have loving dominion over your senses, emotions & desires, rather than allow them to dominate you.

The Charioteer wears a laurel victory wreath in the traditional decks bearing the message that Victory comes from self-control and emotional stability.

In the Crowley version which we show here, the Charioteer is in full armour, golden armour, much like the crab of the zodiac. He is shown as a holy warrior. He is absorbed within himself in a meditative yoga pose. He bears the Holy Grail, in this case a magnificent carved amethyst. The enormous red chariot wheels are symbolic of the pure intention to act, while the 4 columns that carry the blue canopy of the chariot represents the night sky. 

These 4 columns are also derived from an old worldview in which they support the sky, just as the animals are four guardians of the heavens in the form of cherubim. This also shows that the movement within the card is extensive and goes in all directions of the heavens. It then correlates to the task of human beings to make the earth subject unto them. Consider these 7 sacred directions:



That is the 6 directions - And the final seventh direction:


The Hero shown on Key 7, opens himself inwardly, holds out the Grail to the observer. As Crowley writes: “His only function is to bear the Holy Grail.” As the Grail represents the greatest healing story of our European civilization, it would be obvious to make a deeper study of why this is so – and that would also take us into the significance of THE MOON. The simpliest way to recognize the greatness of this card is to see it representing what Crowley indicated as man’s true Will, our essential pure being.

As the sign Cancer is governed by the Moon, therefore we will establish a clear link between Key 2: THE PRIESTESS card governed by the Moon, and Key 7: THE CHARIOT.

Here is the Crowley version of Key 2:

“All knowledge and understanding are within my reach 

when I look within myself”

It is because THE CHARIOT and the zodiacal sign CANCER  is governed by the Moon, it is also known as the Moonchild (the driver in traditional tarot images, wears lunar crescents on his shoulders).The reflective quality of both the lunar nature and water remind us that the driver, the charioteer or human being is, in truth, a reflection of the Divine Self.

The son of the Great Goddess has always been the redeemer in whom humanity has set its hopes. The four columns of Paradise, but primarily the four cherubim – the guardians of the four ends of the world – show his far-reaching, world-wide influence. He is the renewer, the bringer of the redemptive message, which as Buddha said: “Life is suffering”, but then emphasized, “but there is a way out of the suffering”.

The Charioteer can symbolize Shiva in his Fire Chariot, Biblical Elijah’s mystical chariot, or prophet Ezekiel’s fire chariot, or the triumphant Osiris.

Moonchildren tend to be sensitive, tenacious, value country, home & family, and have excellent memories and imaginations.

They can also step beyond their sheltered world (their crab shell) to greet life from the greater perspective, calling upon their innate sensitivity to tune in to new possibilities instead of hiding in their shell, home or behind their fence to fantasise and avoid hurt, change and confrontation.

An important lesson for any evolved Moonchild has to learn is to feel at home within their bodies and personality. Experiencing your body as a comfortable place to be may decrease excessive dependencies upon external circumstances and increase dependence upon the self within.

The purpose of a wheel is movement. On the symbolic level, this corresponds to the cycle of the Cosmos, the rotating of the stars, or eternal turning is existence.

When you look at Crowley’s Chariot, you at first see that the Chariot is not in motion, it seems to be physically inert or motionless – ah yes – physically motionless, but inwardly intensely active and in full movement!

The state of Victory is knowing that we are the vehicles through which the One Self does its work. All is the Self. 

The card depicts the state of centredness that occurs when you become aware of this concept and begin to lovingly take charge of your behaviour.

The Chariot is the culmination and incorporation of the teachings from the previous cards - and an initiation into worldly life, connecting it further to the number seven.

This state brings the following with it: first & foremost, THE FOOL provides the knowledge that ALL IS God/Goddess, and that life is an ongoing adventure initiated and guided by this Force.

With the next 6 phases of training come the Rules & Tools of the Game of Life.







In the Kabbalah The Chariot is called “the Intelligence of the House of Influence”. The word influence means “in-flowing”.

Know that you are influenced or guided by your Self. When you allow this self to influence, or flow, into you, you can exert a positive influence upon the world. This Intelligence directly prompts how you think, feel and express yourself. It may be likened to a loving mentor guiding a promising co-worker. It is the way in which the Higher Self manifests itself through every human personality. 



Looking at………The Charioteer

The Charioteer stands ready: he/she is in control of

himself/herself and his/her life.

The Charioteer drives a team of two creatures.

Now imagine yourself as the Charioteer.

What are the creatures that pull your chariot?


What is the direction of your efforts?


The Charioteer says:


My strength is:


I am


I can


I have


My weakness is


I am hiding the


The direction I will take is


The qualities of the driver are symbolized by the type of team driven;

The Scandinavian Goddess Freyja drives a Chariot drawn by cats to represent the

Lunar & magical journey. The Greek philosopher Plato described the soul as a 

Winged Chariot drawn by two horses representing contrary aspects of human nature, the one striving upward, the other pulling down.

White horses can represent spirituality and purity.

The human-headed Sphinx suggests the human spirit overcoming animal instincts,

or the union of intellectual and physical powers.

10. Divinatory Questions for The Chariot

  1. Are you being influenced to head in a new direction?

  2. What initiation or rite-of-passage are you experiencing?

  3. Have you overcome being pulled in several directions at once?

  4. Might it be appropriate for you or another to withdraw into your shell?

  5. What type of behaviour or activity could you be outgrowing? 

  6. Have you completed a cycle of learning and are you now applying new skills to everyday living?

  7. Have you been feeling more emotionally stable?

  8. What aspect of your life are you getting under control?

  9. What circumstances have you triumphed over?

  10. Are you feeling more connected to your spiritual body?

  11. Where is your Self helping you gain better self-control?

  12. What might you be learning from a conflict in your home?

  13. How are you feeling protected?

  14. Who or what has been running your life?

  15. What are you hesitating to leave behind you in order to grow?

  16. Have you been dreaming instead of acting?

  17. Is it possible that you are hiding out from your own Self?

  18. What tools or information have you rejected or avoided putting to use?

  19. Are you feeling uncomfortable with being led, rather than leading?

  20. What journey are you completing?

  21. Where would it be of benefit to appreciate your progress?

Therapeutic Tarot 

Parts 1-4

  • Are you excited by working with the Tarot cards, but would like to add a new dimension to your readings?

  • Do you want to go further than just one-off readings and explore the many deeper psychological aspects that the imagery of the cards invite you to do?

  • Are you ready to open to Tarot’s magical world and so make greater contact with your own hidden resources and see new possibilities?

  • Does the goal of communicating with these inner figures and symbols on the cards excite you?

  • And would you like to introduce others into this magical world   and take them on meaningful journeys into their inner landscape?

If you have been saying “YES” to this and this Education resonates with your next phase of self-development, then sign up today with no delay as we are a group of maximum 12 people on this unique Journey.

Are YOU one of those new Tarot Therapists?

The Tarot is a powerful & versatile tool in therapeutic work. It is a map that can guide us during periods of change and personal growth.  Tarot triggers dialogue with the deeper Self, and when applied in therapy, can energize the intuition and creative imagination so that inner states can be more directly experienced.

You will be learning how to read the therapeutic levels within the cards and how to offer your clients a variety of self-help tools that will catalyze the integrative forces within them. Tarot as an integrative process builds up people and puts them back together with a new sense of wholeness.

Your experience of Tarot will be revolutionized through these 4 Workshops.

Different Tarot decks carry different energy or emphasis – and because of this we shall work with several different decks, providing us with different perspectives on the same issues or life themes.

Full details available on request: Mobile: +45-23817618

            12.Correspondance Course 2022-23

Working with Aleister Crowley’s 


33 Lessons – 1-2 Year’s duration

Divided into 3 Parts of 11 Lessons 

Contents of First Part includes: 

Introduction to the unique properties of the THOTH Tarot deck – Who was Aleister Crowley & what was his magical life philosophy?

The Journey of THE FOOL – Working with our Inner Compass: 7 Major Archetypes – The Male & Female Magician, Key 1: THE MAGUS & 


Victory over obstacles: Key 7 THE CHARIOT

Our earthly Mother, Key 3: THE EMPRESS & earthly Father, Key 4: THE EMPEROR – Love in the Tarot, exploring polarities & Key 6: THE LOVERS

The Female powers of the PRIESTESS, THE EMPRESS & Key 8: ADJUSTMENT & the Goddess Maat.

The masculine powers of THE EMPEROR, THE HIEROPHANT & Key 9: THE HERMIT – The Law of Cycles: Key 10 WHEEL OF FORTUNE

Each Lesson contains 30-50 pages & includes Tarot Layouts & Visualization exercises. Start whenever you wish. You go at your own working pace.

Full details available on Request.

The Moon in our charts affects us most strongly just before and after birth when we are most dependent on the mother. The Moon also symbolizes our experience throughout life of being nurtured, protected and supported. 

Perhaps the most crucial human function described by the Moon is mothering – what you got – and what you give. The two are nearly inseparable. 

The Moon describes how well we can take care of others, gratify their needs and show how well we can accept those same needs in ourselves. 

It shows how comfortable we are with dependency – and how we respond when others are dependent on us. 

A MOON IN CANCER has strong dependency – may be extremely dependant on others and show it; A MOON IN ARIES on the other hand, places a high value on their own independence and has a very low tolerance for other people’s dependency – that gets in the way of all those bright, shiny new things they want to achieve. 

A MOON-SATURN or MOON IN CAPRICORN person had a mother (or parents) who were dutiful but cold towards their needs and who pushed them to grow up too fast. 

 MOON-NEPTUNE or MOON IN PISCES person may have had a mother or parent who was outwardly sympathetic to their needs, but who was oddly elusive when the chips were down. 

Perhaps mum was a caretaker for many other people, active in the helping professions or she was swimming in her own self-pity and martyrdom and so was unable to connect closely to our needs as her child. 

Each person needs different things in order to feel secure and the Moon in your chart shows the conditions under which you would feel most emotionally secure.

The Moon – What you Give & What you Got

ARIES Moon……………………….Needs to be Number One

TAURUS Moon……………………Needs structure & security, no change

GEMINI Moon……………………..Needs to be curious and variable

CANCER Moon……………………Needs emotional security

LEO Moon………………………….Needs the centre of the stage

VIRGO Moon………………………Needs to be perfect & motivated by


LIBRA Moon……………………….Needs social reflection, Cinderella


SCORPIO Moon…………………..Needs to be intensely sensitive and


SAGITTARIUS Moon……………..Needs to have his/her opinion


CAPRICORN Moon……………….Needs to enforce, administrate


AQUARIAN Moon…………………Needs to be different & extremely


PISCES Moon………………………Needs to suffer – and enjoy it!

14.What to know more?

Why not join the Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology?

New Online Class starts:

24-25 September 2022

6 Weekend Workshops – September 2022-February 2023

  1. Exploring Your Inner Landscape

Working with Subpersonalities & the Zodiac Wheel of Psychology

  1. Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence & Self-Expression

Exploring Family patterns & psychic DNA inheritance

  1. Dealing with Crises & Transformation

The transits of the transpersonal planets, Uranus-Neptune-Pluto

  1. The Heroic Journey

Walking our Path and the Art of Living

  1. The Astrology of Love, Sexuality & Relationships

Exploring the energy dynamics of intimate relationships,

Upgrading our Male-Female Balance

  1. Healing the Past & Welcoming the Future

Dynamic Chart Synthesis – Making a Friend with Tim

Full details/price etc. available on request

15. Archetypal Astrology

The Heroic Quest:

The Hero/Heroine’s Journey

Our Inner Journey exploring the Myths 

of the 12 Zodiac Signs


Derek R. Seagrief

Online Teaching: 12 Thursday Evenings

One time a week through to 26th. January 2023

Starts: 27 October 2022 6pm-8pm CEDT

I am delighted to announce a new creative presentation that invites personal transformation.

Exploring your personal Myth through Astrology.

The Hero/Heroine is always to be found within ourselves. The adventures of the Hero are those of our own psyche as we journey into the depths & do battle with the subterranean forces – and then come back renewed and victorious. 

Deep within us is where new answers can be found and new ideas born.

The Heroic Journey strikes such a deep chord in the lives and imagination of all peoples because we are the Heroes and Heroines of our own life drama and we recognize their journey as ours. Their adventures are the archetypal models for the process of human growth & change. 

A potential Parsifal or Pinocchio, Psyche or Cinderella gazes back at us every time we look into the mirror.

To work with a myth and to relate to it meaningfully is to rediscover the unknown, the magic in life. You can do this by searching for the deeper meaning a myth has for you. And to help focus the process we work with the 12 Zodiac signs and the landscape of our own horoscope. And if we want to, we can rewrite our storyline.

Full details & prices etc. available upon request



Derek’s Newsletter Late July/August 2022 LEO


Derek’s Newsletter Late May/June 2022 Gemini