Derek´s events and activities
The Jupiter School
6 Weekend Workshops
Start: 2-3 October 2021 ends 19-20 March 2022
- Life is speeding up and we live in revelatory times where learning “to see” with our inner eyes is so important.
- Would you like to learn how to glimpse into the future & increase your intuitional powers?
- To “divine” is to ask questions to the invisible worlds, often about the future – and then to read the patterns that are formed – for this is the language of the gods.
- In the ancient Greek & Egyptian world, Prophecy, normally the gift of the Underworld deities, was gradually replaced by the Sun-gods, like Apollo or Horus, who then became the embodiment of far-reaching vision. “Seeing” therefore stretched all the way from deep below to far above – the entire spectrum of life.
- Divination for the ancient world meant to come into contact with the Will of the Gods and was regarded as a divine science.
- The ancient Egyptians, who specialized in this technology of light, developed special training to unfold this skill, calling it the “Eye of Light”. Some may refer to this as prediction, but in reality this is the power of “whole-seeing”. On this series of 6 Workshops, you will be exposed to the training that develops your EYE OF LIGHT.
Come & join us for a fascinating exploration of Divination, which includes the experience of Prediction & Prophecy, where you will learn how to increase your sensitivity to read signs, symbols & omens in simple, serious, fun & refreshing ways! Come and stimulate your inner eye and intuitive sensitivities for a wonderful series of Weekend Workshops of increased Light!
The Jupiter School
1-Year Training – 6 Weekend Workshops
Startdato: 18-19 September 2021 kl.10-17
Slutdato: 12-13 February 2022
THE JUPITER SCHOOL OF ASTRO-PSYCHOLOGY is both a Training & Education open to all who want to deeply explore their energy portrait using the amazing diagnostic tool of the horoscope.
If you don’t know about Astrology & your horoscope, you will learn because of the Workshops, and naturally, some basic astrological knowledge will enable you to get the most out of the journey.
Do you want to join a group of like-minded Seekers committed to deeply explore their inner life?
And are you willing to share yourself & your processes within a safe environment, to experiment, explore & learn from the group?
Does the goal of increased integration & communication between body, emotions & mind motivate you? And working more consciously to bring our Ego-Personality into relationship to the expanded perception of the Soul?
If the work of “KNOW THYSELF” using Astrology & modern Psychology excites you – then don’t delay, Register Today!
Sunday 11th. April 2021
at 20.00 CEDT
A Series of Webinars on Zoom
The Family of Fire Signs: Aries-Leo-Sagittarius
You will need to Register for this event in good time.
You will then be sent the Zoom Invitation.
Q-&-A session for the last 30 minutes.
The Elements in Astrology indicate on a very basic level what the individual’s natural energy flow is and what that person is seeking in this life. Each of the 4 Elements sees & values a different aspect of reality, and each of them tends to assume that their reality is the only one.
In this first Webinar on the Elements, Derek will address the FIRE SIGNS.
Fire initiates things, so represents the principle of vitality, enthusiasm, spontaneity and action. Fire for psychologist Carl Jung was the Intuitive Type.
Each of the 4-Part Seminars on the Elements will consider the following:
The energizing Vision – Your Passion
Your High Destiny
The style
Your blind spot or distorting Wound & Healing methods
You in Love
Looking at the fire planets Mars, the Sun & Jupiter
Past and future trends
Future dates for the Webinar on EARTH signs (Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn) to be announced for the month of May; Webinar for the AIR Signs (Gemini-Libra-Aquarius) during the month of June and Webinar for the WATER signs (Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces) in the month of July 2021.
A warm welcome to an inspirational Lesson!
Don’t delay, book today!
Monday 22nd. March at 11 am CET
Part 7: Magical Tarot with
Jacob Moth & Derek Seagrief
“The Magic Garden”
Fredensborg, Denmark
Live Streaming
TAROT KEYS: 18-19-20:The Moon, The Sun & Judgment/Aeon. These are “free” events - so if you intend to participate, please contact us with your email in order to receive the Zoom invitation & Code to enter.
All previous presentations have been recorded and are available to membership of The Magic Garden.
Our previous Part 6, a 2-hour presentation, focussed upon Tarot Keys: 15-16-17. The Devil, The Tower & The Star Here is the link:
The last of our Live Streaming series will be presented on Monday the 12th. April Part 8: Tarot Key 21 – The World or Universe.
Friday 16 April at 18.30 CEDT & Saturday 17 April from 09.30-16.00
“THE 22 KEYS TO SELF-MASTERY” with Derek & Jacob
“The Magic Garden” Fredensborg, Denmark
The work involves primarily experiential processes on-site at The Magic Garden and at the locations of specific Tarot cards, followed by further individual & group exploration within the Round Hall.
This promises to be a unique and inspirational process for all participants. You will not be learning about each of the 22 Tarot cards through the normal memory exercise approach, but via a deep personal energy attunement with the specific lessons represented in each of the 22 Keys towards self-mastery. This is the first of it’s kind in Denmark and we are very proud to offer this to our Network.
Come play with the Dynamic Duo at Fredensborg!
For further information about these six 1½-Days Training at The Magic Garden contact our websites. Email: &
Entry & Exit workshop
31st October & 1st November 2020
AstrologiHuset, Copenhagen
The two most significant events we all experience as human beings is our entry and our exit from the stage of life. All the major experiences in our life are engineered by the Soul - so it is always the right time to explore more deeply our connections with universal patterns. The current 2020 powerful transits and conjunctions between Jupiter-Saturn- Pluto are a challenge to redefine our beliefs (Saturn) about the contents of Heaven (Jupiter) and Hell (Pluto), reincarnation and multi-dimensionality. Our modern materialistic societies continue to see Death as the Great Enemy of Life, and this collective self-denial has resulted in seeing both birth & death as pure physical events, devoid of any spiritual significance or Adventure.
Astro Dice Workshop
13th November 2020, 18.30-21.00,
These beautiful ASTRO DICE consists of 3 dice, one for the PLANETS, one for the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS, and one for the 12 HOUSES. Simply stated, the Planets are the “WHAT”; the Signs are the “HOW”; and the Houses are the “WHERE”.
Throw the 3 dice together while holding a particular question in mind. When the dice have fallen, note the symbols on the sides showing uppermost. Look at the Planets dice first. This refers to the basic type of energy available to you at this time. Next look at the Signs dice. This represents how the planetary energy will manifest. Then check the Houses dice for the area of life being affected. The Astro Dice do not give a simple YES or NO answer to your question, so frame your question to invite further information as to the way an idea or situation may develop. So rather than asking, “Should I accept this new job?”, ask instead, “What will be the likely future outcome if I accept this job?” The dice can then give you a more precise insight on which to base your own evaluation.
Hallowquest 12-month Journey
Starting December 2020
A HALLOWQUEST is therefore an inner search for these 4 sacred objects of the Quest. This is a work of self-healing and thereby restoring the sacred treasures of our Earth.
One of the greatest tasks of the Celtic Mysteries was the restoration of these 4 Hallows, so that our everyday world is brought into harmonious alignment with the Otherworlds. It is the failure to recognize this two-way exchange that created THE WASTELAND in the Arthurian legends – an obvious fact today when we look around at our world in 2020. By the recreation of these inner landscapes we have a potent method of exploring our lives and reattuning ourselves to our true desire & deeper purpose. By these means, we simultaneously create pathways by which the living reality of the archetypes of these cards can manifest within our personal world. It is this two-way exchange which is at the heart of the Arthurian tradition. The mythic Arthurian/Celtic world opens 78 doorways through which we can pass, to meditate, experience & seek guidance of the characters and landscapes of the Quest. Each Season has its Guardian and its Inner Court of Tarot companions who guide you, The Seeker, further into the inner landscape. THE LADY OF THE LAKE guards the Spring – The Sword Hallow KING ARTHUR guards the Summer – the Spear Hallow QUEEN QUINEVERE guards the Autumn – the Grail Cup MERLYN is the Guardian of the Winter – the Stone Hallow
Start of a new Men´s Group
Starts: 21st January 2021, 18.30-21.00
We will gather together for the first time when the transit Sun has just entered the group conscious masculine sign of Aquarius, while the Moon is in the feminine sign of Taurus - suggesting our dynamic contact with both the male & female sides of our nature that we wish to communicate. And as we share & support each other, we become deeply aware that what affects one, affects us all. If such group work has your sincere interest, then the next step is to make contact with Derek ASAP to secure your participation due to space limitations.
The group is open to men of all ages who are committed to greater authentic living. We shall meet 2 times each month and the first 4 meetings will be focalized by Derek. All future meetings after March will be chaired by different members of the group. A very warm welcome to YOU!
Liberating Painting
1-Day Therapeutic Workshop
16th January 2021
This intensive workshop is designed for everyone – yes – everyone! All that is required is a willingness to work deep & remain honest with yourself, staying open to share this within an evolving group process. You are NOT learning how to paint – but how to liberate your self-expression through action! Are YOU ready?!
Alternative Confirmation Ceremonies
During the period: 1st May thru 5th June 2021
We are very proud & happy to announce a new feature to the work at THE MAGIC GARDEN. Today, Seekers of all ages, parents, children & grandparents desire Alternative “Coming-of-Age” ceremonies to mark important transition times in their lives. We at The Magic Garden want to meet that need and therefore have combined our talents to offer a unique program for young men & women becoming initiated into 21st Century adulthood.
There will be outdoor garden ceremonies and indoor night-time rituals plus teaching that will emphasize the universality of life, rather than a specific tradition or religious viewpoint.
The Magic Garden – Fredensborg
1-Day Festival
26th September 2020, 13.00 - 23.30
Celebrating 11-years of The Magic Garden with Music, drumming Ceremony, Ritual in garden. Eating together & Lectures in the Round Hall. Costs: 333 kr. Full details from website:
Kl. 20.30-21.15 – Round Hall: Derek Seagrief talks about “The Astrology & Tarot of The Magic Garden”.