- Life is speeding up and we live in revelatory times where learning “to see” with our inner eyes is so important.
- Would you like to learn how to glimpse into the future & increase your intuitional powers?
- To “divine” is to ask questions to the invisible worlds, often about the future – and then to read the patterns that are formed – for this is the language of the gods.
- In the ancient Greek & Egyptian world, Prophecy, normally the gift of the Underworld deities, was gradually replaced by the Sun-gods, like Apollo or Horus, who then became the embodiment of far-reaching vision. “Seeing” therefore stretched all the way from deep below to far above – the entire spectrum of life.
- Divination for the ancient world meant to come into contact with the Will of the Gods and was regarded as a divine science.
- The ancient Egyptians, who specialized in this technology of light, developed special training to unfold this skill, calling it the “Eye of Light”. Some may refer to this as prediction, but in reality this is the power of “whole-seeing”. On this series of 6 Workshops, you will be exposed to the training that develops your EYE OF LIGHT.
Come & join us for a fascinating exploration of Divination, which includes the experience of Prediction & Prophecy, where you will learn how to increase your sensitivity to read signs, symbols & omens in simple, serious, fun & refreshing ways! Come and stimulate your inner eye and intuitive sensitivities for a wonderful series of Weekend Workshops of increased Light!