“Entry & Exit”
Working with your Birth & Death Horoscope: 31st October 1st November 2020
In recent years there is a slow recovery of the wisdom of our ancestors concerning Life & Death – for they developed maps of the Soul’s Journey. Astrology is one such road map. All Astrology deals in Fate – and Astrologers are specialists in Fate. We are computered-in at birth with a set of instructions and computered-out at death with our final School report. The Death horoscope is of unique value in understanding the Soul-Personality evolution. It is from this Death chart that the seeds of the next lifetime will be established, and thus the new birth horoscope. Death is the real Trickster because what seems like the end is really the beginning.
What actually dies? From the soul’s perspective – Birth is Death and Death is Birth. Death on the physical plane means entry into the planetary & Star dimensions. Our education continues with a change of address. Other civilizations worked with this understanding, so why don’t we? We hope that you will join the group for this wonderful magical Journey!
Among other things together we will explore
Past Lives, Future Lives, DNA & your Horoscope!
What is a Saturnian, Uranian or Pluto way of dying?
Why are the planets Venus and Jupiter so often prominent at the time of exit from the physical dimension?
Why are certain combination of planets present at the time of death – and what does such a planetary signature tell us about our karmic evolution?
Would you like to explore the death process using the rich language of astrology, and learn about your own death in very living ways?
And more relevant is our challenge to become more conscious 3 of the “Set of Instructions” that we were given in the Spirit world, prior to incarnation. Are we working towards those goals or looking in another direction? -
What are the Bardo States, those dimensions of consciousness in-between our lives? And how will you successfully navigate the Planetary Bardo States? How will you prepare yourself?
How to recognize the “dominant desire” that determines our Bardo states and planetary Journey?
The famous Eleusian Mysteries in the Temple of Ceres brought the individual face-to- face with Death: The Great Adventure. An astrological exploration of Ceres in the lives & death of famous people – and in your own horoscope. and so much more.
Practical info
Date: Weekend 31st Oktober- 1 st November 2020
Time: 10-17.30
Venue: AstrologiHuset, Teglværksgade 37, 4 th . 2100 København Ø
Price: 1600 Dkr. Deposit of 500 Dkr. to secure place. Balance 1300 Dkr. payable Saturday morning, or Alternatively, you can pay the full amount when you Register Bank info upon request. Price includes: extensive study papers refreshments Note: when you Register please provide your full birth info.