“Liberating Painting”
1-Day Therapeutic Workshop, 16th January 2021
Transformative healing flow
Be prepared for powerful self-revelations as the paintings are used as a “Magic Mirror” of our inner & outer states. You will be surprised and deeply moved by what you experience – guaranteed!
Yet it is also a great lot of fun our intensive 1-Day therapeutic journey, as we enjoy this truly empowering workshop!
Paint with your hands using strong water-based colours on life-size paper - then dialogue with your creation! - Express blocked emotions in a safe environment & develop new insights and resources. Experience transformative healing flow!
Here are a few comments from previous Workshop participants: “
Wow – I’m looking out at the gorgeous night sky & reflecting over the day, everyone’s art, experiences – and what I went through – WOW! I feel like I was a sponge, absorbing all the magnificent information, watching how Derek dealt with everyone’s personal journey and blockages – it was incredible! I’ll work on my painting for next time! I feel light, I feel free from anger, I feel liberated! Wow – thank you for introducing me to Derek and his healing methods…..” - Sari, Finland
“All the circles were closed – except come. Derek asked M how old she was and then if she had any children – yes, a son only 18 months old. Then he asked which part of her picture was her favourite. Dropping to her knees, she nodded towards the bottom right hand corner, now only inches from her face. There was an open circle I hadn’t seen before, in contrast to the darker shapes in the rest of the picture, this one was filled with the light blue & pink colours of a summer dawn. Leaving the circle open, she had apparently provided Derek with a vital clue to her biography. Indeed, the open circle symbolized M’s little boy – he saved my life, she said, quietly, as tears begun streaming down her cheeks. Before then my life was routinized, dead, going round in circles, repetitive, dull – dead. She had given herself the answer by leaving a door open in the picture through which she could escape out into life, vibrant, unpredictable, vulnerable, precious. We all sat silent, moved by the magic of the moment of unfolding meaning, an inner sanctum shared. There would be many more like this during our weekend……”
Practical Info
Saturday 16 January 2021 at Københavens Film & Teaterskole
Start precisely at 9am. Finish circa 17.30.
Price: 1600 Dkr. Includes paper/paints, lunch and light refreshments.
Deposit of 400 Dkr. to secure place. Balance of 1200 Dkr. to be paid before workshop start. Alternatively, you can pay the full amount when you register.
Space/Place limited to 10 participants. Please arrange your journey to ensure you are on time before 9am.