Mens´ Group

Starts: 21 st January 2021, 18.30-21.00

Mens´ Group

Do you want to know more about your unique masculine archetype? - Do you want to activate this new masculinity in 2021? Can you envision using these powerful energies available throughout this year 2021 to engage your masculinity in a safe circle of men?

This is an on-going support group for each other - Are you open to receive inspiration to activate the fullness of your masculine self? This is the perfect time to journey into more clarity about what it means to be a man at this decisive - time in our planet’s history. Will you join us…..?

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Practical Information

Starts: Thursday 21 st . January 2021 kl.18.30-21.00

To Register your participation – Contact Derek Seagrief in the formular below.

Admission Free (Donations welcome) Group meetings Thursday 2 times a month

Future Dates: Thursday 4 th . February; 18 th . Feb. & 4 th. March

Would you like to know more? Please fill in the form and we will send you the entire programme.