Alternative Confirmation Ceremonies
The Magic Garden in Fredensborg during the period: 1st of May thru 5th of June 2021
A Magical Transition
If you, your family, and your 15-year old children are excited by this ALTERNATIVE CONFIRMATION process at THE MAGIC GARDEN then inform us before the end of 2020. We shall arrange an information gathering at the end of January 2021 in the Round Hall, to explain the process and provide the opportunity for people to meet with each other. Language will be a mixture of Danish & English.
Prices and all future Dates for our arrangements Spring 2021 will be presented at the meeting. We are joyfully excited to offer this new pioneering service to our communities and welcome you to these empowering arrangements. Is this for you? Then if so, contact us asap due to space limitations!
Contact Derek
Please feel free to leave me a message