Derek’s ARIES Newsletter Late March/April 2022

Hello & a warm welcome to all Readers around the world to my monthly Newsletter!

And for those who wish to hear me reading the text, here is the audio link: Here

This is ARIES, the first sign of the Zodiac, leading the way forth into unknown territory, eager to experience life and enthusiastic to explore and pioneer.

We enter a time of new beginnings – let it be so!

The symbol of the sign ARIES is the head of a ram. The ram indicates power, force and a straight dash. The sign Aries is identified with the head of man, with the eyebrows & nose representing the glyph of Aries. Man is a vertical being on this planet with our head as the highest point. Our Crown chakra is known as the Thousand petalled lotus, giving us access to a thousand realities. What do we choose to focus our consciousness upon?

In India the God of the Cycles of Time has his head cut off in sacrifice at this time of the year. It then gets replaced by the head of a ram. The Spring Equinox therefore, marks both the ending and the beginning.

As the first Fire sign of the Zodiac, ARIES demonstrates enthusiasm, it wants expansion, activity and the path of Initiation. It stirs up all of nature, destroying the old forms and opens the way for new & better states. 

For this reason Aries is considered to be militant, and its planetary Ruler Mars, is the God of Wars, (W-ars or M-ars) destruction and disorder. 

As always there is an outer and an inner significance of any astrological archetype and that is the purpose of these Newsletters to train and enable us to use the inner EYE OF LIGHT to see beyond the obvious.

The Sun enters ARIES, the first sign of the Zodiac on Sunday 20th. March just two days after the culminating FULL MOON on Friday 18th. March.

There are many energies culminating during these days and immediately after the Spring Equinox, equal Day & Night on the planet. We are seeing things more clearly because of sharp contrast and are taking the necessary action.

Transit Mars (military forces) is located around 11-degrees Aquarius at the time of the Spring Equinox and moves into dynamic square with Uranus (the Unexpected) the 22-23rd March and the conjunction to Saturn (karma & responsibility) in the early days of April. It is clear that events will now take an unexpected turn and our eyes are directed towards Russia. As you know from previous Newsletters, the approaching “high-point” of the 14 year cycle of Neptune in Pisces is the conjunction with transit Jupiter in mid-April. This is a celebration of spirit, a massive wave of compassion and faith beyond reason, a welcome back to hope born from a long silent winter.

The bloody war campaign in Ukraine occupies the attention of the world and so this Newsletter is dedicated to a deeper understanding of the energy dynamics at work on the world scene.

Mars: God of War

The planet MARS rules Scorpio by Night and Aries by Day. Mars as ruler in Aries is the work we do in the outer world, and Mars as ruler in Scorpio is the work we do in the deepest part of our psyche, the underworld.

Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, rules the birth of a separate self, emerging from the cosmic ocean of the previous water sign of Pisces. In Scorpio, the 8th. sign, we have not birth but death – followed by rebirth. 

Just this association with the BIRTH-DEATH-REBIRTH cycle helps you recognise the great significance of Mars in our evolutionary progress. 

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and that implies everything that is to be unfolded is already present in the beginning – so Aries contains all the principles of the 12 Signs.

Mars is the God of War and the purpose of Mars as planetary ruler of Scorpio is War on the ego, the lower parts of our being, the end of our separative & competitive aggressive nature. The purpose of Mars here is to destroy old forms so that the more highly evolved aspects of one’s nature can take their place.

Mars acts out the desires of the Sun-sign archetype so that the power of the personality is expressed through this planet. 

Quickness, sharpness and firmness are his good traits. Brutality, violence and carelessness are his bad traits. Spiritual training makes a man eliminate these bad traits. In all levels Mars gives expansion and power of expression to the personality.

It is in the waters of Scorpio that Mars can express its highest or potentially most negative expression. The fire of Mars combined with the regenerative waters of the Scorpio Mars stimulates this liquid until it is bubbling with desire. 

“The Gateways of Heaven are wide open if you die in War” says Lord Krishna. We all know how this concept has become distorted & misinterpreted by various militant fundamentalists groups. Yet Lord Krishna also adds, “You have to elevate yourself by your own self”, and that is the secret of both Scorpio and Aries.

Mars is the most positive planet after the Sun and Uranus in the whole solar system. He presides over the battle of life. Mars is a measurement of your courage. We need a strong Mars in our horoscope to have the courage, the physical energy and stamina to meet with life’s difficulties and pressures.

Some astrologers and many everyday persons are inclined to believe that this planet has nothing to bestow on the spiritual path. That is absolutely not correct as the positive dynamism of Mars is the first requirement of the spiritual path. Great courage and the power to take hold of a situation and the self-assertion to subdue the lower side of man are bestowed by this planet. It is a process of purifying the lower nature by exhausting the animal instincts, so that Mars gives the strength and courage to master one’s own vitality, to conquer the beast within and like the great champion of old, Hercules, go through all tests & trials successfully.

It has been said that pain & sorrow are known only on 3 planets: Saturn, Mars & our Earth. And our Earth is uniquely the “Planet of releasing Sorrow and of Purifying Pain.”

As I write this Newsletter, transit Mars is travelling through the sign Aquarius.

It entered this sign 6th March and leaves to enter the next sign of Pisces 15th April, where it remains until passing out of the last sign of the zodiac and entering its home in Aries on the 25th. May 2022. Here it will remain until 5th July when it enters Taurus.

Mars is The Warrior archetype so it will energize and stimulate the zodiac sign it is travelling through so its current placement in Aquarius points to the courage and fighting spirit of asserting independence & freedom. There is a rebellious about this placement, for wherever Mars is placed in the horoscope shows where we need to demonstrate courage & strength. Mars in Aquarius shows that we will fight for our friends and the group we identify with.

President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

When transit Mars entered Aquarius it simultaneously formed the opposition to President Zelenskyy of Ukraine’s natal Mars at 0-degrees Leo. In the past week transit Mars has been in conjunction to his natal Sun in Aquarius. He is a fighter for democratic rights. Here is his horoscope:

With his Sun-Venus conjunction in Aquarius 9th. House, President Zelenskyy is a popular man in Ukraine and internationally – yet number 1 on the death list of Putin’s government. Today as I write this, he has been talking online to the USA Congress and President Biden has confirmed a $800 million dollar package of support to Ukraine plus massive military support through air-to-air missile systems to the troops on the ground. 

The 9th. House on the birth chart deals with internationalism yet also air travel and in President Zelensky’s example, there has been a constant request for air support to neutralize the relentless Russian air strikes on both military and civilian targets. The Americans and their NATO allies remain firm on this topic and their refusal is to prevent a military escalation of the conflict that would bring about World War 3.

With a Gemini ASCendant and Jupiter nearby, this President has clearly earnt the respect of the world for his handling of this crises and eloquent voice. Prior to his political career, he obtained a degree in law (Jupiter) and created a Production Company which produces films, cartoons and TV comedy shows, which demonstrates the potency of this Jupiter-conjunct- Gemini-ASCendant aspect on his birth chart. Ironically, he sold most of his productions to his neighbour Russia. Gemini shows his versatility and Jupiter both his ”thinking big” and his humour & joviality. Mars and the Moon are placed in the royal sign of  Leo, 3rd. House of Communications, so he continues to handle this crises with dignity & courage.

Synastry: President Zelenskyy & Putin

If we place Vladimir Putin’s planetary positions around President Zelenskyy’s horoscope you will quickly see that the Russian President’s natal Mars at 26½-degrees Sagittarius forms the dynamic opposition to Zelenskyy’s Gemini ASCendant and natal Jupiter. Mars on the 7th. House cusp shows not just partnerships but “open enemies” and this placement clearly shows their fight (Mars) for their beliefs (Jupiter).

Then there is Putin’s Leo Midheaven & natal Pluto making contact with Zelenskyy’s Moon & Saturn placements, plus Putin’s Libra Sun & Saturn making the conjunction with Zelenskyy’s natal Pluto. These planetary interchanges show the inevitable Fate & Destiny around the theme “power” that locks these two leaders together in a brutal struggle for survival. It is all-or-nothing mind-set with no middle ground.

Transit Saturn, Lord of Fate, has been in opposition to President Zelenskyy’s Leo Moon at the end of February when the invasion began – Saturn representing international power of a more conservative & hierarchial force restricting the people, represented by the Moon. Transit Saturn reaches the highest point, his Aquarian Midheaven at 20½-degrees here during mid-March, so 3 weeks into this brutal invasion, this current phase is the most critical. 

Transit Saturn will remain on President Zelenskyy’s Midheaven for the rest of this year, turning retrograde and making the second conjunction in early September and a final crossing in December. Saturn shows where we have to face reality and our attitudes of responsibility. The war may soon end but the process of reconstruction will occupy the remainder of 2022.

President Zelenskyy is born with the Moon in Leo and the Sun in Aquarius.

What I now wish to elaborate upon is the significance of this energy axis for the Russian Federation, from both a Personality level and a Soul level. Stay with me now as I introduce a more esoteric presentation of the National identity.

The Nation

A hologram is an image in which the whole is written into each of the parts, just as the genetic information for the entire body is encoded in each cell. If the world is viewed as a hologram, then each part of the planetary life can be seen to reflect in some way the whole. 

So the nations of the world may be seen as anatomical areas of the planetary body, focalising and emphasising certain astrological, psychological and ray influences within the planetary psyche; performing certain functions within the whole in terms of anchoring energies of a destructive or reconstructive nature, reflecting conflicts, and group issues of a specific nature.

The 7 Rays

The Ageless Wisdom teachings tell us that the RAYS are SEVEN great streams of energy and that every form in nature is to be found upon one Ray or another. It is the interplay of these 7 Rays that produce the myriad of forms we see in the world. In the Christian Bible they are the 7 Spirits before the Throne of God.

During the period 1919-1949 a highly evolved Soul, known as the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul or DK, entered into a 30 year period of cooperation with Alice A. Bailey to produce several thousand pages on the subject of the esoteric constitution of man, the 7 Ray energies and spiritual psychology. In today’s Newsletter, I will not even begin to attempt an explanation of this vast perspective, but simply to direct your attention to the fact of two rays, one for the Personality and one for the Soul. 

The 7 Rays are 7 Builders that offer each of us many lifetimes of study and work. Indeed, it was the Tibetan himself that stated that these writings on the Rays would begin to emerge as part of the general knowledge of humanity at the start of our 21st. Century. 

To know the Rays is to truly know ourselves. Each Ray embodies an idea which can be sensed as an ideal. The Rays in time  produce the world pattern which moulds all planetary forms and therefore can be seen to represent the evolutionary processes.

And with today’s world crises, the on-going invasion by Russia of the sovereign state of Ukraine, with all of the corresponding brutality of this war, I believe we all need to see beyond the physical aspect of the war and look at the deeper energies involved – to use our esoteric eye. So in this month’s Newsletter I am dedicating several pages to an exploration of Russia and its relationship with the 7 Rays.

The Personality & Soul Rays

All of the great Nations are controlled by two Rays, just as is the human being. All Nations are controlled by a Personality Ray, which is dominant and the main controlling factor at this time and by a Soul Ray which is sensed only by those in whom the relationship between the Personality & Soul has reached some degree of integration. These individuals are the aspirants and disciples of any nation and this Soul Ray must be evoked into increasing functioning activity by this group - for this is one of their main objectives and tasks.

To know the Ray of the Soul is to know our spiritual nature. To know the Personality Ray is to know our limitations. It is the relationship between the Personality & Soul Ray that basically engineers all our various evolutionary crises. The right use of this knowledge leads eventually towards integration and unity. The Personality Ray integrates the physical, emotional or astral body, and the mental vehicles, the lower analytical mind and the abstract more intuitional higher mind. And then as evolution progresses and we are responsive to the Soul vibration, slowly but inevitably, the Soul Ray comes into increased prominence until such a stage where we become a soul-infused personality, as the presence of the Soul then dominates the Personality expression.

According to the 24 Blue books of Alice Bailey, writing under inspiration from the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, Russia is governed by the zodiacal sign of Leo for its Personality expression and Aquarius for the Soul quality.

This interplay between the polar opposites of Leo-Aquarius brings about a deepening of the qualities associated with each sign eg. The King & the people, head & heart, individuality/universality, selfishness/sacrifice and selfish service/group service.  

In the initial stages this energy interplay can foster personal competitiveness, self-interest and dominance for personality objectives. The dominance of the group by a powerful minority has certainly been evident in Russian social and political life throughout history. But ultimately this interplay leads to a dynamic and progressive balance between individual and group/universal, whole and part, motivated by the good of the whole.

Now let us introduce the Ray formula for the Russian nation.

RUSSIA is particularly interesting at this time from the angle of humanity because she comes under the influence of both the outgoing 6th. Ray energy of Pisces and the incoming energy of the 7th. Ray of Aquarius. 

This shows the crucial transitional stage that has been reached by Russia. The outgoing Piscean vibration that has dominated the last 2000 years and the incoming Aquarian vibration that will steadily increase its potency upon the world scene the next 2000 years.

The Soul and Personality Rays show the struggle of both the individual and the Nation. The Soul gives the national entity its spiritual purpose and quality, its keynote and its source of joy and meaning.

The Personality of the Russian national life is ruled by the energy of the 6th. Ray of Idealism & Devotion, and the astrological energy of Leo. 

The personality, whether it be of a human being, a group, a company or a nation, gives the sense of identity, integrity and coordinates the body, emotions and mind, and so acts as the vehicle of expression for the soul on the physical plane. It can also be the major way of obstructing the inspiration of the spiritual self, and of limiting soul unfoldment through maintaining the focus on personal ideas, personal values, needs & desires disconnected and divorced from those of the larger group, or the soul.

The 7th. Ray soul seeks to ground the astral 6th. Ray personality through moderation and balance, divine materialism and practical mysticism, devotion to carrying through the Divine Order, rather than a program based on a crystallised ideal. It is inevitable that there will be much alternation between flexibility and rigidity in government planning before the right balance is struck.

The 6th. Ray has been dominant on our planet for the last 2000 years and during this period we have seen the emergence of all the major religions of the world. The 6th. Ray is clearly identified with religion, or rather, the search for our relationship to a larger reality. The Russian Orthodox Church has for a long time been the guardian of Russian culture and ceremonial life. The attraction to the Church, to religion, seems to reflect a deep psychological need in the Russian character, to have some inclusive truths, belief or system of thought to explain and make sense of life. Before the 1917 Revolution, every home had an altar to promote worship to the Creator. Both Communism and Religion have provided this foundation to the Russian peoples. Their sense of religion and devotion is so strong that political leaders such as Lenin, as well as Putin, have been venerated, just as a religious leader might be.

In 1988 the 1000th Anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Church was celebrated and greatly enhanced the acceptability and privileges of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Jewish Community opened its first school for Rabbis in 60 years in 1989. A similar renewal has been taking place among the 55 million Muslim population. According to a Time magazine report from April 1989, more than 30 years ago, much of this new-found religious freedom can be related to “awareness inside the Kremlin that economic and cultural stagnation stems largely from the Communists’ dogged policy of repressing religion and other forms of independent thought.”

The work of the spiritual aspect of the 6th. Ray is evident here, with its emphasis on tolerance of different views and appreciation of religion. Ray 6 conveyed to humanity the ability to recognise the historical Christ and to organize the Christian tradition – normally with its tendency to militancy and idealistic fervour and often emotional & devotional interpretation of the great principle of Love which Christ represented. 

Ray 7 will reveal the Christ as the Universal Consciousness, an archetype, a principle, presence, person and the fusion of science and religion in the Light of Revelation.

Where the 6th. Ray tends to separation, division, nationalism, the Ray 7 energises fusion, synthesis, internationalism. Ray 6 fosters the sense of duality while Ray 7 places the focus upon bridge-building, integration and unity. Ray 6 is the spirit of individualism, whereas Ray 7 is the group spirit.

There are various social, cultural and racial conflicts within the dozens of autonomous republics of the Russian Soviet Federation, and given the great variety of peoples, races and lifestyles, without a very firm structure and tight control at the centre, there is the potential for fragmentation into separate competing units since many suppressed tensions and quarrels exist beneath the surface. This is, of course, the nature of the current crises with Ukraine and various separatist neighbourhood groups.

The 6th. Ray qualities of devotion, single-mindedness, love, tenderness, intuition, reverence & loyalty (a big, BIG issue for all 6th. Ray types) is clearly evident. But so too are the 6th. Ray shadow qualities, of dependence on others, blind faith and sectarianism, rigidification of self around an ideal, belief or person. In a nation where suspicion has been widespread due to the presence and activity of KGB informers, it is little wonder that qualities such as trust and loyalty are highly valued by Russians. Yet it is this theme of loyalty that often gets exaggerated through this 6th Ray and disloyalty is not tolerated.

6th. Ray qualities will also be registered in the tendency of the Russian to emotional extremes. They seem to deliberately court excess – when hospitality is offered it is overwhelming, with no thought for expense. When Russians are happy, they display an exuberance and uninhibited enjoyment of life that sometimes verges on the manic. And when they are sad, they weep unashamedly and seem cast in the depth of despair. While Russians are often seen as cold and impersonal in public, they can be warm and generous in private. 

Synthesis, unification and integration are keywords indicating purposive energy process and consequences for the planetary life in the New Age and the 7th. Ray is “programmed” to transmits these energies and ideas to human consciousness.

Russian planners have long thought in larger terms than small individual units. Their society is based on large economic units and groupings, and planning for the whole. To quote Binyon, writing in 1983: “The idea of breaking things up into smaller units for greater efficiency not only runs counter to all Soviet doctrine, but is alien to the most basic Russian feelings about themselves, their country and society.”

Under the influence of the 7th. Ray, the Russian people evidence their need for and the importance of living in accordance with law & order. In Russia this has been taken to an extreme. The society has become over-regulated, a tight and restrictive order has been imposed from above by the Party Hierarchy.

Some writers have attempted to relate this to a need for emotional and physical security in response to old memories and to fears generated by repeated invasions by Europeans and Asian powers. While these factors may contribute to this need, they seem inadequate as a total explanation.

Recognising the 7th. Ray influences encourages us to look deeper than superficial emotional and behavioural responses to external and environmental events.

Writers have talked about the “low threshold of uncertainty, the fear of what cannot be controlled” present in the Russian psyche. 

Even the word for order, “poryadok”, has a special mystique. Language dictionaries render it as “proper order, procedure, sequence”. To Westerners, putting things in order, tidiness, neatness, organisation is an understanding interpretation. To Russians it can simply mean that things are OK but their word, “poryadok” carries the firm undertone of law & order – things going the way the authoritarian, the bosses prescribe, and that can just as easily mean the political bosses, the factory director, school teacher, even the parents. It is a strict word that conveys a sense of someone standing over you or somewhere unseen but nonetheless keeping an eye on you to make sure things go as they should.

The Russian language does not have a word for privacy. In the natural order of things, the individual simply takes second place to the Collective. 

While Western life has emphasised individuality and personal freedom, the Russian is closely tied to his Collective and to his nation. This group and collective focus influences patterns of leisure – group vacation, organised excursions, clubs and groups for a multitude of activities from chess to philately, music to sport. The group life also involves enforced participation in voluntary social work, such as giving talks on Lenin and unpaid non-official political duties.

Now this orientation of the individual to sacrifice self on the altar of the life of the larger group and nation is a wonderful ideal – the Collective is seen as a potent force for good, as capable of evoking the very best qualities of the individual – however, its distortion has resulted in group conformism to the point of stifling individual creativity and difference. The 7th. Ray emphasis is on group living and coordination – its shadowy distortion is conformism. This enforced group conformity may also be connected with the misuse of Aquarian soul energy.

A 7th Ray archetype is “the conformist” and its shadow side has the quality of over-emphasis on rules & regulations, formalities, clinging to the security of established forms and programs, attachment to structure rather than the spirit that informs it. 

But then the sign Leo, governing the Personaity Ray is known for its individualism and creative self-expression. So how does this work out? 

Russia has a rich culture represented by such great persons as Tolstoy, (“War & Peace”) Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Stravinsky, Nijinsky, Pavlova, Diaghilev, Nicholas Roerich etc. etc.

Soviet citizens are the world’s leading cultural consumers – more books are published, more film tickets are sold, more theatres and opera houses and dance companies maintained in the Soviet Union than in any other nation. This is quite remarkable achievement in an environment that is hostile to individual creativity. Here we can begin to sense the integration between the Leo-Aquarius axis.

The 7th. Ray energy is associated with spiritual culture, the fostering of the creative arts in many forms as they house the inner subjective aspirations and beauty of the Russian psyche. With the Russian emphasis on athletics, gymnastics, ballet, the 7th. Ray is also demonstrating itself in physical culture through the development of grace, rhythm, physical discipline and coordinated activity.

The 7th. Ray sense of order should come from an internal acknowledgement  of right ways of relating and the principles of right government rather than an externally imposed authority wielding power to “keep people in line”. 

The 7th. Ray Soul can impose the order and rhythm of the Higher Self on the Personality, helping it to eliminate its tendency to ideological fanaticism, emotional imbalance, narrow-mindedness, intolerance and militarism – and to develop confidence, goodwill and reason along with a spiritual devotion to human welfare. The constant change and movement, the heights & depths of the spiritual life experienced by the native of the sign of Aquarius are also ultimately conducive to greater inner stability and flexibility in the face of the sometimes chaotic appearance of world and social events. Aquarian energy will facilitate the move from the blind obedience to authority of the past to active cooperation with the purpose of the bigger world Plan now emerging. Leo energy focussed through the personality will promote self-mastery and government, right assertion and creative self-expression. 

Russia’s 7/6 Ray combination fosters a continuing devotion to a spiritual culture, political cause, vision & reformation, to the spiritualisation of all facets of life, an enthusiastic dedication to the grounding of the emerging pattern of the national life and psyche. The 7th. Ray and the Aquarian influence can combine to create a very powerful spiritual and humanitarian influence on the life and consciousness of the nation, fostering a broader understanding of the nature of the spiritual dimension, emphasising its connectedness with the whole of life in all its diversity.

The spiritual motto of Russia, as given out through the teachings of the Tibetan Master DK is: “I LINK TWO WAYS”.

Russia’s spiritual purpose is connected with the linking of East & West, or Religion & Science, of spiritual aspiration and understanding with an ability to relate will, love and intelligence to the immediate need, and the capacity to materialise the vision coupled with the sanctity, balance and purity required to glimpse the inner vision and Plan.

Writing in 1949 Alice Bailey notes that: “Russia is as yet embryonic and her part lies more in the East than in the West, provided she follows the indicated lines….Her real function in the comity of nations lies far ahead when the Aquarian Age is flourishing and the Leo control of the Russian personality has been offset.” 

That is quite an extraordinary statement by the Tibetan Master DK. In these teachings for the New Age the Tibetan Master also goes on to say that Russia represents the 3rd. Aspect of a great Triangle of Energy – what in esotericism is known as the CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE, the right use of the mind. The underlying purpose of this relates to education. Eventually this orientation might lead to the development of an educational philosophy based on the recognition of the existence of the soul and its potential. 

Russia’s 6/7 Ray combination confers the capacity to use the abstract mind and intuition to work powerfully with ideas, with single-minded enthusiasm and devotion.  The 7th. Ray  energy gives the capacity to sense the pattern of the whole and how the parts within the whole might best be related in order to actualise the potential of each and all could be well utilised in the educational process. 

Here is another statement from the Tibetan Master DK:

“There are 3 great fusing energies or vital centres present on our planet:

  1. RUSSIA – fusing & blending Eastern Europe & Western and Northern Asia.

  2. The USA (and later South America) – fusing & blending central and western Europe and the entire Western hemisphere.

  3. The BRITISH EMPIRE – fusing & blending races throughout the entire world.”

These 3 nations will sound the keynote of human living because they are in a position to fuse & blend the many types, because they are far-visioned in their world purpose, because they are not basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples reaches down into the depths of each nation and is fundamentally for the people.

These 3 nations constitute the 3 points of a most potent world triangle of energy, and once there is a free circulation and a true understanding established between them, then world peace will be assured. 

This understanding and harmony will come as the result of each of the three Nations arriving at a real measure of internal harmony as a result of their own particular conflict, and then moving forward in an effort to harmonise with each other and the rest of the world….

A careful analysis of the idealism of Russia and the idealism of the USA will reveal that they are linked via the 6th. Ray of Idealism & Devotion – Russia has a 6th. Ray Personality but then, so does the USA!

Americans enjoy openness and directness but so too are the Russians who call such openness “shirokaya dusha” and pride themselves on talking openly dusha-dushe, heart to heart, or literally, soul to soul. Americans feel that Russians are more like them in temperament, more so than the complicated French or the restrained British or Germans. The recognition of similarity by Americans may also be a sensing of this 6th. Ray Personally energy shared by both nations.

This identical energy pattern will help us to understand much better the nature of the USA-Russian competitive relationship and areas of conflict.

The Soul Ray for the USA is the 2nd. Ray of Love-Wisdom and its esoteric motto: “I LIGHT THE WAY”.

Great Britain has the 2nd. Ray of Love-Wisdom also as it’s Soul Ray and its Personality Ray is the 1st. Ray of Will & Power. It’s esoteric National motto is: “I SERVE”.

The fact that both USA & Great Britain share the same 2nd. Ray Soul vibration is a clear testimony of the essential bond and friendship between these two nations.

This information which appears in the book, “The Destiny of the Nations” by Alice Bailey, published 1949 opens a wonderful area for exploration for those who wish to see beyond the obvious and delve deeply into underlying causes, researching historical trends and future possibilities.

The Tibetan Master DK tells us that the sign Taurus is the astrological ruler of Moscow. 

We can make the correspondences with this Earth sign to the extremely materialistic goals of the Kremlin, especially with regard to the Taurian theme of “my possessions”, its stubbornness or the settling of differences through physical plane battle. It was 8 years ago that Russia annexed the Crimea & on the Full Moon day Friday 18th March, celebrated in Moscow this fact with a huge rally. Totally surrealistic while bombing & killing civilians in Ukraine!

But - What is happening when the planet governing the Soul Ray of the Nation, the zodiacal sign Aquarius, URANUS, is currently moving through Taurus? 

The conflict is shifted to a higher level for psychological resolution, for all crises can be transformed into opportunities for spiritual illumination and growth of understanding through the activity of the lighted mind and a changed perspective. 

Uranus is The Awakener and the planet of Revolution, enabling us to break old patterns and introduce a new higher pattern or frequency. Taurus represents will-power as well as attachment to power represented through possessions or material security. The impact of ever-increasing world sanctions upon the Russian government and lifestyle will obviously have a very significant pressure point upon Putin’s regime.

Money or credit/lack of credit in the bank will profoundly change the value system, thus leading to a breaking-down in order to make a break-through.

Taurus is a Fixed sign, resistant to change but Uranus represents the inevitable power of the universal energy current demanding change. For one type of Russian, change is associated with loss, and for the other, radical change will be welcomed. 

That is the esoteric significance of transit Uranus traveling through Taurus and affecting radical change in the heart of the nation – Moscow and the Kremlin.

The Tibetan Master DK writing through Alice Bailey more than 70 years ago, had this to say:

“The major sin of Russia, and that which has prostituted and warped the initial divine impulse underlying the ideology of that country, is the determination she demonstrates at this time to be separative and to shut the Russian people away from world contact, using the implements of deception and the withholding of information. It is not the totalitarian nature of the Russian government which is the prime disaster – it is the refusal to develop the universal consciousness.

Many governments today are totalitarian in nature, either openly or subtly, but, at the same time, their peoples have free access to press and radio and are not kept in ignorance of world events. Russia is drifting into a pronounced expression of the great heresy of separateness. There lies her problem….”

When you read those words and relate them to the current situation on state-controlled Russian media, informing the people that they are conducting a military operation in Ukraine and it is not a war…..then you clearly see the on-going problem. Today, as I write this, we have learnt of a Russian TV female producer who ran onto the live broadcast holding a hand-written poster saying IT IS WAR in front of millions of viewers. What a courageous act that woman demonstrated as she was pulled away from the camera, arrested and questioned for 7 hours and although released she is now awaiting an unknown fate.

The 7th. Ray with its sensitivity to the unseen worlds evokes a strong interest in the spiritual realms. In its lower manifestation this is expressed through an attraction to psychic powers, the supernatural and extra-terrestrial visitation. Russia has long had a reputation for its parapsychological research and popular interest in the paranormal. In these areas Russia has often been way ahead of America in it’s state funded schools for the training & development of such powers. Magic & Ritual is a major quality of the incoming Aquarian 7th. Ray energy, so we should not be blind to its increasing influence in our societies – but what is your understanding of magic? Harry Potter style or?

In its highest aspects the 7th. Ray  is connected with the archetype of the occultist and spirituality in its broadest most inclusive manifestation, rather than simply a narrow emphasis on the lower psychic powers and supernatural phenomena. 

The 7th Ray energy gives rise to the archetype of the magician, using incantations to influence consciousness. This is magical work which gets distorted through the “fake news” of the State controlled media, the use of the word. 

Another 7th. Ray archetype is the pageant Master, where the focus is upon pomp and ceremony in processions, festivals, ritual performances and celebrations. The annual “show-off” military shows by the Kremlin are just one obvious example of this as well as the pronounced routinisation and standardisation of many aspects of Russian social life

Now let’s consider another manifestation.

The nation’s sense of the spiritual dimension is also captured in the symbol of the Russo-Byzantine double-headed eagle.  

Moscow was historically viewed as the “Third Rome” and the Tsarist autocracy utilised the symbol of the double-headed eagle which was also associated with the Byzantine Empire and the Greek Orthodox Church in Constantinople.  This double-headed eagle certainly carries 7th. Ray themes of blending the opposites, resolving conflict, uniting intellect and intuition, head & heart,  masculine & feminine energies, making the inner and outer one. These are the themes of the Universal Soul in its evoltionary journey.

For others it is not an eagle which spreads its wings and embraces smaller nations but the Phoenix bird, a symbol of transmutation and regeneration of the creative energy, having to periodically die, in order to shed its skin and recreate itself. These themes are still relevant today as the psyche of Russia with its 7th. Ray soul emphasis on spiritual magic and its 6th. Ray Personality goal of finding balance and moderation. 

Since a nation’s flag carries symbols of relevance to the national life, it is of great significance to explore the Communist Russian flag which has a red background, a 5-pointed star and a hammer and sickle – all very Mars-like correspondences.

The colour red is associated with the 6th. Ray of devotion, religious aspirations, desire and duality. The Russian word for “red” is “krasny” and is of the same root as “kraisvy” which means “beautiful”. In old Russian krasny itself meant “beautiful”. Traditionally Russian Orthodox families has a “red corner” for religious icons, oil lamps or candles. With the Communist suppression of religion, the colour red is now mainly used in association with political idealism, as indicated by a room called the Red Corner set aside for Young Communist meetings at schools, and the red granite Lenin mausoleum.

The 5-pointed star is a familiar symbol which can be associated with perfected humanity. The 5-pointed star could also be connected with the 5th. sign of the Zodiac, Leo, which rules the Russian Personality Ray.

The hammer & sickle at one level represents the union of the peasants and proletariat. It also conveys a vision of a new order and an idea of the tools required to both destroy the old (the sickle) and help shape/form the new (the hammer). The idea of breaking down old structures that inhibit the new life and a reconstruction of a new order are easily associated with the energy of the 7th. Ray.

And with that comment I shall bring to a conclusion my esoteric overview of Russia – I hope that you have enjoyed the read & are looking at the wider perspective before us all.

Part 2: Future Events

Stockholm, Sweden Weekend Workshop

Blå Vinden, Skt. Erikslan

31st. April – 1st. May 2022


Derek R. Seagrief

Astro-Therapist, Eternal Wisdom teacher

The Astrology of Happiness & Depression

In surveys of 155 countries, Denmark dominates the “World Happiness Report” year after year, with Sweden & Norway in the top 10. The USA on the other hand, ranked number 18 the last few years. And with all of us now emerging from the global Covid-virus pandemic, 2 years of social isolation and various personal crises in not just our physical well-being, but our emotional, mental & spiritual health, has had a major impact upon our happiness and depression levels.

Psychologists & scientists have established a general consensus about how to measure such things – but what does Astrology reveal about the real secret of happiness? 

What is The Happiness Formula? And what is the signature of a “happy” horoscope?

Every human being will experience periods in their life when we get out of touch with important parts of ourself, leading to different degrees of depression, an all-pervasive lack of interest in life and an inability to cope. What is The Depression Profile?

This weekend presentation is an exciting perspective, full of valuable practical tools, that helps bring us closer to the realization that Happiness is natural to life because it is an essential aspect of the Self.

What will the weekend focus upon?

  • What guidelines can Astrology provide to assist clients finding the appropriate response to their own self-healing process? 

  • We will explore each participant’s horoscope from the theme of Happiness & Depression, looking at causes and effects, time periods  that challenge us, with the opportunities for growth.

  • Individual & group exercises;

  • Specific tools to help us deal successfully with Depression;

  • 7 Ways to increase your Happiness Profile;

  • What role does the planets Jupiter & Venus play in our ability to be happy? And how to work with this?

  • What role does the planets Saturn & Pluto play in our depression?

And how to work with this?

  • What is the true meaning of the Part of Fortune – what kind of fortune are we talking about?

  • How does the significance of an advanced astrological technique, the H9 or Harmonic 9 horoscope help us to recognize the different ways we can reach joy & happiness in this lifetime?

Come and be enlightened! A very warm welcome to All Seekers! 

Derek has a rich background of counselling everyday clients with everyday problems throughout Scandinavia, UK & USA for 40 years.

Derek R Seagrief - Short Bio

Astro-Psychological Consultant; Therapist,

Coach/Mentor; Teacher of Western Mystery Traditions

⦁  International recognized intuitive Astrologer, with full-time professional practice

since 1978, serving an international clientel (Scandinavia, Europe, UK & USA);

Regular visitor to Stockholm.

Born in London August 1952; based in Copenhagen, Denmark;

⦁  For 40 years Derek has been teaching & counselling many aspects of self-

development & transformation, offering a wide range of activities and services;

⦁  Leader of “Unicorn School of Astro-Psychology” for 16 years, a 2-year

Scandinavian Training program teaching Astrology and Counselling;

⦁  Artist, Author, Alchemist and Art Therapist; trained in PsychoSynthesis;

⦁  Tarot Master (books/workshops/organizing International Conferences);

⦁  Teacher of Western Mystery Traditions, Author (13 books); Most recent 13th. book

published in Swedish, Forma Books: “Entry & Exit – Your Birth & Death Horoscope”.

August 2022 publication by Ibis Books in USA Book 1 of a Trilogy – 

“Doorways to theSoul – Using the Keys of Astrology, Tarot & Tree of Life”;

⦁  Leader of “The School of Living Kabbalah” established 1999 Copenhagen;

⦁  Ritualist – Conducting Ceremonies for Birth, Death, Marriage etc.

⦁  Tour Guide & Organizer of Scandinavian group pilgrimages to southern England

“In the Footsteps of Merlyn” and “Exploring Eternal Egypt” for the past 25 years.

New Scandinavian Group Tour May-June 2022: “Exploring Eternal Egypt”.

⦁  Currently offering a wide variety of Online Education & Training for international

clients; “Become a Kabbalah Coach”; “Exploring your Life Mandala – combining

Astrology & Tarot”; “The Art of  Chart Synthesis”; “The 12 Gates of the Egyptian

Book of the Dead; The Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology – 6 Online weekends etc.

⦁  Married to Norwegian Opera singer Berit Meland & living in Copenhagen together

with their 3 children.

Evening Workshop in Divination:

Friday 1st April 2022


Using the Astro-Dice


Astro-Therapist & Tarot Master

Derek R. Seagrief

These beautiful ASTRO DICE consist of 3 dice – one for the PLANETS, one for the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS, and one for the 12 HOUSES.

Simply stated, the Planets are the “WHAT”, the 12 Signs are the “HOW” and the 12 Houses are the “WHERE”.

Throw the 3 dice together while holding a particular question in mind. When the dice have fallen, note the symbols on the ides showing uppermost. 

Look at the PLANETS dice first – this refers to the basic type of energy available to you at this time. Next look at the SIGNS dice – this represents how the planetary energy will manifest. Then check the HOUSES dice – for the area of life being affected. 

The ASTRO-DICE do not give a simple YES or NO answer to your question, so frame your question to invite further information as to the way an idea or situation may develop, So rather than asking “Should I accept this new job?”, ask instead: “What will be the likely future outcome if I accept this job?”

The dice can then give you a more precise insight on which to base your own evaluation. Always remember that the more precise your wording of the question, the more precise your answer.

This is a wonderful & playful way to develop your intuitional sensitivity and get immediate answers to your many personal questions – and what a positive investment in your future! Easter is coming and what a great gift to yourself – or to friends & family.

Each participant will receive a set of ASTRODICE & study papers.

Space is limited to the first 7 participants who make full payment:

550 Dkr.

MobilePay: Berit Meland Seagrief 20 13 05 03

Venue: Niels Frederiksens Alle 4, 2610 Rødovre (Copenhagen)

Derek’s Mobile: +45 23 81 76

11-Days Spiritual Pilgrimage with Scandinavian & USA Seekers

Exploring Eternal Egypt

27 May to 6 June 2022

Cairo-Luxor-Abydos-Nile Cruise-Anafora Coptic Retreat Center

11-Days Spiritual Pilgrimage with Scandinavian & USA Seekers

This magical Adventure is arranged by Younes Rejser Aps & Tour Leaders 

Berit & Derek Seagrief.

Request more Info/Prices & to Register as a Key of Light, contact:  or

Final Call to Travellers

It is NOW

that you need to Register

Your commitment to be a part of the Group

Your 7 Ray Chart

Spiritual Astrology & Esoteric Psychology

A Ray analysis of your 5-fold Formula:

Ray of the SOUL


RAY of the MENTAL Body


Ray of the PHYSICAL Body

1st. Ray of Will or Power

2nd. Ray of Love-Wisdom

3rd. Ray of Adaptability or Intelligent Activity

4th. Ray of Harmony thru Conflict

5th. Ray of Concrete or Scientific Knowledge

6th. Ray of Idealistic Devotion

7th. Ray of Organisation or Ceremonial Magic

The Tibetan Master Djwal Khul, also known as the Master DK, writing through the agency of Alice A. Baily for 30 years, 1919-1949, provided us with a tremendous inflow of esoteric teachings regarding the Constitution of Man and Universal Laws. Many thousands of pages were written and became the famous “Blue Books” that have become the essential Foundation Stone of the Aquarian Age. In those teachings much emphasis was given to the areas of Astrology & Psychology in combination with the 7 Rays.

For those individuals who have a background in consciously working towards an integration of Personality & Soul, such as esoteric students, educators & psychologists, I am offering a new service: a 7 Ray Chart utilizing your horoscope. 

This takes place as a Ray interview or assessment that determines the quality of expression of each of the 7 Rays in your life. 

This work provides clear guidelines regarding behaviour & attitudes to illustrate the 5 most probable Rays conditioning your energy system – and insights for integrating the personal with the transpersonal dimension of human experience. The result is a pattern for living which constitutes a set of spiritual instructions. The Ray analysis is not therefore an end in itself, but provides a blueprint for psycho-spiritual evolution.

Derek R. Seagrief

For many years I have been working & teaching the 7 Rays, experimenting & exploring consciousness through a synthesis of Spiritual Astrology and Ray analysis.

In my daily professional life I have been a consultant Astrologer & Eternal Wisdom Teacher, guiding an international network of clients & students for more than 40 years.

This “new” service activity that I am offering is a most welcome return to a wonderfully inspiring Aquarian Art & Science for a New Age. 

To Register:

Please provide your FULL birth details with day/month/year and local time & place of birth - thank you.


Our 2-Hour Zoom session or face-to-face meeting is recorded and costs 1700 Danish kroner throughout Scandinavia or $260 for USA clients. 

International Bank transfer or Paypal for international clients.

Each Workshop will contain a mixture of individual & group exercises designed to assist participants to reach & experience the core issues of the themes for the weekend. 

  • These workshops are both PHYSICAL – at Jupiter Center, Norway & ONLINE live streamed – which presents a wonderful opportunity for individuals located far away in different international locations to get connected with a group of people that might never meet physically in the same location.  

  • Each Workshop is accompanied by study material, especially produced for each Weekend Theme for information & reflection. This is sent as a Word Document or PDF file 2 days before the start of the weekend.

  • Each Workshop is recorded on Zoom and sent via Dropbox to your email address. There are 4 sessions of 3 Hours each: 

        Saturday morning class from 10-13,  afternoon class from 14-17.

        Sunday repeats the same times i.e. CET (Central European Time).

  • You will be sent 4 Zoom invitations for each of the 4 classes a few days before the start of each weekend. Use the password to enter the class.

  • Students are expected to maintain a working Journal of their exercises and insights/observations.

  • In-between each Workshop students are sent 3 questions that are linked to the previous weekend – which requires a written response sent to your Mentor - to demonstrate understanding of the Astro-Psychological themes. 

  • After the first 2 Weekends, all students are offered a 1-hour Tutorial, where these written answers/Reports help form the basis of the dialogue. These tutorials are primarily to focus upon the work with the School, to guage your progress and to “smooth out” some of the rough edges so that increased flow can result.

There are a total of 3 1-Hour Tutorials included in these 6 Workshops for all students as part of the training program.

These Tutorials are recorded on Zoom & sent to you afterwards.

Born in London, August 1952 and living in Scandinavia since 1978, Derek has functioned as a full-time professional Consultant Astrologer, serving clients throughout Scandinavia, UK, Europe & USA for 40 years.

Teacher of the Eternal Wisdom Traditions, trained in PsychoSynthesis (“Psychology with a Soul”) and Art-Therapy (“Liberating Painting Workshops”). 

Derek has also been Tour organiser & Guide for Scandinavian Groups to England, Ireland & Egypt for more than 25 years, “In the Footsteps of Merlyn” & “Exploring Eternal Egypt”.  A new group is now forming with both Scandinavians & American Seekers for Egypt in May 2022.

Many Moons ago, Derek was an artist with sculptor exhibitions in both London & New York. In 1969 he introduced himself to the Tarot and the magical world of symbols. Thirty years later established -“The School of Living Kabbalah”, introducing the Tree of Life to Scandinavian students.

Derek’s new book to be published in USA August 2022 combines these 3 disciplines,  “Astrology, Tarot, Kabbalah & YOU” and is Part 1 of a Triology, bringing together many years of experience.

“Entry & Exit: Your Birth & Death Horoscope” was Derek’s 13th. book and published in Swedish 2012 by Sweden’s biggest alternative publisher. It has been completely revised in a new English ebook publication (400+ pages).

For 16 years Leader of “The Unicorn School of Astro-Psychology” in Copenhagen, a pioneering 2-year program that successfully combined the Art & Science of Astrology with modern Psychology. The rich experience gained from these journeys has been updated and now made available to a new group of students on “The Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology”


Derek’s Newsletter Late April/May 2022 Taurus


Pisces Late February/March 2022