Derek’s AQUARIUS Newsletter Late January/February 2022
Hello Dear Reader, and a very warm welcome to my first Newsletter of this Brave New Year 2022!
As Aquarius enjoys to break patterns and do things different, for the first time ever, I am putting my voice to my text so you can also hear this Newsletter.
Click on this link to download the spoken word: Please click here: Audio
And what a year before us! It is truly exciting to experience a new chapter in the Book of Life that we shall be writing this year, both as individuals and collectively as our societies respond to the powerful emerging new spiritual current that sweeps over our planet. In this month’s Newsletter, I write about the approaching Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces that demands our attention, for it represents an uplifting energy that is a sharp contrast to the climate of repression & fear that has proven to be a dominant feature of the past 2 years. Believe it or not, this powerful injection of a new climate of faith and idealism forms the character of this Spring and beyond, and we need to inwardly prepare to meet this dynamic opportunity.
And this brings me to the dominant character of this month’s Newsletter, which is to invoke the very best version of yourself and to take a closer look at what is your relationship to THE FUTURE.
Aquarius is a very future conscious sign, so let’s explore what this means.
Prometheus & his twin brother Epimetheus
In Greek mythology, the sign Aquarius is linked to the great Titan Prometheus, who represents the cultural Hero who brings humanity freedom from the tyranny of the Gods. I have written extensively about this in several articles. What is not so commonly known is that Prometheus had a brother Epimetheus. In Greek the name “Epimetheus” has the meaning “hindsight”, literally after-thinker, while “Prometheus” has been traditionally interpreted as “foresight”, literally fore-thinker.
According to Plato, the twin Titans were entrusted with the task of creating man, Prometheus shaping man out of mud, and Athena breathing life into his clay figure, while Epimetheus had the task of giving the creatures of the earth their various qualities, such as swiftness, strength, cunning etc. Unfortunately by the time Epimetheus got to man, he had given all the good qualities out and there were none left for man - lacking foresight he found that there was nothing left. Prometheus decided to make man stand upright just like the gods and that humankind’s attributes would be the civilising arts and fire, which he stole from the Gods. Prometheus later stood trial for his crime.
But before that, Zeus, (Jupiter for the Romans) the King of the Gods, decided to inflict a punishment on both man and Prometheus. He created a mortal of stunning beauty, the first woman, Pandora. A final gift was a jar which Pandora was forbidden to open. Thus, Zeus sent Pandora to Epimetheus, who had decided to live amongst men.
Prometheus, having foresight, had warned his brother Epimetheus not to accept gifts from Zeus, but Pandora’s beauty was too great and so he let her stay. Eventually Pandora’s curiosity about the forbidden jar overwhelmed her and she opened it – releasing all evils upon the earth, disease, misery and death. Only one thing was left in the jar when Pandora managed to close the lid again – HOPE. It fluttered like a beautiful dragonfly, touching the wounds created by the evil creatures, and healing them. So even though Pandora had released pain and suffering upon the world, she had also allowed Hope to follow them.
It is a wonderful myth that has relevance for our modern times. I personally witness & experience that the start of 2022 has seen increased crises that no-one is exempt from – but there is HOPE around the corner.
Perhaps this is the understanding that there are two brothers linked to this sign of Aquarius. We need hindsight to learn from our past, and we need foresight to create the future. They work together. And we can learn from our past, our own life material can’t we?
As I often say to my clients, “The future is not carved in stone, because if it was, I would have stopped doing my work as an astrologer years ago!”
By raising the levels of self-awareness we can recast the future and change the outcome.
The Magic of Sound
This month’s Newsletter is also available in a sound edition, me reading the entire text. I initiate this experiment during the month of Aquarius and invite you to send me your responses. Let this theme of sound be our next area of focus.
My cat recognizes each family member by their smell. Animals have such an incredibly developed sense of smell – so it is not a difficult concept to work with the fact that each human being radiates not just smell, but sound. Think of all the repeated thoughts, feelings and actions that characterize you, and consider how this ultimately produces sound vibrations. The accumulation of what you say, how you say it, your choice of words that represents specific energies, all together compose an auric field of vibrations surrounding you.
What sounds are you giving out? Is it like a wonderful orchestra of various harmonious notes all working together or a mass of discordant, disjointed sounds?
You do know that sounds can heal - yes? Do we expose ourselves to such healing sounds during the day? What is our relationship with music & sound?
In the Beginning the Word was with God. This we have heard expressed both in the Christian Bible and throughout the sacred books of the East. But what will we be learning in the next years about the creative power of sound in our daily life?
We make a noise through a hole in our face every day and call it language.
Every spiritual & magical tradition has emphasized the use of the spoken word, the importance of mantra & chanting. On a daily level, do you do what you say? If you don’t then your magical oath is not authentic and your magical power will be severely reduced.
Aquarius is an Air sign that utilizes the etheric wave currents, the next level of vibration up from the physical. It is the etheric blueprint that is actually the model for the physical body, so that all health problems originate here and all true healing places it’s focus upon this part of our constitution.
There is our individual etheric vehicle and there is around every living being a similar energy body, including our planet Earth and the etheric body of the Solar System. This explains much about how planetary energy and that of the stars, reaches us on Earth and why astrology works.
This is obviously a huge area for investigation and training, yet all I wish to accomplish in pointing you in this direction is to appreciate the inevitable fact that the magical power of sound will increase in potency as we journey deeper into the Aquarian vibration. We know that sound waves influence the structure of atoms which has been proved in countless scientific experiments – but we still cannot comprehend the Biblical story about the walls of Jericho coming tumbling down by the trumpets of the Israelites.
Sound is already being successfully used in some hospitals to break the painful accumulation of kidney stones, while in some countries the use of ultra-sonic sounds to disperse violent demonstrations is already being considered. When a small group of musicians gathered together on the banks of the Florida Everglades and for a short period of 15 minutes played repeatedly on their bass instruments B-flat major, over & over again – what did they hope to accomplish? The BBC documented this and were quite amazed to see how this repeated one note attracted more than a dozen alligators to the location where the musicians were playing. The alligators positioned their bodies so that half was in the water and the top half was erect like a L-shape, rising up vertically above the water. The journalists were informed that this was because the sound made them excited and horny! What an amazing correlation between the impact of sound upon the physical body!
There are so many applications to the use of sounds. And what will be the new sounds and their related applications that shall be discovered in the future? And what will be the new musical renaissance that has been predicted to emerge around 2025 – what will these new composers create, what will be the music of the 21st. Century? These new incoming planetary energies will revolutionize our relationship to sound. But first it would be wise to focus upon our relationship to the existing sounds and use them better.
The Age of Synthesis
This brings me conveniently to an old Indian story about developing the art of synthesis, which is our conscious goal in Aquarius. The story goes about a student asking the Master about training in enlightenment. The Master instructed the student to go to several shops in the village and buy various items, wire string, special wood, screws and other things. The student did as instructed but couldn’t see any connection or reason for his effort. He went back to his Master in a cloud of frustration – but the teacher looked at the various items that his student had gathered together and immediately set to work using each individual part to make a wonderful musical instrument – the sitar.
And that is how we function, not seeing how the fragmented parts are connected to the grand whole. So if we are to train ourselves in SYNTHESIS, we need to start practicing seeing the wonderful possibilities that already exist if we bring things together in new ways.
Mercury Retrograde 14th. January thru 4th. February 2022
Mercury, planet of Communication, turns retrograde, backwards motion, 3 times each year for a period of about 2 weeks. On the 14th. January, located at 10½-degrees Aquarius, Mercury turned retrograde, going back into Capricorn before turning Direct motion again at 24½-degrees of the Goat. By 15th. February, the time of the Aquarius-Leo Full Moon, it will re-enter Aquarius and by 24th. February it would have reached 10½-degrees Aquarius, the exact placement when it turned retrograde.
Planets that are retrograde are closer to the Earth than when in their normal direct motion. Imagine you are in a train and then another train, travelling faster than your train, comes very close alongside.
Then you look out and see that it looks as if you are now going backwards, but of course you are not. It is the closeness that is all part of the optical illusion, as both trains are travelling in the same direction but at different speeds.
So when Mercury or any planet, turns retrograde, it provides us an opportunity to go back over a particular area of our life, to review and re-evalulate.
Many people are observant that Mercury retrograde periods are times when communications get delayed, information is missing or not forthcoming, and that one needs to be careful when signing contracts. All that is true, but the purpose of this current retrograde period in Aquarius-Capricorn, is to review our problem-solving ability, what works and what doesn’t work, and assist us in the creation of new thought forms, new ideas that lead us into the future. Aquarius is a future orientated sign, so we have just entered a New Year, are we truly in 2022 or still being conditioned by memories from 2021? After passing one month and about to enter the second month of February, what are your thoughts about this NEW YEAR? Do you recognize that we are being challenged to think differently about many aspects of our life.
At the start of the year 2020 we had the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the sign Capricorn, a cycle that occurs every 33 years. Half-way through that year there was the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, also in late Capricorn, a cycle that occurs every 12 years. And then at the end of 2020 at the Winter Solstice, we had the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 1-degree of Aquarius. Every 20 years these two planets make a conjunction in the heavens and history shows the significance of these two Law givers. I have written about all these conjunctions in previous Newsletters. The year 2020 contained major planetary movements and now, two years later, we have the approaching Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, the two Rulers of the sign Pisces, at 24-degrees of the sign Pisces here in April. This is of tremendous importance because it represents the “high-point” of Neptune’s 14-year cycle in each sign of the Zodiac.
The traditional Ruler of Pisces, Jupiter, and the modern Ruler, Neptune are both involved in the development of faith, trust, reaching out beyond the known. Their approaching conjunction indicates that our ideals, both as individuals and collectively, will be aroused in ways they have seldom been and there will be two obvious results from this raising of energy.
First, as individuals, we will approach life with a greater sense of compassion and that will lead to us collectively helping each other, transcending our national and tribal boundaries.
Secondly, there will be a great stimulus to the spiritual, religious and more metaphysical approach to life. This is an inspirational combination of planets, lifting us to new heights. Both planets are associated with making a journey, and their conjunction in Pisces will emphasize the inner journey and the exploration of our inner landscape. This conjunction will of course, open up the world to renewed travelling, with a removal of the travel restrictions we all have endured since 2020, and yet it will also emphasize a renewal of what we call “pilgrimage”, which is to journey to sacred sites for the good of one’s soul.
This is one of the many reasons why I have made available a unique 11-Day Tour to Eternal Egypt just a few weeks after this conjunction in late May, bringing a group of Scandinavian & USA Seekers to enjoy the exploration of this inspirational culture. More details of this Tour at the end of the Newsletter.
Jupiter-Neptune conjunction 24-degrees Pisces – 12 April 2022
The “High-Point” of this current 14-year cycle
Neptune was discovered in 1846 and soon after it moved into Pisces and formed the conjunction with Jupiter. The era of Neptune in Pisces between 1848-1862 witnessed the rise of several radical idealistic movements involving gender, religion and race. Spiritualism grew into a national movement that elevated the leadership of women and also advocated for women’s rights, abolition and utopian communities.
It takes Neptune about 148 years to make one circuit of the 12 Zodiac signs so once again Jupiter and Neptune are about to join together in Pisces for the first time since 1856.
The fact that they simultaneously oppose natal Neptune in Virgo in the USA national horoscope of 1776 could lead us into various speculations as to what this might mean.
But one thing is for sure, can the Jupiter-Neptune meeting in Pisces open up unimaginable possibilities to be seeded during this start of a new cycle – and bring about a refreshing new collective spiritual awakening?
As Above, So Below
These 4 words form the fundamental basis for a life philosophy that is practiced everyday by Astrologers like myself, indeed, it is the essence of how astrology works – the planets are not outside of me, clumps of rock buzzing around in space, but living within me.
In my teaching of astrology to students the past 40 years, I always emphasize that the planets & signs need to be living within, if the student seriously wishes to aim to become a practicing astrologer. This is one of the great benefits of studying and working with astrology, you are being trained in multi-dimensionality.
Here are some Seed-Thoughts for Meditation based upon the Hermetic teachings of the Emerald Tablet.
Seed Thoughts for Meditation – Inspired by the Emerald Tablet
That which is above is above to below.
That which is below is below to above.
Above is not above to itself.
Below is not below to itself.
To the one in above, below is unreal.
To the one in below, above is unreal.
To the subtle, gross is unreal and to the gross, subtle is unreal.
What is light to one is darkness to the other and what is
darkness to one is light to the other.
9. Stand beyond the division of:
Be One in Two and Be One beyond Two.
Telepathic Resonance
When you look at the two wavy lines that has become the glyph that represents the sign Aquarius, you will quickly recognize that this central theme, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, is encapsulated as a fundamental quality of this sign.
Our response “down here” absolutely effects the “upper worlds”, and it is not a one-way traffic that Above, the Heavenly worlds, conditions Below, here on Earth. That can be understood as the dominant attitude during the passing Age of Pisces, but now we have entered into a New Age, the Age of Aquarius, so according to our individual and collective response, which is based upon levels of self-awareness of course, that determines the speed of our evolutionary development. It is our response to these higher frequencies that determines also the upper worlds Plans for Humanity and the different Kingdoms on planet Earth.
Note that the two wavy lines reproduce each other, so they are equal, not one higher than the other. In ancient times it is said that Aquarius was originally represented as two snakes – and that is very interesting symbolism!
The ancient Egyptians had a lot to say about “the serpent in the sky”, but suffice it to say that serpents or snakes, have always represented both ENERGY & TIME. We all know the expression, a snake shedding its skin and regenerating.
In Aquarius we are to become TIME LORDS and if you really want to know about and experience the Aquarian vibration, then become a Friend with Time – are you?
Time is a mental construct. Past, Present & Future as the human mind understands these terms doesn’t exist in these higher states of consciousness. Time is plastic – so mould it, stretch it, bring your thought-form building skills upon the physical plane and make it a reflection of you.
So, master the time frame you are living in and start living more & more in multi-dimensionality, the simultaneous co-existence of several realities – and then there is the experience of ONENESS.
This is why it has been said that the truths of the New Age can only be grasped when we are functioning increasingly in a heightened telepathic response to each other.
I remember many years ago, when I was living in London yet about to relocate and move to Denmark to be with my future wife, there were countless times when I sensed she was entering her home, and so I would ring on her land line. These were the times before mobile phones.
The love dimension meant that there was open communication between the two of us, on both the physical and the inner (etheric) levels. Now apply the same recognition to ABOVE & BELOW.
And do we welcome this descent of higher frequencies into our daily life, or are we still of the attitude that “change represents loss”?
It is inevitable that more & more people are searching for spiritual answers to today’s physical and material problems. When a certain percent of the world’s total population arrive at this level, that provides the “tipping scales” effect that changes forever the structure of our societies. Aquarius is an Air sign and attuned to future discoveries and future possibilities.
We need to freely speculate and give ourselves full permission to THINK BIG, without our normal conditional responses. Pushing the boundaries, exploring new possibilities, questioning everything, and thus finding new resources because of this approach.
Look around and just the glaring example that world leaders and governments around the world still only see the Covid virus as a physical phenomena that must be dealt with by a physical solution, and attempting to force our societies to accept vaccination as the only cure. By the time you get your 4th. and then 5th. and then 9th. booster vaccination and endless more to come, you will better understand the illusion of this approach.
My middle son, Viktor Elias, age 15, the last days has come with the comments that “Why do I go to School – it is a waste of my time!” He is a Sun & Moon Aquarian.
He goes to a Steiner School, which has a different pedagogue than the normal school education. What is my response to his dilemma? The system of education cannot be changed so quickly because we are still immersed in the binary either-or approach and do not educate the young ones in whole-viewing and synthesis. A training in Love and the use of the Imagination through the building of right thought-forms is, as yet, not on the agenda, but if schooling is to equip the young with the necessary tools for them to not only function in society but to become a planetary citizen – then nothing less than a complete reorganization of the school system of education is required for the future. And as you all know, not just the area of education, but our monetary system, our religious & political systems, the health industry, in fact, the basic structures of modern society.
This is why Aquarius is known as a visionary sign – and we shall need self-aware visionary men & women who shall engineer the break-up of these old mind-sets and introduce radical new forms that resonate more harmoniously with the new vibrations sweeping our planet. That was my answer to my Aquarian son and with his Sun & Moon in the 9th. House of “Higher Education”. He will be one of those awakened souls of his generation who will work towards that future goal.
I repeat, the truths of the Aquarian Age, a group-conscious vibration, is that we are not alone. We are not alone on this physical dimension or alone and disconnected to any other dimension. The connection always exists – but we are habitually practising constant ego separation from the source. Our global health crises makes an obvious statement about how we cut ourselves off from the relationship with universal energies. Health is maintained when there is the normal flow between the personality and the universal but when this relationship is interrupted in some way, then a crises in health occurs. It’s as simple as that to understand – and yet we still persist with the mind-set that we should treat the outer symptoms and not the root causes
Aquarius is a sign of Friendships, Friend to All. A celebration of diversity not uniformity. Our minds and what we see are obviously linked, so look for what we have in common rather than emphasize our differences. This is a mind-set that will enable us to practice being a global community, because that is the inevitability of this movement deeper into the Aquarius vibration. And when that happens, it is because we recognize, appreciate and enjoy the interconnections between all things. We are then living in a soul state, extracting meaning from every experience. The soul is not just an individual unit of light & love, but the soul by definition is group conscious. Learning to work within a group becomes an essential training in Aquarian energies, and learning to receive the truths of Aquarius means it is the group that becomes the Light Bringer in the future. Ponder on the great significance of this statement. This is in contrast to the previous Age when it was always focus upon the charismatic individual leader who represented the Light.
The Number 11
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, so let’s just reflect upon the actual image of this number. We see two upright columns, parallel to each other and of equal size and character. It’s the same theme as what was earlier described by the two wavy lines and the two snakes representing Aquarius.
Numerology recognizes that this is a special vibration, the one beyond the manifested 10. This is the number of the Messenger, someone who has a mission to announce the ways of God. It is the number of the visionary and if you look at these two upright columns representing this vibration 11, you can also see that it portrays a portal, a Gateway that you can enter.
Yes, the vibration 11 and the sign Aquarius represents an INITIATION, entering into a new energy frequency.
The youngest member of my family, daughter Rebekka, approaching 12 years in March and about to go through her first Jupiter Return, long time ago would say her name with vocal emphasis upon the last letters: “kka”.
Now apart from her ancient Egyptian attunement with the words “Re”, the Sun God and the magical body they called the “Ka”, plus links to the Hebrew teachings of “KA-BA-LAH”, if you look at the eleventh letter of all major alphabets, you will come to the letter “K”. Her mother always knew from the time she was a young girl that when she gave birth to a daughter, she would be called Rebekka – and not with the usual letters “C” but with two “K’s”.
And so it came to pass.
This is a good example of what is meant by intuitional sensitivity, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.
Isn’t it interesting to note that the most romantic day in the entire year is celebrated on the 14th. February when the transit Sun has reached 26 degrees of Aquarius. This sign is however, not known for it’s display of emotion or passion, but the opposite – cool detachment. The often repeated joke about this is the wife married to her Aquarian man who asks him to say that he loves her more often than what he does. The Aquarian man replies: “Well I told you 3 years ago, how often do you need me to confirm it!”
Clearly we need to dig deeper into the significance of LOVE associated with VALENTINE’S DAY and the zodiac sign of AQUARIUS.
Did you know that the Feast of Saint Valentine was established by the Pope in 496 AD to be celebrated on 14th. February in honour of Saint Valentine of Rome who died on that date in 269 AD. One or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine, died for their love of Christ. The day became associated with romantic love in the 14th. & 15th. Century Europe when what is called “Courtly Love” flourished. By the 18th. Century England, it grew into an occasion in which couples expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, boxes of chocolates and sending cards.
In a 2016 poll conducted by Channel 4 in the UK for Valentine’s Day, the author, Jane Austin’s line: “My heart is, and always will be yours”, from her novel, “Sense & Sensibility”, and said by Edward Ferras (played by Hugh Grant) to Elinar Dashwood (Emma Thompson) in the acclaimed 1995 film, was voted the most romantic line from literature, film and TV by thousands of women.
We have been looking at Greek mythology earlier in this Newsletter, so let’s also explore the Greek contribution to this theme of Love. Ancient Greece was one of the most influential civilizations in history and much of our language we use has its roots in Greek. They would have been shocked by our crudeness in using a single word to whisper “I LOVE YOU” over a candlelit meal and to casually sign an email “Lots of Love….”
The ancient Greeks had an intuitive understanding of the fact that love wears many different faces, yet condensed it down to 4 basic types of Love which they termed Epithemia, Philia, Eros and Agape.
I have written a longer article on this subject “4 Kinds of Love”, which will be published in a shorter version in Nyt Aspekt magazine here in Denmark this April. If you want to read the original longer version, then write to me your request and I can send the article.
One of the reflections about these 4 Kinds of Love is that each one is identified with one of the 4 Fixed signs of the Zodiac ie. Epithemia (Taurus), Philia (Leo) Eros (Scorpio and Agape (Aquarius).
This fourth kind of Love, AGAPE is the most radical and is “Love for Everyone”, a selfless love extended to all people. AGAPE is not used in the New Testament to refer to romantic or sexual love, nor does it refer to close friendship or brotherly love. It is distinguished from the other types of love by its lofty moral nature and strong character. As Dala Lama put it; “China, my friend and my enemy”. For the Buddhist it is “Universal Loving Kindness.”.
It is the only non-emotional based love, for every other type of love requires feeling. Love is not based on personal feeling, likes & dislikes but something much larger and more expansive, taking us into the Heart & Mind of God. If love were a feeling then you would change from yes to no, I do then I do not, because feelings by definition, they come and go.
AGAPE doesn’t come naturally to us – this is “The love that has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us when we become His Children”. Romans 5:15 & Galatians 5:22
The image associated with Aquarius is the Water Bearer – the urn and its contents represent Love as a gift from the gods. AGAPE awakens us and frees us at the same time – therefore the symbol of the Holy Grail, and more specifically, the upturned Grail.
AGAPE is not sexless, but it is non-binding. Aquarius brings with it everything that has been learned in Epithemia, Philia and Eros – but it goes a step further by incorporating the feeling that - “I love you enough to leave you to be who you are.” Or, “I love you most by freeing you”.
Eros couldn’t handle that kind of openness, which is why AGAPE is one step beyond Eros. This what is meant by detached love – it is the love of the Awakener for the Awakened.
AGAPE is the love of the Gods that says, “I love you by freeing you”. To truly love is freedom – to not love is bondage.
Today we associate LOVE mostly with the idea of “romantic love”, which also implies attachment and possessiveness. Modern Western men & women are almost unique in perpetuating the myth that a man & woman should fall in love, get married, live happily ever after – and that the romantic, erotic intensity that was there when they first started courtship is something that should continue for ever & ever, Amen.
It's a kind of Fairy Tale – yet its not universal and is something quite unique to our time and place.
Looking for an antidote to our modern culture’s emphasis on romantic love? Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm said that “We expend to much energy on falling in love, and need to learn more how to stand I love.”
Yes, standing in love, making the effort to give love rather than just receive it. With about one-third of all first-time marriages ending in divorce or separation within the first 10 years, we should rethink about what it means to STAND IN LOVE.
Anyone can make love real when there are no problems. Anyone can make love real in the beginning, when love is new & fresh. Anyone can love the Prince or the Princess. It takes real character to take a stand for love, that no upset, no mistake, no turn of events can make invalid.
One of the important realizations and somewhat painful thing to accept is the idea that we are not going to satisfy all these 4 levels of Love with the same person all at the same time. However, by mapping out the extent to which all 4 loves are present in your life, you might discover you have got a lot more love than you had ever imagined, even if you feel an absence of a physical lover.
AGAPE is a high ideal, yet that is our Aquarian destiny.
Key 17: The Star – corresponding to the Zodiacal sign Aquarius
“I give and receive great love. I have unlimited insight,
inspiration and hope.”
Part 2: Future Events
Exploring Eternal Egypt
11-Day Tour
The Group is now forming & your commitment
is necessary NOW to become a KEY OF LIGHT!
70 Days before departure date we prepare all travellers
with a program of meditation & various visualization exercises
designed to help you make the attunement to the
ancient yet Eternal Egyptian vibrations.
So yes – we travel to Egypt in late May – but your travels will already begin 2 months before departure date - Saturday 19th. March 2022!
Egypt Tour 2022
Friday 27th. May to Monday 6th. June
“ Exploring Eternal Egypt”
Our Journey is planned as a magical Adventure from start to finish. It begins when you Register your commitment to be one of the Keys of Light that each traveller shall represent. The Temples & Tombs of ancient Egypt were designed as places for self-realization - and our Tours reflect & respect this tradition.
21st. Century society and individuals can learn so much from the ancient Egyptian world view, which is why our Tours always emphasis “Eternal Egypt”. They were Masters in this technology of Light – and we are their students.
That being so, we shall prepare all travellers with a 70-Day program of meditation & various visualization exercises designed to prepare you for attunement with this ancient Egyptian vibration. This inner preparation work has been an original feature of our Tours for more than 25 years. Every 7 days you will receive a special set of papers – and there are 10 such “Books” or study material.
This will begin exactly 70 Days before our departure date Friday 27th. May 2022.
So yes – we travel to Egypt in late May – but your travels will already begin 2 months before departure date - Saturday 19th. March 2022!
One look at our incredible schedule will show you that this is a carefully crafted adventure that seeks to bring you deep into the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Egyptians – with focus upon increased livingness. We could also rename the Tour:
Rebirth on the Nile, for any visitor wanting to enjoy the true, authentic Egypt, must take time to experience sailing on the Nile, experiencing sunrise & sunset, eating & sleeping, reflecting and centering oneself, healing on the Nile. Yet not on a big cruiser but a wonderful luxury sailboat exclusively hired just for our group – fantastic!
Our Tour 2022 is planned by Merlyns Tours with Tour Leaders Berit & Derek Seagrief and our Egyptian Travel Agency, Younes Rejser ApS, who is the Scandinavian Tour arranger (covered by Rejsegarantifonden).
Together we will gather a Scandinavian group combined with a group of Seekers from the USA.
Our previous Tour was 14-Days & took place at the Autumn Equinox 2018, and was the ultimate Egypt experience, because it was the culmination of 25 years experience – and then came the Corona lockdown.
But during this interval, there has been the creation of a totally new Egyptian Museum in Cairo which opens in 2022 and this is a big event for all travellers to enjoy, and especially if you have previously experienced & can recall the old cramped conditions of the earlier Museum. And the 3 mile ceremonial pathway, the Avenue of Sphinxes that connects the temples of Karnak & Luxor has been restored & just recently opened to the public. Fantastic!
Egypt is undoubtedly an inspirational experience – and in contrast to most charter groups, we place great importance on the unfolding group process, making space & place for these personal transformations.
You are a KEY OF LIGHT – The Golden Ankh – and a key needs to be turned to open the door.
Welcome to an incredible magical and alchemical 11-Day Adventure!
Just some of the wonderful highlights of our Tour:
- Sunrise ritual on the sands of Giza, overlooking the Great Pyramid; - Entry into the Great Pyramid; meeting the Guardian Sphinx & experiencing the ancient Sakkara mortuary complex;
- Inspirational visit to the new Egyptian Museum, Cairo;
- Exploration of the magnificent tombs in the Valley of the Kings; - Queen Hatshepsut’s futuristic mortuary Temple;
- The Temple of Man at Luxor & the macrocosmic Temple at nearby Karnak, the biggest Cathedral space in the world;
- Experience the dramatic “Sound & Light” show in Karnak Temple - Enjoy the luxury of the famous Old Winter Place Hotel
in the heart of Luxor;
- Ritual work at sacred sites, (whenever it is possible) ;
- Journey deep south to Aswan & the beautiful temple of Isis on the island of Philae;
- Journey along the sacred river Nile in our luxury cruise boat; - Included on our Nile cruise will be entry into the amazing temples of Kom Ombo, dedicated to 2 Gods, the Sun God & the Crocodile God, Esna & the best preserved temple in Egypt, Edfu, dedicated to the Sun god Horus;
- Enjoy a visit to Papyrus & Perfume shops;
- Experience the high-point at the end of our Tour as we stay at the wonderful Coptic Community at Anafora Retreat Center with the famous Bishop Thomas;
and much, much more!
T O U R 1 - S C H E D U L E 2 0 2 2 :
2 nights in Aswan - 3 nights on luxury cruise boat – - 2 nights in Luxor – 1 night in Cairo
- 2 nights in Anafora Coptic Retreat Center
DAY 1 – Friday (Venus Day) 27th. May 2022
Scandinavian group travels from Kastrup Egypt Air kl.15.45 Arriving Cairo kl. 20.10 (4½ Hours direct flight Boeing 737) USA group travels direct Washington-Cairo.
Flight Cairo to Aswan 22.30.
Check in at Nubian Holiday Hotel - 2 nights.
DAY 2 – Saturday (Saturn Day) 28th. May
Lunchtime visit to the magnificent Isis Temple on the island of Philae. Explore Elephantine & Temple of Khum.
Evening dinner at Hotel.
DAY 3 – Sunday (Day of the Sun) 29th. May
Leaving Hotel. Morning shopping in Aswan market, visit Perfume shop. Lunch in local restaurant.
Boarding our luxury boat late afternoon in time for sunset. Evening dinner on boat as we sail towards Kom Ombo Temple.
DAY 4 – Monday (Day of the Moon) 30th. MayAfter breakfast, early morning visit to Kom Ombo Temple, a unique temple dedicated to 2 Gods, the Sun god & the Crocodile god. Return to our boat for Lunch and relaxation as we sail towards Edfu.
DAY 5 – Tuesday (Mars Day) 31st. May
Breakfast on our boat and entry during the day into the best preserved temple in Egypt – the Edfu Temple dedicated to the Sun God Horus. A fantastic day that also brings to an end our time with the ship’s crew. Our third and final dinner & celebrations on boat.
DAY 6 – Wednesday (Mercury Day) 1st. June After breakfast we say goodbye to the ship’s crew as our baggage is loaded onto Coach & we make the short drive to Esna Temple. Lunch nearby, then another short drive to Luxor, ancient Thebes, where we shall check-in at the world famous Old Winter Palace Hotel with rooms overlooking the Nile & situated very close to the inspiring Luxor Temple. We have 2 nights in the Hotel.
Evening visit to the Luxor Temple of Man & dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 7 – Thursday (Jupiter Day) 2nd. June
Early morning visit to the Valley of the Kings & the West Bank before the heat of the midday sun. Here we shall visit 3 tombs, including the magnificent Seti tomb. Local lunch followed by short drive to Queen Hatsheput’s wonderful futuristic temple set against the background of the Theban mountains.
Return to Hotel. Evening “Sound & Light” show at Karnak Temple.
DAY 8 – Friday (Venus Day) 3rd. June
Early breakfast, check-out of Hotel and load our baggage onto coach as now drive to Karnak Temple, the world’s biggest Cathedral. 3 hours to explore Karnak and then we drive to nearby airport to make the 2pm afternoon flight to Cairo.
Check-in at Hotel near the Pyramids for 1 night only.
If possible, late afternoon visit to the New Museum of Antiquities.
DAY 9 – Saturday (Saturn Day) 4th. June
Early breakfast and 8am arrival at the incredible Great Pyramid. This is followed by visit to the legendary Sphinx. Local lunch, then drive to Red Pyramid.
We then drive 2½-hours to Anafora, the Coptic Retreat Center and Community where we shall enjoy our final days in Egypt. We shall arrive for a delicious evening vegetarian dinner, followed by Coptic Prayer ceremony.
DAY 10 – Sunday ( Day of the Sun) 5th. June Today is our final full day in Egypt as tomorrow morning we arise very early to meet our flight schedules.
After breakfast free time to wander around and experience the many activities that take place within this Coptic Community. They are a self-supporting farm, growing their own crops. Visit the wonderful shop with it’s many hand-made & original items. Meeting with Bishop Thomas.
Afternoon group sharing and lots of time to digest our adventures from the past days.
A wonderful healing ending to our Eternal Egypt adventure.
DAY 11 – Monday (Day of the Moon) 6th. June 2022 Time for our departure – both Scandinavian & USA group leave for Cairo airport at 5am early morning. It is a 2½ hour journey to the airport and the Scandinavian group has a 10am fight with Egypt Air arriving Copenhagen kl.14.45.
These times allow travellers living in Sweden or Norway to make suitable arrangements for same-day flights to their final destination.
Please note that in Denmark/Scandinavia we arrive home on a public holiday weekend, Monday 6th. June is the Second Pinsedag holiday.
Welcome home after an incredible magical 11 Days in Eternal Egypt!
Practical Info:
Price for Scandinavia Travellers
(Note: USA travellers request price in US$)
Per person in shared accommodation for 11 Days:
Total: 18,750 Dkr.
This includes flight costs, both international & domestic; Visa stamp; All transfers, Travel by air-conditioned Coach;
All accommodation, 1st. Class Hotels, plus Coptic Anafora Community & luxury Cruise Boat for our exclusive use; All breakfast arrangements. Entry into Pyramids, Tombs & Temples;
“Sound & Light” show at Karnak;
Payment for 3-4 Travel Guides, Driver, plus various tips throughout Tour; Derek’s 70-Day Inner Preparation study material.
Single supplement: Add extra 2450 Dkr.
Please Note:
Not included in the price are all lunches & evening dinner to be paid for by each traveller – with the exception of dinners on our Cruise boat, full board at Anafora Coptic Community - plus 3 paid lunches at Cairo, Dendera/Abydos & West Bank.
To Register:
You make a Deposit of 3000 Dkr. (non-refundable)
to secure your place ASAP as one of the 22 Keys of Light.
The Bank information for making your Deposit Payment
will be sent to you after we have received your email request.
Note: Please ensure that we receive the amount requested and that you pay all bank/service charges - thank you.
To help assist your economy we have made it possible to pay the remaining costs in 3 instalments.
So first you make the 3000 Dkr. deposit anytime between now & 1st. February 2022, followed by 3 payments of 5,616Dkr. spread over a period of 3 months.
By 1st. February 2022 the first payment: 5,616 Dkr.
is to reach Younes Rejser Aps, Denmark.
Then 1st. March 2022 your second payment of: 5,616 Dkr.
to Younes Rejser Aps.
1 month before departure 26th April 2022 your final instalment of: 5,616 Dkr. needs to be registered with Younes Rejser Aps.
Younes Rejser bank information will be sent to each traveller
after your Deposit has been registered.
If you wish to pay the full amount with one bank transaction then we naturally welcome your registration!
Please Contact us if you need additional information:
For info regarding contents of Tour:
Derek Seagrief: email:
Mobile: 0045-23 81 76 18
For info regarding all practical aspects of the Tour, including payment: Younes Rejser ApS
A.P.Møllers Alle 17, DK-2791 Dragør
+45 36 99 05 27
Medlem af Rejsegarantifonden nr. 2118
Merlyns Tours with Berit & Derek R Seagrief
Berit with Sekhmet & Derek with Anubis &
Entrance to the Isis Temple on the island of Philae
“Travelling with Derek & Younes Rejser in Egypt is a unique experience. The Tours are thoroughly planned to the finest detail by this wonderful team to assure that you will be happy, comfortable & enriched by the experience. Derek has an unusually rich knowledge of Egyptian mythology and his ability to bring the Gods & Goddesses to life and to take on personal meaning for each traveller is unique. I can highly recommend these tours for those who want to go to Egypt & enjoy adventure combined with a spiritual journey.” - Cynthia Henriksen, Yoga teacher, Norway
“It was a marvellous experience – and still is! Hundreds of photos will remind us and provide great joy in the future – But the real significance looking back, was we got our priorities right and got tools which hopefully will make it possible for us to develop our skills. And a very special thank you to Derek – your dedication & ability to cope with unexpected as well as expected events made it possible for all of us to concentrate on the experiences and impression.”
- Anders G. Åkesson, Lawyer, Sweden
“To meet Egypt in the company of such an experienced & competent Guide as Derek was truly unforgettable – I really recommend travelling with Derek, it gives an extra dimension to it all!! With all practical things well arranged, one could really just relax and enjoy all the amazing places and experiences. If one is single, I found it was a perfect way to travel, while sharing experiences with everyone in the group you learn so much more! We got a really good bonding together with many laughs!” – Ann Flard, CEO, Sweden
“I februar var jeg med Derek Seagrief og Younes rejser på rundtur i Egypten. Det var en livsoplevelse af de helt store. Alt var så vel tilrettelagt. Vi var nogle fantastiske steder – den store Pyramide i Giza, pragtfulde templer, interessante gravpladser, den hvide ørken hvor vi sov under åben himmel, red på kameler og meget mere! Vi boede nogle dejlige steder. Vores Egyptiskeguider og chauffører gjorde alt for at turen skulle blive så perfekt som muligt. Egyptere er meget hjertelige og humoristiske. De sidste dage slappede vi af i skønne Anafora, Coptic Retreat Center – og det var ren healing. Helt fantastisk tur!” – Anne-Marie Læssøe, Healer, Denmark