Derek’s Newsletter C A P R I C O R N Late December 2021/January 2022
Capricorn Keynote:
”Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.”
Warm Greetings from a cold Copenhagen (-6 degrees C) to all Friends & Clients dotted around the world receiving this month’s Capricorn Newsletter.
A blanket of pure white snow has fallen and here in my part of the world we are enjoying some wonderful White Christmas days.
The annual birth of the “Invincible Sun” has occurred with the Winter Solstice, and the days of light now are becoming increasing longer. The Sun has travelled to its furtherest northern destination, and we have experienced the shortest day on planet Earth 21st December as the transit Sun appears from our Earth perspective to be still in the heavens for 3 days. This is the meaning of the word “solstice”, the Sun standing still from 21-23 December, and on the third day leading into the fourth, it begins to make its Return to Earth, bringing with it life, warmth, livingness and light. Hooray – the birth of the Invincible Sun! And so, just like the ancient world, we have been merrily celebrating, drinking & feeding the Sun within, the “Christ-Child” within and now we have reached the end of 2021 and are about to enter the New Year 2022 in some few days.
These days before the start of a New Year provide us all with the opportunity to review the past and inwardly prepare for our future endeavours. We do this as individuals – and now imagine a group of advanced souls, all highly illuminated & enlightened, who collectively we might call The Great White Brotherhood or the Planetary Hierarchy who help guide the evolution on this planet, also doing exactly the same. We are told that these great Souls & Masters of Compassion get together at the time of the annual Winter Solstice to plan and prepare the activities for the coming year, taking advantage of the astrological opportunities presented, which means looking at the horoscope for the Winter Solstice, the Sun’s entry into Capricorn.
I wonder what these illustrious beings will make of the December 2021 horoscope for this event, because it has some quite significant features.
As I am living in Copenhagen then it is set for this longitude & latitude, because these energy patterns will be seen from my perspective living in this part of the world, but naturally we can make the same event for a New York, London, Bejing, Cairo or Moscow perspective. But what is important to note is that the planetary placements will remain the same and it is these relationships that I want to draw your attention to.
There is a 1-degree conjunction between Pluto, Lord of the Underworld & the Light-Bringer Venus at 26-degrees Capricorn.
This celestial dance has been going on since the start of December and remains in orb all the way through to early March 2022 when Venus stops travelling in retrograde (i.e. backwards) motion, turns direct and moves forward and into the next sign of Aquarius. That is just over 3 months of Venus-Pluto energies to consider.
Secondly, at the time of their December conjunction, we have the exact opposition from the Moon at 27-degrees Cancer, which highlights the emotional intensity of this female transformation.
Thirdly, as the Sun enters Capricorn it forms a flowing sextile (60-degrees) aspect to Jupiter at the end of Aquarius and both make the quincunx (150-degree) aspect to the Cancerian Moon – thus creating what is known as a “Yod” or Hand of God, Finger of Fate pattern with the Moon as the Focal planet or celestial pointer.
And if that wasn’t enough dynamic energy to consider, there is also the on-going Saturn-square-Uranus transit (the planetary Rulers of the signs Capricorn & Aquarius) which has been with us since the start of 2021. The on-going battle between the old & the new, the conservative elements in society versus the alternative world view.
The fifth and final consideration is the planet Mars in conjunction with the Nodal Axis, and specifically the South Node in Sagittarius.
Now of course there is a lot of Astrology involved in this Winter Solstice horoscope and naturally each of these points can be elaborated upon, so for this Newsletter I shall make it brief & simple and just indicate the essential meanings behind these planetary contacts.
Let’s take the first point that the planets Venus & Pluto remain in conjunction for no less than 3 months and take us into the early part of 2022. We could rename this “Beauty & the Beast”.
These two planets are a pair of opposites – Venus is all things light, pleasant, attractive, affectionate, while Pluto is dark, ruthless, intense, deep and profound. So when they are in conjunction this could be seen as being forced together, despite their differences – or because of them.
Venus symbolizes our concept of love, our regard for the feminine or the feminine principle of relating and sharing. Pluto can be identified as the unconscious motivation of a generation as well as symbolizing the portion of the collective unconscious that holds the mythic archetypal images of humanity. When this is not understood consciously, it then reflects an aspect of personality that is focussed upon personal control if not obsession. When Pluto & Venus come together it is obvious that the effect of their combined energies will influence our personal capacity for love & loving.
So this conjunction challenges us to relate (Venus) more intimately (Pluto). This is somewhat ironic since at this period of time we are almost forced by government restrictions to be less intimate thanks to Covid and at the extreme, because of fears of crises or death (Pluto). But then paradoxically “lock-downs” (very Capricornian!) can force us to be closer! Venus would have us politely observe social distancing, but Pluto compels us to say “to hell with it”, its powerful urge coming from deep within. On a personal level, this conjunction makes us more aware of the closeness/distance issue in our more significant relationships.
One could say that these two planets want us to feel more deeply for one another, to dispel our illusions of separateness, with a view to ultimately facilitate more sharing (Venus) of our wealth (Pluto).
Eleusian Mysteries & the Myth of Venus-Pluto
If we see this contact in its more mythic context then we find ourselves exploring the Greek myth of the Rape of Persephone, daughter of the Mother Goddess Ceres/Demeter, by Pluto, the God of the Underworld. The whole spectrum of secret religious rites in ancient Greece revolved around the Mystery School at Eleusis for more than 2000 years. I explored these Eleusian Mysteries in my September Newsletter and showed the link to the plant kingdom (Venus) and the death/rebirth initiation rites (Pluto).
Seen in the context of this current Venus-Pluto dynamic we are confronted by an emerging social movement to empower and claim justice for women, or for any maltreated or deprived aspect of society. This myth is what inspired the 18th. Century fairy tale, Beauty & the Beast.
In our current setting it is the same story – does our love include or exclude, can we include that which represents the unknown, which can frighten us, as well as fascinate us – is our personal love (Venus) able to upgrade to a more transpersonal or universal approach (Pluto)?
In other words, it is through enforced intimacy that we as a species are being progressively forced to operate as One. But our fear of what “lies beneath” consistently inhibits this process. As so Covid enters upon the mythic scene to force the issue, wave by wave, with each new mutation.
You will also have noted the great significance of the Moon in its own sign of Cancer forming dynamic aspects to the Venus-Pluto conjunction, and the challenging alchemical quincunx aspects to both the Sun & Jupiter. These great tensions revolve around a deconstruction and a reconstruction of the feminine principle, to successively blend the feeling response (Moon in Water sign) to our mind-sets (Jupiter in Air element) and the physical expression through action (Sun in Earth element). The pull of the past, what is known (Saturn & Capricorn) and the honouring of the new emerging world view (Uranus & Aquarius). And there is a great struggle going on in our personal and our collective lives to find the new rhythm that does justice to the very best qualities of both the past & the future, what we know and the unknown.
Before one can use the creative energy of the Moon-Venus-Pluto opposition, the control and obsessive needs must become conscious and released. There are abundant examples of increasing control all around us and the erosion of democratic rights. Do we have a right to decide over our own bodies – or do we not? The feminine principle also includes our contact and relationship to our own physical body.
It’s important to learn to love people without helping them so much that they become helpless. When we give up, when we let go, the creative self can emerge and we no longer have to live our lives guarding the “Boulder Dam” of our emotional selves. When we realize this, the Pluto energy brings wonderful blessings. Will we learn to become more open and more trusting through this process, or will we have to experience increased rules & regulations about conformity? In a most profound sense, these Pluto aspects to the two planets that symbolizes the female unit of our psyche, the Moon & Venus, show us the emotional transformation that must take place in order to free each individual from their bond to the past and to old concepts of safety & security. We have a choice to pursue this knowledge and explore the depths of our unconsciousness.
During this month of December I have been looking at this Venus-Pluto energy from several different angles. In the summer of 2022 my new book, Part 1 of a Triology, “Astrology, The Tree of Life & YOU” will be published by IBIS Books in USA, so it was quite natural for me to look at this special Venus-Pluto conjunction from a Kabbalistic perspective.
The Tree of Life diagram is a unique mandala of how the universe works as a series of emanations from the highest frequencies of the upper worlds to the slower moving vibrations of our Earth dimension. From the Divine World emanating from Sphere 1 (The Crown) which represents the deepest aspect of our Spiritual Being, to our physical world at Sphere 10 (The Kingdom) which represents our senses and the planet Earth itself, everything in-between, all the other Spheres and the complex array of paths that connect them, represent all the other aspects of our being.
There are traditionally 10 known Emanations or outpourings from the Creator and as you can see from the illustrations, the Spheres on the Tree of Life also correspond to the human body, and to the 10 planets. Working with the Tree of Life is a Journey for this is a road-map that starts with The Kingdom at Sphere 10, represented by our planet Earth, then Sphere 9, the Moon, Sphere 8, Mercury, Sphere 7, Venus, Sphere 6 the Sun, Sphere 5, Mars, Sphere 4, Jupiter, Sphere 3, Saturn, Sphere 2, Uranus & Sphere 1, Neptune. And then revelation – there is another, more hidden & invisible Sphere number 11 located at the Throat Center and associated with the planet Pluto. It is called “Daath”, the Hebrew word for Knowledge.
Daath is not situated on the Tree of Life, which is why it is given the title, “The Sphere that is not a Sphere”. And because there are 10 other Spheres, Daath is given number 11. This number 11 is the first step after the full cycle of 10 is complete – this indicates that Daath vibrates as the “next step indicator”. Daath is related through its correspondence with the throat, to the expression of Spiritual Knowledge. This expression can either be clear or distorted depending on how “open” the Daath expression center is in each individual.
For Kabbalists Daath is sometimes called “The Child of Chokmah & Binah”, Spheres 2 & 3, and its position coincides with the head of the serpent that spirals up the Tree from Malkuth (Sphere 10), attempting to get to the very crown of the Tree.
In so many ways this Daath center shows the interface with other worlds and dimensions beyond our Solar System, yet in our current study we need only to reflect upon this Daath centre as the centre of generation and re-generation.
To the esoteric eye reflect too on the significance that the current Covid virus pandemic seems to attack the throat and temporarily reduces our ability to register contact with our world via our senses i.e. smell, taste etc.
Sphere 11, Daath on the Tree corresponds with the throat, discovering the mysteries of the shadow side of existence, knowledge of the Rainbow Bridge, and Sphere 7, the domain of Venus, is connected with discovering the mysteries of love, sexuality, intimacy, the Garden of Beauty and increasing artistic activity.
There is a planetary Initiation taking place that challenges us to not just look at the current Covid crises as a physical matter that only a physical answer like vaccination will cure. There is Spiritual Knowledge (Daath) that if correctly applied results in Sphere 7, Netzach, the Hebrew word for Victory, ruled by Venus. For the intuitive I present the following diagrams.
First I want to point out that the astrological glyph for Venus is the only symbol that connects with all 10 Spheres on the Tree of Life. Secondly, note that the position of Daath will be located exactly at the centre of the Venus circle.
Clearly these visual symbols are worth meditating upon and this is the essential teaching methods of Kabbalah, a word that means “ to reveal”, and what is to be revealed depends upon the Key that we are to turn the lock.
To reveal and be sensitive to revelation, to what already exists if we had the eyes to see, is an oracular science, the Art of Divination. So let’s apply that and return to our Winter Solstice horoscope.
Sabian Degree Symbols
The Sabian Symbols story is embedded in the ancient cultures of the Middle East. The Sabian people were a race of astrologers, philosophers & alchemists living in Mesopotamia, now modern Iraq, from 3rd Century BC through to 1300 AD. These people maintained and developed the tradition of Chaldean astrology when it had been wiped out elsewhere.
In our modern times, 1925 in the USA, Marc Edmund Jones, a Presbyterian minister and astrologer, gave birth to the Sabian Symbols with the clairvoyant Else Wheeler, as they received images & symbols for each of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac. They both registered that an unseen agency was behind the birthing of the Symbols and Marc Edmund Jones himself declared that this Sabian Brotherhood was spiritually behind their experiment. The degrees were “manifested” on a single day in 1925 in a car park in San Diego – truly an extraordinary feat. Some years later, another famous astrologer Dane Rudhyar, published “An Astrological Mandala”, after a lot of research into the complete structure of the 360-degree series and this book gave them an incredible new layer of meaning, promoting the idea of using the Sabian Symbols as an oracle. Rudhyar described them as a contemporary American I Ching. It is in this way I wish to draw my reader’s attention to the degree meanings of the Venus-Pluto-Moon placements on the Winter Solstice chart.
The technique is simple – Pluto registers at 25-degrees 36 minutes so we take that to the nearest degree which is 26 Capricorn. Venus is at 26-degrees and 23 minutes of Capricorn so that becomes 27-degrees and the Moon in Cancer, the opposite sign and the opposite degree 27 Cancer. So these are our reference points.
A Nature Spirit is a carefree & beautiful image of effervescence and fun. They dance in the “mist” because they know how to avoid the areas of heavy pressure in the “waterfall”. Dance in the Mist in the gentle mysteries that arise even in the midst of life’s struggles.
27-degrees Capricorn: “A MOUNTAIN PILGRIMAGE”
In this symbol we see the human need to strive further, to go places that few people go and to take risks in the hope of reaching a somewhat “exalted” place. Taken literally, a Mountain Pilgrimage can be difficult, risky and even life threatening. However the Pilgrimage can manifest on many levels, all the way from wanting to reach and attain the “highest office” in a company, all the way to desiring and striving ascension to higher levels of otherworldly or spiritual attainment.
The effort we need to expend is great, but then so too are the rewards. This Pilgrimage can involve the need to get back to the purer elements of life and finding one’s spiritual grounding.
There is the image of ascent in consciousness, striving after what some would describe as impossibilities, going on a mission, somewhat alone and separate.
As an old Chinese Proverb states: “Climb mountains to see lowlands”.
We are all climbing towards the summit and it is from the top of the mountain that we can truly experience the larger perspective. And what a superb symbol that represents the sign of Capricorn – the mountain top or summit.
Astrology identifies the “top” of the chart as the MC or Midheaven, the highest point and the start of the 10th. House cusp. It has all the characteristics of the sign Capricorn, so let’s take a few minutes to enter into the symbolism of this is another way.
The MC or Midheaven & The Way to Achievement
In modern societies around the world, yet especially in America, men traditionally worship achievement, which astrology associates with the 10th. House that starts at the MC or Midheaven degree. This is the natural area for Capricorn on the horoscope. But what is true achievement? What are we striving towards? And if the Midheaven represents the Sun at noon, the zenith of its daily journey, then how conscious are we are what we are striving to achieve?
What is at stake in your 10th House is the quality of the success and the nature of the power for which you are striving. Is it success in terms of the actualization of your innate potential of being, your true individuality – or success measured by collective social-cultural standards of value? Are we talking about success in the outer world or success due to inner mastery?
The top of the chart, the highest point of the horoscope can also be understood as the fruit of the tree, the flowers & fruit that can only blossom over a long period of time, as the opposite point, the 4th. House cusp, is the Nadir, the foundation or roots of the tree that provide the essential nourishment. What flowers at this point of the horoscope is the potential that was recorded when the overshadowing soul first made contact with the physical matrix provided by our parents around 8 weeks after conception.
So at this point in the horoscope the Soul first makes contact. The Soul makes its presence known when it first contacts the habitat provided by a successful fertilization - and then as our individual life expands, we meet our individual destiny at this same point on the chart.
What is important is not whether or not a man or woman reaches what society calls success, but the quality of his/her reaching – and this essentially means how much of our true individual selfhood we focus into our public, social and professional endeavours.
When we meet people socially and they ask us not who we are, but what do we do, then we are making attunement with the 10th. House sign of Capricorn. But is what we do a true representation of who we are? Our identity is so often linked with what we do professionally in the outer world. Neither parents nor society represent the larger universe. It is only as you experience “rebirth” out of your culture and your society that you can know who you are. You must be reborn into the sky, into the universe, for it is this reborn self that is your true self – it is you in relation to the whole universe, the pattern of your true destiny. A new sense of belonging comes upon us, for we recognize that we have been accepted into the Universe. It delivers to you the message of the sky – your celestial Name.
As a professional Astrologer for more than 40 years, during a consultation with a client we can dialogue about the individual career, but for some people it is not so much about “career”, but more about “vocation”, which is a beautiful word that means doing one’s life calling. He or she is called upon to perform on the stage of mankind, according to the form of his or her innermost nature. The birth chart may not necessarily tell what the performance will be and whether or not it can be called successful in the eyes of other human beings – but it should give us significant clues concerning what is involved in our reaching whatever we do reach.
Among several factors worth studying and meditating upon are the nature and position of the planet traditionally ruling the sign at the Midheaven. This planet may have much to do with the type of activity which it is best for you to emphasize as you move along the path to achievement. The life-function symbolized by that planet can become the basic source from which to draw as you seek to gain the power necessary for the accomplishment of your life-task.
The Sabian Symbol for the Midheaven degree may well be worth meditating upon.
In my own horoscope I have 25-degrees Scorpio on the Midheaven with its traditional ruler Mars positioned at 27-degrees. I am passionate about digging down deep and bringing to the surface what needs to be recognized, if not transformed – and I don’t mind fighting for it.
Here is the Sabian Symbol for 25 degrees Scorpio: “AN X RAY PHOTOGRAPH HELPS WITH THE DIAGNOSIS”.
This symbol speaks of things to be revealed that otherwise would not be seen. The Dictionary defines “diagnosis” as the act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination, and review of laboratory data.”
An X-ray sounds very Scorpionic as it pierces through external layers to the core of things to show what’s really there or what’s really going on. This can allow remedies to be decided on and set in motion. An X-ray is able to see through layers into the structure of things, cutting through the unnecessary details to get to the heart of the matter.
This theme of penetrating insight describes my vocation in Astrological psychology.
I also adopted, almost 50 years ago, the spiritual symbol for Scorpio as my personal motto - The high flying Eagle, the Hunter for Truth, with the text on my letterhead paper: “May the Kisses of the Stars Rain Upon You.”
And to complete the oracle of the Sabian Symbols, we take Mars as the ruler of my Scorpio Midheaven positioned at 27 degrees Scorpio, here is the degree symbol:
What a wonderful image that I can truly identify with! There is occasionally a need to make a show for society to remind ourselves of a country’s successes and achievements. Making music to arouse people out of their complacency, drawing attention to what one is doing, the message one is trumpeting out aloud can be disruptive and irritating to others, yet it can also inspire genuine pride and celebration of past achievements.
As always with any of the Sabian Symbols, does it speak to you, and if it does, it does so immediately. Fascinating material ‘eh? I wonder what your destiny degree has to say about your true vocation?
The Goat symbol for Capricorn
Just before I gave you the spiritual symbol for Scorpio, the movement from the form of a scorpion to the form of the high flying eagle, the only creature on Earth that by its own effort flies to the highest reaches of the skies. And now let’s do that for Capricorn – the sign of the Goat.
There are two kinds of goats, the domesticated one and the wild mountain goat. The domesticated one lives a predictable routine secure life, yet the mountain goat is a totally different character. It moves with surety among the rocks and leaps from one crag to the next, leaving the safety of the Earth element, risk-taking, flying through the Air element and landing with passionate confidence. Truly a magician!
One is reminded of the Biblical statement about the separation of the sheep from the goats at the end of Days. Seen from the esoteric perspective, the sheep were the blah-blah-yes-yes men & women who represented the herd instinct and stayed within the confines of tradition and conformity.
But it was the goats who were individualized, and stormed the Gates of Heaven, so actually they were the “good guys” in this story because they manifested their individual identities, they were authentic and true to their innermost centre. The mythical versions of the sea-goat of Babylon & ancient Chaldea, half in the water and half on land were representations of the same theme. In ancient Egypt the sign of Capricorn was represented by the crocodile, who was both the great Tester of the Sun-God and simultaneously his greatest supporter. They even used crocodile oil to anoint their kings – and what does that tell you?
For those of you who join our pilgrimage to Egypt in May 2022, we shall be visiting a unique temple, Kom Ombo, on the banks of the Nile, which is dedicated to not one, but two gods – the Sun God Horus and the Crocodile God Sobek. The ancient Egyptians really understood how to work with these dynamic polarities and they are our masters in all symbolic arts & sciences.
The goat seeks its nourishment in the most rocky of the world’s places, high up on the mountain slopes. As the goat this portrays to us man, an ambitious animal, yet it also gives us the picture of the triumphant Initiate, the “Unicorn of God”. The symbol of the unicorn, with its one horn emanating like a single spear upon his brow, instead of the two horns of the goat – this is the spiritual symbol for Capricorn.
In the book “Esoteric Astrology” by Alice Bailey, we can read that: “The symbol for this sign is undecipherable and intentionally so. It is sometimes called the “signature of God”.
Clearly the sign of Capricorn is the most mysterious of all the 12 zodiac signs.
And if you read the original versions of the Christian Bible, you will come across various references that identify the Christ with the Unicorn. Unfortunately the modern versions changed the text and replaced the unicorn with the word “ox” – which is obviously a completely different meaning.
This form of correspondence linking the Christ energy to the fabulous mythic beast, the Unicorn, reached its highest expression in the Middle Ages of Christian Europe where you see paintings & tapestries depicting the Virgin Mary and the Unicorn, for only a pure Being could attract a Unicorn. Then there was the healing powers of the unicorn’s horn.
I grew up in England and can clearly remember as a child singing the nursery rhyme about “the Lion & the Unicorn going up to town”, which I better understood when I became much older. The “going up” is a secret reference to initiation (“to enter into”), a “mystic raising” of the individual into an expanded awareness. The ancient nursery rhyme deals with the emergence of the consciousness of the Initiate (white and one-pointed) and the defeat of the King of Beasts (the personality symbolized by the Lion), leading to the triumph of the bigger spiritual consciousness & illumination over the selfish small self-consciousness. In the myth the King of Beasts is blinded and killed by the piercing of his eye and heart by the long horn of the unicorn.
And being English and a lover of history, I was exposed to the National Coat-of-Arms for Great Britain, that includes England and the neighbouring countries of Scotland, Wales & Ireland. It appears on our British Passports as a reminder too. Here it is:
The “Supporters” holding up the Shield are considered in Heraldic terminology to represent important historical events & processes linked to the national identity. From another viewpoint we could regard them as the Spiritual Guides or Protectors of that entity called Great Britain or any other country with its particular “Supporters”.
That being said, what will you make of the Lion and the Unicorn as the Supporters of the Shield of Great Britain?
When you know that the Lion represents England, the conquering Lion that subdued the surrounding neighbours and that the Unicorn is the chosen symbol to represent the Scottish nation – and if you know some historical background, then when Elisabeth 1st. died in 1604 with no male successor to the throne of England, it was James 1st. of Scotland who ascended to the throne.
But look again with your eyes and see that the Lion bears his crown on the top of his head – but the Unicorn’s crown is located not on his head, but around the throat! Now use your spiritual eyes to make your interpretation about what that might mean?
You might also wish to include the international best-selling books of Dan Brown, which became the movie “The Da Vinci Code”, where the blood line of Mary Madelena & the Master Jesus takes us all the way from southern France to the very top of Scotland and a special Church built by the Masonary/Knight’s Templar Brotherhood.
Author Dan Brown was just putting together an esoteric tradition that was also known as the Celtic-Arthurian Mysteries - and the Grail Kingdom that King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table explored, stretched all the way from southern France, through England and Scotland. The greatest Knight at the Court of the legendary King Arthur was a French Knight, Lancelot du Luc, who crossed the Channel with his 100 knight’s and made the transition from the Solar Plexus region of the Grail Kingdom into Southern England, which represents the Heart region of this Kingdom.
So if the spiritual communities of southern France represent the Base or Root chakra, then Scotland is symbolizing the Head Chakra. And then we are back to the wonderful symbolism of the Unicorn.
I have always believed that a great revelation for the New Aquarian Age will emerge from Great Britain, through teaching by example, yet with the confusion of Brexit and separation from the European Continent, the Grail Kingdom, and a lack of any true inspired leadership, such revelation is not yet present. The Unicorn waits to be crowned to put the “Great” back into Britain.Naturally I have my perspective on what that might be – but that is material for a future Newsletter – stay tuned to this space!
To complete our Lion & Unicorn theme, I include another interpretation of the symbolism of Great Britain’s National Coat-of-Arms for your interest.
I started this Capricorn Newsletter with the meditation Keynote and I wish to end with the same :
”Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.”
After reading about Capricorn and the significance of our current times as we enter the New Year 2022, does the Keynote now resonate with new meaning? I hope so…….
Take the word “supernal” – it means something that’s heavenly or other worldly, from the world of the Divine. It is related to the sky and the heavens, and of exceptional quality. Instead of us as the Seeker, moving towards the Light, here we see that we ARE that Light – on that light I turn my back.
We are fully initiated into the realization that we are Beings of Light and the greatest service that we can offer the world is to connect with our Source and radiate that light.
One doesn’t become a conscious Being by just focussing upon the Light but by including the Dark. This has always been a major stumbling block for our Christian Churches but not so for the ancient world.
To finish this Capricorn Newsletter I just want to make some final comments about the ancient Egyptian God of the Underworld, the Lord of Light, the God-King Osiris who was both the Sun and the God-in-the-depths, the Underworld or what the Egyptians named the Land of the Blessed. In his Being Osiris included Light & Dark, which is why he was ONE, and therefore the title Shining One.
If we consider the hieroglyphs, first look at the 3-stepped throne. This was the headdress for the Mother Goddess ISIS. When you see this symbol on the head, you know it represents Isis herself. The throne means seated in one’s power. This Throne of Isis is also read as a step, three steps, therefore linking Heaven and Earth, and the Otherworld, the 3 Worlds of the Egyptians. For the Egyptians Isis was the actual throne itself, the seat upon which the divine child Horus sits as King of Light. To connect the Divine Trinity or Holy Family, now place the all-seeing Eye above the throne and you have the symbol representing OSIRIS, King of Light in the Underworld, who can be considered as a representation of the planet PLUTO. We started our Newsletter exploring the significance of the planet Pluto , especially related to the next 3 months and now here at the end, I wish to honour that powerful energy for rebirth and greater livingness.
The Eye of Light is enthroned – the “I” is enthroned, the True Self is manifest, Ausar-un-Nefer the initiate would shout – Myself Made Whole! What a marvellous depiction of the teachings in just a few well chosen line drawings! Such is the elegant beauty of Eternal Egypt.
May the Kisses of the Stars Rain Upon You!
And may You be Blessed with the presence of Unicorn energies
in your Brave New Year 2022!
Part 2: Future Events
Evening Workshop in Divination:
Wednesday 5th. January 2022
Using the Astro-Dice
Astro-Therapist & Tarot Master
Derek R. Seagrief
These beautiful ASTRO DICE consist of 3 dice – one for the PLANETS, one for the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS, and one for the 12 HOUSES.
Simply stated, the Planets are the “WHAT”, the 12 Signs are the “HOW” and the 12 Houses are the “WHERE”.
Throw the 3 dice together while holding a particular question in mind. When the dice have fallen, note the symbols on the ides showing uppermost.
Look at the PLANETS dice first – this refers to the basic type of energy available to you at this time. Next look at the SIGNS dice – this represents how the planetary energy will manifest. Then check the HOUSES dice – for the area of life being affected.
The ASTRO-DICE do not give a simple YES or NO answer to your question, so frame your question to invite further information as to the way an idea or situation may develop, So rather than asking “Should I accept this new job?”, ask instead: “What will be the likely future outcome if I accept this job?”
The dice can then give you a more precise insight on which to base your own evaluation. Always remember that the more precise your wording of the question, the more precise your answer.
This is a wonderful & playful way to develop your intuitional sensitivity and get immediate answers to your many personal questions – and what a positive investment in your future! Christmas is coming and what a great gift to yourself – or to friends & family.
Each participant will receive a set of ASTRODICE & study papers.
Space is limited to the first 7 participants who make full payment:
500 Dkr.
MobilePay: Berit Meland Seagrief 20 13 05 03
Venue: Niels Frederiksens Alle 4, 2610 Rødovre (Copenhagen)
Derek’s Mobile: +45 23 81 76
The Jupiter School of DIVINATION
9 Thursday Evenings – 2 times a month
Online Teaching from 18-21 CET
Starting 6 January 2022
Astrologer, Tarot Master, Kabbalist,
Artist, Alchemist & Author
Derek R. Seagrief
Life is speeding up and we live in revelatory times where learning “to see” with our inner eyes is so important.
Would you like to learn to increase your intuitional powers? Are you excited by the prospect of unfolding your EYE OF LIGHT?
Some might refer to this training as “prediction”, but in reality it is the skill of “whole-seeing”. Divination is about asking questions to the invisible worlds, often about the future, and then to read the patterns that are formed. In the ancient world, prophecy, normally the gift of the Underworld deities, was gradually replaced by the Sun-gods, who then became the embodiment of far-reaching vision.
Are you ready for increased Light on the matter? Come & join us in fun and stimulating ways to read signs, symbols & omens in simple, refreshing ways. Register NOW for 9 EYE OF LIGHT wonderful evenings!
Start: Thursday 6th January 2022
Evening 2: 20th. January
Insight, Revelation, Prediction & Prophecy – The Magic Mirror
Evening 3: 3rd. February
Tarot - Part 1;
I-Ching, Candles & Dreams
Evening 4: 17th. February
Tarot - Part 2
Evening 5: 3rd. March
Viking magic at your fingertips
Evening 6: 17th. March
Astrological Cycles – The Moon’s phases
Evening 7: 31st. March
Reading the signs of Nature
Evening 8: 21st. April
Evening 9: 5th. May 2022
Dynamic Synthesis & assessment
Derek with Anubis – Glypotek Museum, Copenhagen
Derek R. Seagrief – Bio
Derek has been inspiring students in the Art of Divination all over Scandinavia, England & USA for more than 33 years.
Internationally recognized intuitive Astrologer serving an international clientel since 1978, Derek was born in London 1952 and living in Denmark since 1978. Celebrating 40 years of active service with clients .
Trained in Art, Symbols, Psychology & Psychosynthesis, Derek is also Art Therapist & Tarot Master plus author of 13 books, (one in Swedish) covering a wide range of self-development themes.
Since the 1990s has been Tour Guide & Organizer for Scandinavian Group Pilgrimages to discover southern England, “In the Footsteps of Merlyn” and “Exploring Eternal Egypt”. A new Scandinavian & USA group to Egypt for 11 Magical Days in May 2022 is now forming – request information .
Derek has written 3 books on Egypt, one book being a historical novel on the Pharaoh Akhenaten.
The 13th. Book was: “Entry & Exit – Your Birth & Death Horoscope”, which pioneers new ways of working with this taboo subject.
For more than 40 years Derek has been working & living the Western Mystery Traditions. During the period 1980-1996 established a pioneering International Center for personal growth & transformation in Copenhagen and a 2-year School of Astro-Psychology & Counselling. In 1999 Derek birthed “The School of Living Kabbalah” and has introduced many hundreds of students in Scandinavia to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The School continues with Online activities.
Currently, the main teaching focus is through a wide variety of Online Education & Training including: “The 12 Night Gates of the Egyptian Book of the Dead”, “Become a Kabbalah Coach”, “Exploring your Life Mandala – Working with Astrology & Tarot”, “The Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology” etc.
Derek is married to Norwegian Opera singer Berit Meland & live in Copenhagen with their 3 children. Together they offer alternative Marriage, Confirmation & Death Rituals throughout Scandinavia.
P R A C T I C A L I N F O :
The Jupiter School of Divination
9 Thursday’s (Jupiter’s Day)
Evening ONLINE Workshops
18-21 CET (Central European Time)
January to May 2022
To Register:
Please send your Registration direct to Derek
& you will receive bank information or
Paypal Money Request for USA students
1666 Dkr. Danish kroner
$260 US dollars
Please Note:
All 9 Evenings will be recorded and made available on request
to Registered students
Start of a new 6-part Weekends:
Starting: 22-23 January 2022
Derek R. Seagrief
This new Education & Training was started in September and already now, half-way through our 6 Weekend Workshops, the 12 international students from Norway, Denmark, Germany & the USA would all agree that the experience is powerfully transformative! A common statement from the group is that it is so much more than what they had ever expected.
This group will complete their 6 Weekend Workshops in February next year and already now we are starting to Register students for our new 6-part series.
Do you want to be part of this amazing magical Journey into the worlds of Psychological Astrology? You can attend as a physical student at Jupiter Center, Son, NORWAY – or as Online student.
Do you want to participate from the comfort of your own home, distant education that also includes personal Tutorials for each student?
If so, don’t delay Register Today – space is limited to 12 participants.
6 Experiential Workshops
Workshop 1: 22-23 January 2022
- Working with Subpersonalities &
The Zodiac Wheel of Psychology
Workshop 2: 19-20 February
“SELF-ESTEEM, SELF-CONFIDENCE & SELF-EXPRESSION” - Exploring family patterns & psychic inheritance
Workshop 3: 19-20 March
- The transits of the Transpersonal planets, Uranus-Neptune-Pluto And the challenges they represent;
Dealing with the Shadow
Workshop 4: 23-24 April
- Walking our Path and the Art of Living
Workshop 5: 21-22 May
“THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE, SEXUALITY & RELATIONSHIPS” - Exploring the energy dynamics of intimate relationships; - Upgrading our Male-female Balance
Workshop 6: 18-19 June
- Dynamic Chart Synthesis;
- Making a Friend with Time
- Each Workshop will contain a mixture of individual & group exercises designed to assist participants to reach & experience the core issues of the themes for the weekend.
- These workshops are both PHYSICAL – at Jupiter Center, Norway & ONLINE live streamed – which presents a wonderful opportunity for individuals located far away in different international locations to get connected with a group of people that might never meet physically in the same location.
- Each Workshop is accompanied by study material, especially produced for each Weekend Theme for information & reflection. This is sent as a Word Document or PDF file 2 days before the start of the weekend.
- Each Workshop is recorded on Zoom and sent via Dropbox to your email address. There are 4 sessions of 3 Hours each:
- Saturday morning class from 10-13, afternoon class from 14-17. Sunday repeats the same times i.e. CET (Central European Time).
- You will be sent 4 Zoom invitations for each of the 4 classes a few days before the start of each weekend. Use the password to enter the class.
- Students are expected to maintain a working Journal of their exercises and insights/observations.
- In-between each Workshop students are sent 3 questions that are linked to the previous weekend – which requires a written response sent to your Mentor - to demonstrate understanding of the Astro-Psychological themes.
- After the first 2 Weekends, all students are offered a 1-hour Tutorial, where these written answers/Reports help form the basis of the dialogue. These tutorials are primarily to focus upon the work with the School, to guage your progress and to “smooth out” some of the rough edges so that increased flow can result. There are a total of 3 1-Hour Tutorials included in these 6 Workshops for all students as part of the training program. These Tutorials are recorded on Zoom & sent to you afterwards.
Derek R. Seagrief
Born in London, August 1952 and living in Scandinavia since 1978, Derek has functioned as a full-time professional Consultant Astrologer, serving clients throughout Scandinavia, UK, Europe & USA for 40 years.
Teacher of the Eternal Wisdom Traditions, trained in PsychoSynthesis (“Psychology with a Soul”) and Art-Therapy (“Liberating Painting Workshops”).
Derek has also been Tour organiser & Guide for Scandinavian Groups to England, Ireland & Egypt for more than 25 years, “In the Footsteps of Merlyn” & “Exploring Eternal Egypt”. A new group is now forming with both Scandinavians & American Seekers for Egypt in May 2022.
Many Moons ago, Derek was an artist with sculptor exhibitions in both London & New York. In 1969 he introduced himself to the Tarot and the magical world of symbols. Thirty years later established -“The School of Living Kabbalah”, introducing the Tree of Life to Scandinavian students.
Derek’s new book to be published in USA August 2022 combines these 3 disciplines, “Astrology, Tarot, Kabbalah & YOU” and is Part 1 of a Triology, bringing together many years of experience.
“Entry & Exit: Your Birth & Death Horoscope” was Derek’s 13th. book and published in Swedish 2012 by Sweden’s biggest alternative publisher. It has been completely revised in a new English ebook publication (400+ pages).
For 16 years Leader of “The Unicorn School of Astro-Psychology” in Copenhagen, a pioneering 2-year program that successfully combined the Art & Science of Astrology with modern Psychology. The rich experience gained from these journeys has been updated and now made available to a new group of students on “The Jupiter School of Astro-Psychology”.
P R A C T I C A L I N F O :
There are 2 types of payment:
(1).Physical participation as student at Jupiter Center (2). And as Online student.
6 Online Weekend Workshops: January to June 2022
(1). Price: 1800 Nkr. Each workshop x 6
TOTAL: 10, 800 Norwegian Kroner
Deposit of 3600 Nkr. (payment for Workshop 1 & 6)
(2).Price: 5555 Danish kroner
Full payment when you Register as Online student
Registration: To reach us latest 3rd. January.
Please Note:
Max. 12 participants
To Register:
Contact Derek via email & receive bank information.
USA students can use Paypal.
Norwegian students contact
Egypt Tour 2022 11-Days
Friday 27th. May to Monday 6th. June
Merlyns Tours/Younes Rejser Aps presents:
v/Berit & Derek Seagrief
“Exploring Eternal Egypt”
“ Exploring Eternal Egypt”
11-Days of Self-discovery exploring Sacred Mysteries
Our Journey is planned as a magical Adventure from start to finish. It begins when you Register your commitment to be one of the Keys of Light that each traveller shall represent. The Temples & Tombs of ancient Egypt were designed as places for self-realization - and our Tours reflect & respect this tradition.
21st. Century society and individuals can learn so much from the ancient Egyptian world view, which is why our Tours always emphasis “Eternal Egypt”. They were Masters in this technology of Light – and we are their students.
That being so, we shall prepare all travellers with a 70-Day program of meditation & various visualization exercises designed to prepare you for attunement with this ancient Egyptian vibration. This inner preparation work has been an original feature of our Tours for more than 25 years. Every 7 days you will receive a special set of papers – and there are 10 such “Books” or study material.
This will begin exactly 70 Days before our departure date Friday 27th. May 2022. So yes – we travel to Egypt in late May – but your travels will already begin 2 months before departure date - Saturday 19th. March 2022!
One look at our incredible schedule will show you that this is a carefully crafted adventure that seeks to bring you deep into the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Egyptians – with focus upon increased livingness. We could also rename the Tour: Rebirth on the Nile, for any visitor wanting to enjoy the true, authentic Egypt, must take time to experience sailing on the Nile, experiencing sunrise & sunset, eating & sleeping, reflecting and centering oneself, healing on the Nile. Yet not on a big cruiser but a wonderful luxury sailboat exclusively hired just for our group – fantastic!
Our Tour 2022 is planned by Merlyns Tours with Tour Leaders Berit & Derek Seagrief and our Egyptian Travel Agency, Younes Rejser ApS, who is the Scandinavian Tour arranger (covered by Rejsegarantifonden).
Together we will gather a Scandinavian group combined with a group of Seekers from the USA.
Our previous Tour was 14-Days & took place at the Autumn Equinox 2018, and was the ultimate Egypt experience, because it was the culmination of 25 years experience – and then came the Corona lockdown.
But during this interval, there has been the creation of a totally new Egyptian Museum in Cairo which will open in 2022 and this is a big event for all travellers to enjoy, and especially if you have previously experienced & can recall the old cramped conditions of the earlier Museum.
Egypt is undoubtedly an inspirational experience – and in contrast to most charter groups, we place great importance on the unfolding group process, making space & place for these personal transformations.
You are a KEY OF LIGHT – The Golden Ankh – and a key needs to be turned to open the door.
Welcome to an incredible magical and alchemical 11-Day Adventure!
Just some of the wonderful highlights of our Tour:
- Sunrise ritual on the sands of Giza, overlooking the Great Pyramid; - Entry into the Great Pyramid; meeting the Guardian Sphinx & experiencing the ancient Sakkara mortuary complex;
- Inspirational visit to the new Egyptian Museum, Cairo;
- Exploration of the magnificent tombs in the Valley of the Kings; - Queen Hatshepsut’s futuristic mortuary Temple;
- The Temple of Man at Luxor & the macrocosmic Temple at nearby Karnak, the biggest Cathedral space in the world;
- Experience the dramatic “Sound & Light” show in Karnak Temple - Enjoy the luxury of the famous Old Winter Place Hotel
in the heart of Luxor;
- Ritual work at sacred sites, (whenever it is possible) ;
- Journey deep south to Aswan & the beautiful temple of Isis on the island of Philae;
- Journey along the sacred river Nile in our luxury cruise boat; - Included on our Nile cruise will be entry into the amazing temples of Kom Ombo, dedicated to 2 Gods, the Sun God & the Crocodile God, Esna & the best preserved temple in Egypt, Edfu, dedicated to the Sun god Horus;
- Enjoy a visit to Papyrus & Perfume shops;
- Experience the high-point at the end of our Tour as we stay at the wonderful Coptic Community at Anafora Retreat Center with the famous Bishop Thomas;
and much, much more!
T O U R 1 - S C H E D U L E 2 0 2 2 :
2 nights in Aswan - 3 nights on luxury cruise boat – - 2 nights in Luxor – 1 night in Cairo
- 2 nights in Anafora Coptic Retreat Center
DAY 1 – Friday (Venus Day) 27th. May 2022
Scandinavian group travels from Kastrup Egypt Air kl.15.45 Arriving Cairo kl. 20.10 (4½ Hours direct flight Boeing 737) USA group travels direct Washington-Cairo.
Flight Cairo to Aswan 22.30.
Check in at Nubian Holiday Hotel - 2 nights.
DAY 2 – Saturday (Saturn Day) 28th. May
Lunchtime visit to the magnificent Isis Temple on the island of Philae. Explore Elephantine & Temple of Khum.
Evening dinner at Hotel.
DAY 3 – Sunday (Day of the Sun) 29th. May
Leaving Hotel. Morning shopping in Aswan market, visit Perfume shop. Lunch in local restaurant.
Boarding our luxury boat late afternoon in time for sunset. Evening dinner on boat as we sail towards Kom Ombo Temple.
DAY 4 – Monday (Day of the Moon) 30th. MayAfter breakfast, early morning visit to Kom Ombo Temple, a unique temple dedicated to 2 Gods, the Sun god & the Crocodile god. Return to our boat for Lunch and relaxation as we sail towards Edfu.
DAY 5 – Tuesday (Mars Day) 31st. May
Breakfast on our boat and entry during the day into the best preserved temple in Egypt – the Edfu Temple dedicated to the Sun God Horus. A fantastic day that also brings to an end our time with the ship’s crew. Our third and final dinner & celebrations on boat.
DAY 6 – Wednesday (Mercury Day) 1st. June After breakfast we say goodbye to the ship’s crew as our baggage is loaded onto Coach & we make the short drive to Esna Temple. Lunch nearby, then another short drive to Luxor, ancient Thebes, where we shall check-in at the world famous Old Winter Palace Hotel with rooms overlooking the Nile & situated very close to the inspiring Luxor Temple. We have 2 nights in the Hotel.
Evening visit to the Luxor Temple of Man & dinner at local restaurant.
DAY 7 – Thursday (Jupiter Day) 2nd. June
Early morning visit to the Valley of the Kings & the West Bank before the heat of the midday sun. Here we shall visit 3 tombs, including the magnificent Seti tomb. Local lunch followed by short drive to Queen Hatsheput’s wonderful futuristic temple set against the background of the Theban mountains.
Return to Hotel. Evening “Sound & Light” show at Karnak Temple.
DAY 8 – Friday (Venus Day) 3rd. June
Early breakfast, check-out of Hotel and load our baggage onto coach as now drive to Karnak Temple, the world’s biggest Cathedral. 3 hours to explore Karnak and then we drive to nearby airport to make the 2pm afternoon flight to Cairo.
Check-in at Hotel near the Pyramids for 1 night only.
If possible, late afternoon visit to the New Museum of Antiquities.
DAY 9 – Saturday (Saturn Day) 4th. June
Early breakfast and 8am arrival at the incredible Great Pyramid. This is followed by visit to the legendary Sphinx. Local lunch, then drive to Red Pyramid.
We then drive 2½-hours to Anafora, the Coptic Retreat Center and Community where we shall enjoy our final days in Egypt. We shall arrive for a delicious evening vegetarian dinner, followed by Coptic Prayer ceremony.
DAY 10 – Sunday ( Day of the Sun) 5th. June Today is our final full day in Egypt as tomorrow morning we arise very early to meet our flight schedules.
After breakfast free time to wander around and experience the many activities that take place within this Coptic Community. They are a self-supporting farm, growing their own crops. Visit the wonderful shop with it’s many hand-made & original items. Meeting with Bishop Thomas.
Afternoon group sharing and lots of time to digest our adventures from the past days.
A wonderful healing ending to our Eternal Egypt adventure.
DAY 11 – Monday (Day of the Moon) 6th. June 2022 Time for our departure – both Scandinavian & USA group leave for Cairo airport at 5am early morning. It is a 2½ hour journey to the airport and the Scandinavian group has a 10am fight with Egypt Air arriving Copenhagen kl.14.45.
These times allow travellers living in Sweden or Norway to make suitable arrangements for same-day flights to their final destination.
Please note that in Denmark/Scandinavia we arrive home on a public holiday weekend, Monday 6th. June is the Second Pinsedag holiday.
Welcome home after an incredible magical 11 Days in Eternal Egypt!
Practical Info:
Price for Scandinavia Travellers
(Note: USA travellers request price in US$)
Per person in shared accommodation for 11 Days:
Total: 19,850 Dkr.
This includes flight costs, both international & domestic; Visa stamp; All transfers, Travel by air-conditioned Coach;
All accommodation, 1st. Class Hotels, plus Coptic Anafora Community & luxury Cruise Boat for our exclusive use; All breakfast arrangements. Entry into Pyramids, Tombs & Temples;
“Sound & Light” show at Karnak;
Payment for 3-4 Travel Guides, Driver, plus various tips throughout Tour; Derek’s 70-Day Inner Preparation study material.
Single supplement: Add extra 2450 Dkr.
Please Note:
Not included in the price are all lunches & evening dinner to be paid for by each traveller – with the exception of dinners on our Cruise boat, full board at Anafora Coptic Community - plus 3 paid lunches at Cairo, Dendera/Abydos & West Bank.
To Register:
You make a Deposit of 3000 Dkr. (non-refundable)
to secure your place ASAP as one of the 22 Keys of Light.
The Bank information for making your Deposit Payment
will be sent to you after we have received your email request.
Note: Please ensure that we receive the amount requested and that you pay all bank/service charges - thank you.
To help assist your economy we have made it possible to pay the remaining costs in 3 instalments.
So first you make the 3000 Dkr. deposit anytime between now & 1st. February 2022, followed by 3 payments of 5,616Dkr. spread over a period of 3 months.
By 1st. February 2022 the first payment: 5,616 Dkr.
is to reach Younes Rejser Aps, Denmark.
Then 1st. March 2022 your second payment of: 5,616 Dkr.
to Younes Rejser Aps.
1 month before departure 26th April 2022 your final instalment of: 5,616 Dkr. needs to be registered with Younes Rejser Aps.
Younes Rejser bank information will be sent to each traveller
after your Deposit has been registered.
If you wish to pay the full amount with one bank transaction then we naturally welcome your registration!
Please Contact us if you need additional information:
For info regarding contents of Tour:
Derek Seagrief: email:
Mobile: 0045-23 81 76 18
For info regarding all practical aspects of the Tour, including payment: Younes Rejser ApS
A.P.Møllers Alle 17, DK-2791 Dragør
+45 36 99 05 27
Medlem af Rejsegarantifonden nr. 2118
Merlyns Tours with Berit & Derek R Seagrief
Berit with Sekhmet & Derek with Anubis &
Entrance to the Isis Temple on the island of Philae
“Travelling with Derek & Younes Rejser in Egypt is a unique experience. The Tours are thoroughly planned to the finest detail by this wonderful team to assure that you will be happy, comfortable & enriched by the experience. Derek has an unusually rich knowledge of Egyptian mythology and his ability to bring the Gods & Goddesses to life and to take on personal meaning for each traveller is unique. I can highly recommend these tours for those who want to go to Egypt & enjoy adventure combined with a spiritual journey.” - Cynthia Henriksen, Yoga teacher, Norway
“It was a marvellous experience – and still is! Hundreds of photos will remind us and provide great joy in the future – But the real significance looking back, was we got our priorities right and got tools which hopefully will make it possible for us to develop our skills. And a very special thank you to Derek – your dedication & ability to cope with unexpected as well as expected events made it possible for all of us to concentrate on the experiences and impression.”
- Anders G. Åkesson, Lawyer, Sweden
“To meet Egypt in the company of such an experienced & competent Guide as Derek was truly unforgettable – I really recommend travelling with Derek, it gives an extra dimension to it all!! With all practical things well arranged, one could really just relax and enjoy all the amazing places and experiences. If one is single, I found it was a perfect way to travel, while sharing experiences with everyone in the group you learn so much more! We got a really good bonding together with many laughs!” – Ann Flard, CEO, Sweden
“I februar var jeg med Derek Seagrief og Younes rejser på rundtur i Egypten. Det var en livsoplevelse af de helt store. Alt var så vel tilrettelagt. Vi var nogle fantastiske steder – den store Pyramide i Giza, pragtfulde templer, interessante gravpladser, den hvide ørken hvor vi sov under åben himmel, red på kameler og meget mere! Vi boede nogle dejlige steder. Vores Egyptiskeguider og chauffører gjorde alt for at turen skulle blive så perfekt som muligt. Egyptere er meget hjertelige og humoristiske. De sidste dage slappede vi af i skønne Anafora, Coptic Retreat Center – og det var ren healing. Helt fantastisk tur!” – Anne-Marie Læssøe, Healer, Denmark