Derek’s Newsletter – January 2021


Hello and a very warm welcome to readers of my first Newsletter for the Brave New Year 2021! Wishing you a truly “new” year, a year of increased livingness!

The two-headed Roman God Janus:

We are travelling through the first month of the New Year January, which is named after the Roman god JANUS. Although he is not so well known, but he is arguably one of the most important Roman Gods. In Roman mythology, Janus was the God of Doors, Gates and transitions and was present at the beginning of the world. He is portrayed with two faces – one facing the past and one facing the future. During this month of January we are all reviewing the powerful upheavals of the past year 2020 and looking towards the new start promised by a new year. 

As the God of transitions and dualities, Janus is portrayed holding a KEY in his right hand. This symbolizes his protection of Doors, Gates, thresholds and other separations or openings between spatial boundaries. In ancient Rome the symbol of the key also signified that a traveller had come to find safe harbour or trade goods in peace. And in a symbolical way the powerful image of the Key is pregnant with magical energies. It can open or close a door or our dialogue to a different landscape and a new dimension. On my office table I have a big old iron Key, the size of my hand, that obviously once was used to open a big wooden door. Where that was and where this key comes from, I don’t know, perhaps a Medieval Castle in my imagination, a special room hiding a special treasure – but during this month of January my eyes and consciousness pay attention to its presence – and it inevitably begins to work its magic…… And to those who have visited my Copenhagen office, you may wonder why I am surrounded throughout the year by 12 Egyptian Ankh’s, the looped cross held in the hand by all ancient Egyptian Gods & Goddesses, which was considered to be the Key of Life. Become yourself the KEY that opens the mysteries of the Universe!


The 2021 Horoscope:

At the first stroke of midnight 31st. December and the dawn of a new day on 1st. January we have the horoscope for the New Year. And regardless of what time zone you are living in, East or West, midnight local time always results in the sign of Libra rising on the ASCendant and the Sun in Capricorn positioned at the bottom of the chart, conjunct the IC angle or 4th. House cusp. This provides us with a working template for every year, every 10-year period or Decade, or a 100-year horoscope for the 20th. and 21st. Century. This stretches our sense of time and encourages us to take the wider perspective, for good judgment only happens because of seeing the larger patterns at work. And the eternal repetition of Libra on the Ascendant and the Sun in Capricorn will remind us that Love (Venus-Libra) is the Law (Saturn-Capricorn) and that co-creation (Libra) is both our Fate & Destiny (Capricorn). 


Here is the horoscope for 2021. As always with any interpretation of a chart, recognize what stands out and build your analysis & synthesis around that. Visually you will quickly establish that no less than 5 planets (Sun-Mercury-Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter) are positioned in one House, or Department of Life, the 4th. House representing the “home & family” yet also symbolizing our foundations and issues of security. What are our foundations, what can we be secure about?

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The next important visual significator will be the presence of an elevated Moon in the early degrees of Leo, 10th. House, yet all on its own in the top half of the horoscope – and forming the all-important opposition aspect to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in early Aquarius. The regal Leo Moon demands recognition and attention in this placement. 

The Moon in the 10th. House occurs in the National horoscopes of USA and UK, symbolizing democracy, the emotional will of the people is ruling. So if the Moon represents “the people”, how will we interpret the challenging opposition aspects to Saturn (the past, hierarchy & conservative elements in society) and Jupiter (the future, our belief systems & judgments)? 

Clearly there is an alchemical mixture between the old elements of society stuck in positioning, power & status and the more forward looking elements of society, seeking new perspectives and new ways to tackle the emerging future taking place as we start this New Year. 


You will also see this theme strongly emphasized by the dynamic square aspect between Saturn & Uranus on the 2021 horoscope, which brings together the planetary Rulers of Aquarius, the traditional ruler Saturn and the modern planetary ruler Uranus – and therefore sets the scene for extracting meaning from our past experiences (Saturn) in order to reinvent ourselves and create new ideas manifested in durable and meaningful structures (Saturn). 

On the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Uranus sits at the Head of the Masculine Pillar and Saturn at the Head of the Feminine Pillar, and when we individually work out this apparent conflict, we become our own White Magician and our consciousness gets focussed in the third and Middle Pillar of Synthesis & Equilbrium. This is what the Bible teaches when it states that eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good (Masculine) and Evil (Feminine) awakens us to our God-like inheritance. After all, what is magic – but the living in two worlds at the same time. This is what is meant by the esoteric – to live from the inside out. Much could be written about this archetypal conflict between Saturn (the old) and Uranus (the new), but for the purposes of this Newsletter, I will draw your attention to the fact that these two planets will be forming 3 major square (90-degree) contacts to each other during 2021 – and this energy dynamic will absolutely characterize the New Year. Make note of these all-important dates:

The first contact culminates around 17-18 February, then the retrograde movement, going back over the same themes during 14-15 June and a final contact at Christmas, 24 December.

 Yet Saturn carries our history and as the Lord of Fate, we are destined to reap the consequences of a lot of self-denial, our history of emotional repression and frustration as it makes contact with the emotional needs of the Moon. Saturn represents persons in authority and correlates to the dark side of the Father archetype. All Moon-Saturn aspects challenge us to express emotions in a constructive manner, because they tend to hamper the development of the anima/anima function in the psyche. When better understood this same planetary combination develops into a quality that fosters mature relationships, but when we are emotionally immature, our emotional frustration is projected outwards and our emotional dependency is attached to outer authorities. A Leo Moon has a lot of pride, yet if we live in a democracy then after elections to public service offices, there will be winners and losers, and graceful acceptance of this fact supports democratic institutions. 

The Washington Riot 6th. January:

As I write these words 11th.January, the world is witnessing the aftermath of the recent events of domestic terrorism as the pro-Trump mob, stormed the Democratic capital of the USA, Washington, Wednesday 6th. January in what has been described as an insurrection, which had been clearly incited by the inflammatory words of President Trump. This riot occurred on the day the Christian world celebrates The 3 Kings arriving at the birth place of the infant Christ. To develop the esoteric sensitivity, we need always to link the outer events with the inner world. What can the synchronicity of this date & event teach us? In this Newsletter I am going to explore deeper this connection.

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Rebellion is always a potential pathway to pursue when the planet Uranus is a major player on central stage. Add that to the additional factor that fiery Mars, the Hero and Warrior archetype, is not only placed in its own sign of Aries but forms a close square aspect to Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, in Capricorn. If Mars represents anger, then Pluto is rage. Hidden subversive elements in society rear their heads and take action. As the planets Uranus & Mars also contact with both ends of the Moon-opposition Saturn-Jupiter axis, forming technically a T-square with Mars & Uranus as the Focal planets, it is inevitable to anticipate many future uprisings – and remember, this is not the horoscope for the  USA but a world chart, so what has begun in America will inevitably echo throughout the world during this year. We can also hope that the courage and powerful desire to birth something new, which is the dominant urge behind these planetary contacts, will also see a strong mobilization of the will-to-good for the overall benefit of society and not just the exclusive promotion of any special group.

The shadow over American Democracy is suggested by this Moon-Saturn contact, as indeed the infamous reputation of being the only President in American history to be impeached two times during his term of office. For those of you who know your astrology, you will recognize the decisions to invoke the law are shown through the planetary contacts to Jupiter, the Lawgiver. It is also surrealistically absurd that President Trump considers himself above the Law while considering “pardoning” himself in his executive capacity as President. 

The Inauguration ceremony for the 45th.President of the USA is set for noon, 20th. January 2021. It is written into the American Constitution that this date is the swearing in of a new President. It is the day when the transit Sun leaves the sign of Capricorn and enters the sign of Aquarius. The Founding Fathers of Revolutionary America, way back in 1776, freed from the dominance of the British Empire knew their astrology! Aquarian ideals are to govern the American peoples, unity in diversity, a celebration of our differences, equal rights & respect for all peoples. Full living on all planes is required in the Age of Aquarius – we shall have no deficiencies. Unfortunately perhaps, there is also an exact Moon-Mars conjunction in fiery Sagittarius forming a square to Venus, ruler of the Taurus Ascendant. Here we see anger issues and conflict over cooperation from the beginning of President Biden’s 4-year term of office. The country is divided and the promised unity in the future depends entirely upon levels of self-awareness, the ability to rise above judgment and deep wounding, and with the majority of people looking in the same direction.

The Horoscopes for the 21st. Century & 2020:

We have explored in some detail the importance of the Moon-Saturn opposition on this 2021 horoscope. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the horoscope for 100 years, the start of the 21st. Century (midnight 1st. January 2000) also has this very same aspect, a Scorpio Moon opposing a Saturn in Taurus 8th. House placement. 


The obvious significance of this fact is that the year 2021 provides an opportunity to manifest emotional maturity and take responsibility for how we share power, how we share and distribute our collective resources, how we deal with issues of economy & security (2nd. & 8th. House themes). There is also some powerful education around how we approach the taboo issue of death & dying, which is still a major collective area of self-denial. A new collective attitude is emerging around how we use our time during this incarnation, which is of course based on our values - and that means a new approach to the concepts of Heaven & Hell, and the life in the  worlds beyond the physical. You may believe that this doesn’t concern you, but then you would be in denial of the purpose of this 100-year horoscope – which is nothing less than the realization by the ego-personality that there exists the soul vibration to our existence. The recognition of the fact of the soul eliminates fear, and all fears come from a lack of knowledge, a lack of light. As previous Newsletters have indicated, the only antidote to our climate of fear is the increase in Love. It is a psychological truth that we need not seek love, but look for what is false, because that is the barrier that needs to be recognized in order that greater love can be a part of our life.

Astrology students will also be quick to observe that in this 21st. Century horoscope the Moon-Saturn opposition forms a T-square to the Focal planet Neptune in Aquarius, suggesting all manner of strange realities and contact to the invisible worlds will get promoted through this aspect. As human beings we are primarily focussed upon the physical plane and largely defined by the work that we do. Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces, the sign that governs the 6th. House of Work, Health & Healing.


The horoscope for 2020:

If I show you the horoscope for 2020 and your eyes zoom into the Moon-Neptune conjunction in the 6th. House, it cannot be a surprise to read the Covid-19 pandemic in this placement. This 6th. House on any horoscope also involves domestic animals, and that also includes our treatment of the animal kingdom. In recent years the human kingdom has been exposed to several major virus crises, including among others Saar’s, bird flu, and Ebola - so the question we can ask ourselves is what have we learnt as the core issues behind their increased appearance in our societies?  

Neptune governs what we don’t see, hidden forces, environmental factors and infections and that also includes the medical phenomena of a virus. It has been called a hidden enemy, and like any virus continues to mutate or shape-shift in true Neptunian fashion! The Covid-19 virus continues to dissolve our everyday reality – and that is very Neptunian! In 2020 the global population has lost its jobs, its normal 6th. House working routines and services. With social distancing comes for the majority, social anxiety, yet Neptune is a transpersonal planet so its function is to challenge our everyday ego structures, expose our vulnerabilities and stimulate a trust and willingness to move into a new space, into uncharted waters, and to raise our levels of compassion, which is also about our compass directions. And who is the Captain of our Ship, who will enable us to navigate these dangerous waters? Where is your true Center? If we lose our job, what are we left with, nothing or everything? People get depressed when they are challenged on their identity. 

We are here to address the question: Who am I?  Are we bigger than our small world and our working profile? We cannot get the whole answer in such a short span of time – but there is a joy for each new revelation. So yes, as I wrote in previous Newsletters, Covid-19 is Nature’s correction process because humanity is out of balance. If you knew that the positive expression of Neptune is inspiration, healing and compassion – and you are seeing that expressed throughout every country through the various health and hospital practitioners who have dedicated their lives to improve the physical well-being of others – then know that our understanding of these universal principles requires that each person take the universal and express it in our daily lives. Healing means to become whole, and the healing I am directing your awareness towards isn’t going to be achieved by the mass vaccination of the global community. The focus is once again only upon the physical – what about the emotional, mental and spiritual factors behind this pandemic? When will we learn to deal with causes and not just focus upon the outer effects – when? 

When is there an end to the lockdowns & pandemic?

Returning to the Moon-Saturn-Jupiter opposition in this current year’s horoscope – and the inevitable question that astrologers get asked: When will the global Covid-19 pandemic end so I can start visiting my family and friends and start to travel again – when?

The Moon in astrology represents our physical body and Saturn is the principle of restriction. The many months of social restriction and the toughened measures of many national governments in recent weeks will ultimately deepen the collective depression, slowness and seriousness that we are enduring. As the Moon-Saturn opposition cuts through the parental axis on the horoscope, the 4th. & 10th. Houses, then we can also see how parents around the world are becoming overwhelmed by meeting the demands of both work and becoming teachers for their stay-at-home children. What are the consequences of such a situation? It really depends upon the level of acceptance or resistance to this on-going drama. On the physical and emotional levels, this not only means emotional deprivation but the prospect of many chronic ailments, heart conditions, skeletal deficiencies, as people have a harder time shaking colds or chromic maladies and not just the exclusive focus upon Covid-19. Both Saturn and the Moon are the planets that deal with the past, and there is a long history behind each government’s handling of the pandemic crises. There is a history behind this illness and this demands that we make a friend with Time, see the larger perspective, and work through these self-imposed limitations, yet maintain an optimistic vision. Suffering exists in many ways – but the way we respond to things can indicate changes in our attitude about them and how we move on in spite of them.. This is the influence of Jupiter in astrology that develops a world view that everything we encounter is a blessing and a lesson to learn. This is why the future cannot be carved in marble, for it changes according to the degree of self-awareness that we have reached. It is the raising of self-awareness that enables us to recast the future. When we are grateful for the lesson, we can experience the Grace of God.  When we have something in our lives that we don’t like, and don’t know why we have it, then ask: What is the question for which this situation, dilemma, feeling or reality is the answer? By questioning in such a way, we can often come up with a deep insight as to how we got to where we are. We can then determine where we want to go. This is the forward looking activity of Jupiter in the horoscope, enabling us to go beyond our known fears and self-imposed boundaries.

We should contemplate preventative medicine and recognize that prevention is better than cure. And we should both welcome & encourage alternative healing methods in the home, the work environment and the classroom. This requires vision and this leads us to another theme in the 2021 horoscope.

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On this 2021 horoscope we have VENUS, the ruler of the Libra ASCendant, positioned in the 3rd. House sign Sagittarius, conjunct the Nodal axis while forming the challenging square aspect to Neptune located in its own sign and occupying the 6th. House. Believe it or not, but the simple fact of increased international & individual communication, cooperation and humanitarian values will hasten the world community towards increased peace and healing. And yes, there can be other more alternative methods of healing the pandemic that involve the transmission of light & colour through the etheric vehicle, such as distant healing techniques. Breathing and meditation techniques can prove invaluable during this crises. Fear of meditation is the fear of being swallowed up and this also provides another positive pathway to raise the vibration and act compassionately. Vaccination, the Holy Grail of the medical world and the delight of all pharmaceutical companies, is one approach but not the final answer. The Venus-Neptune contact suggests increased love is the only guarantee that improves our collective immunity. Indeed, it could be said that our goal both as individuals and as an international community is the demonstration of more joy and happiness in our everyday world and mind-sets, to be positive in our view of the future and cultivate true authentic loving-kindness. It is this factor that guarantees we move beyond the fear-based information climate of our societies – and that we move towards a recognition that we are ONE Humanity. This determines how long and when the pandemic disappears.

March, June & Nov./December 2021:

For the more logical statistical mind, I will also include the fact that the whole month of March 2021, especially centred upon the New (13th.) & Full Moon (28th.) dates which activate both the Libra Ascendant and the placement of Neptune on this 2021 horoscope, are key factors to watch. Transit Neptune will also be forming the exact square aspect to the Venus placement at this time too. This month of March holds the key to how long will the lockdown continue after this period. So by the month of June we could start to begin our summer celebrations. At the end of this year, from mid November through to start of December 2021, which is approximately 2 years after the Covid-19 pandemic started, a general peace and blanket of tranquillity seems to descend. And what the horoscope of 2022 suggests, that you will have to wait a year before my Newsletter explores that scenario. 

Astrology is a language of energy and energy does not produce transformation unless you express it.

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The Star of Bethlehem & the arrival of the 3 Kings:

Around two weeks after the birth of Jesus and our celebration of Christmas, we have the arrival of the 3 Wise Men from the East to honour this unique event. As tradition records it, they follow the Star of Bethlehem and arrive January 6th. bearing their gifts to the Christ child. This date is also the start of the Russian Orthodox New Year, 6th. January and one month later at the time of the first New Moon in February, (Sun & Moon conjunct in Aquarius) this year occurring on 12th. February, the Eastern world of China & Asia will celebrate the start of their New Year, the Year of the Ox. 

In this January Newsletter I would like to draw your attention to some details of the 3 Kings story.

On the 18th. December, the Australian Astrologer Bernadette Brady delivered a fascinating webinar on the cultural astronomy of The Star of Bethlehem. The recent Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December was naturally the stimulus for this presentation due to the historical association with the Star of Bethlehem that led the 3 Wise Kings to the stable where the infant was born. The difference of accounts between the Gospels of Luke & Matthew has always been a major theological and historical point of debate and various authorities born after the Christ create differing accounts of the Star of Bethlehem. Around 150 years later the Church Father Origen talks of it as a comet, which then gets immortalized in Giotto’s Medieval painting. It was not until Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) that a different viewpoint was offered where he used his astronomy skills to record that it was the combined conjunction of Mars with Jupiter & Saturn that produced the great light of the Star of Bethlehem. Bernadette Brady has done some wonderful work with her books on the Fixed Stars, and she shared with us the fact that these 3 Kings were Sky watchers and Zoroastrian priests from Persia, detailing that in the astrology of that time, planets that rose or set with the Sun or Moon took on a great importance. “Spear bearing” was the ancient term that referred to a clustering of planets, and the superior planets known as Mars, Jupiter & Saturn, which were the mark of fame, became joined with Venus in the skies from February through March & April 6 BC. As many of you are well aware, the fixing of the December date for the birth of Jesus was one of many dates proposed by theological scholars. Much of Brady’s material was aimed specifically to the astrological community but for me it registered that these 3 planets, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn also symbolized the 3 Kings or the Magi (Magicians) who saw in the heavens the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy about a King to rule the World arising out of Bethlehem.

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The symbolism of the 3 Gifts:

So the gifts these 3 Wise men bring to the Christ child, is this to be understood as planets bringing gifts or human beings bringing gifts?

Let us explore the fact that when they saw the Star shine forth, the three Kings undertook a journey and were very conscious about the gifts they brought to Bethlehem, the “House of Bread”. For the esoteric trained person, these are symbols of those disciples in the world today who are ready to prepare themselves for what is known as the First Initiation, to transmute their knowledge into wisdom, and to offer all they have to the Christ within. The gifts they brought teach us the specific type of discipline which must be undergone in order to present to the Christ, gifts which will be symbolic of achievement. 

These three Kings offered to the infant Jesus 3 presents – gold, frankincense and myrrh. 

We are a three-fold person in our human nature, a physical living body, a sum total of emotional reactions, and also we are a mysterious something that we call a mind.  These 3 parts of every individual, have to be offered in sacrifice, worship and as a free gift to the Christ within. Incense is a symbol of purification, and the burning of it removes all dross and leaves only the essence, our purified prayers and devotion going upwards as a blessing to God. This represents the emotional or astral body. Then there is the mind. Yes, gold could easily be symbolically placed here, but it is the bitter herb of myrrh that relates to the mind. It is through the mind that we suffer as human beings, and the further we progress as individuals and as a race, the more the mind develops and so too the greater seems the capacity for suffering. But when suffering is seen in its true light and dedicated to divinity, it can be used as an instrument whereby we approach nearer to God. Then we can offer to God that rare & wonderful gift of a mind made wise through pain, and a heart made kind through difficulty surmounted.  Gold, as the ancient Egyptians would describe it, is “the flesh of the gods”, and relates as a symbol, to the material nature, which must be consecrated to the service of God and of man. Ponder on the fact that gold today represents the heart-beat of any economy and you will better recognize this identification to the physical world. 

So as we study the meaning of these 3 gifts brought by the disciples of old to the infant Jesus, we can begin to see their meaning as it applies to our individual situation.  And it becomes apparent that today, Humanity, as a race, stands before the infant Jesus at the end of a long journey and can now offer, if we so will, the gifts of material life, of purification through the fires of adversity, and of the suffering through which we have all been subjected. Gold, our material wealth, the very life-blood of nations, must be consecrated to something much higher than mere ego satisfaction. Frankincense, the dreams and visions and aspiration of the people, so real and deep that the nations everywhere are struggling for the expression of these dreams – these too must be dedicated and offered to the soul, the Christ and the Buddha within us all. And the pain, suffering and agony of humanity, never before so acute as now, must surely be laid at the lotus feet of the Christ-Buddha. Pain is ever the accomplishment of birth. It is these birth pangs which precede the next big revelation for us as ONE Humanity. Christmas cards that present the 3 Kings in their rich robes, spotlessly clean as though they and their camels have been transported by means of a first-class journey, is a good example of “fake news”.  The truth, whether considered materially or psychologically, is that the coldness, the sharp weather, the winter, sore feet, the cursing, the retreat of helpers, lack of refuge, darkness, dirt, the regrets and by far the most to bear, the inner doubts, would be an integral part of the journey. The experience of falling down yet picking ourselves up again & again, a thousand times or more, reveals that the ability to keep on keeping on, is the greatest magic of all. The 3 Wise Men followed the Star – are you following your guiding Light, your brilliant Star of Bethlehem?

The Bible says that these 3 Magi came from the East and followed the Star until it rested overhead in Westerly Bethlehem. If they followed the Easterly direction of the Star then logically they must have travelled right around the globe to reach Bethlehem in the West, which would have made them very poor navigators indeed! So we are now talking symbolically, for what is the East point on an ever revolving globe? And why when they meet King Herod, does he ask them – What time did you see the Star appear? For the astrologer, the East point and the reference to time all point to astrological knowledge and the Ascendant, the East point on any horoscope.

Follow your Star to the 1st. Initiation:

In esoteric terms, there are many Initiations, a word which means “going into” something. The evolutionary pathway for all people was synthesized for us in the teachings of the Master Jesus, the purified personality that became integrated with the indwelling soul, the Christ principle and underwent the Birth, the Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion and Resurrection-Ascension Initiations. It is these 5 great episodes that represent a graded and realized series of expansions of consciousness.

The First Initiation is being experienced by all who are interested in esoteric teaching. Hardly any of the younger generations born in the past 60 years are not interested in some form of these teachings. The 1st. Initiation is a group experience, an experience of many who start upon the pilgrimage of the Path. It is the commencement of a structure of right living, right thinking, right action. The Christ consciousness can be seen as a consciousness of responsibility and service. “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God”, writes Saint John. In the 1950s these awakened souls existed in their thousands, and by the year 2025 (the year scheduled for the Reappearance of the Christ) they will be present in their millions. In the Wisdom Teachings it is taught that the Christ presides over the first two initiations and that His Coming will indicate that the mass of Humanity has attained the first Initiation and achieved a measure of Law & Order in world relationships. 


As aspirants to the knowledge and experience of the Mysteries, we are following the “STAR”, the highest light we have. There is an old Kabbalistic saying: “When you find the beginning of the Way – the Star of your Soul will show its light”. And have you heard the old esoteric teaching from the ancient world, which became popularized by Aleister Crowley in the 20th. century: “Each Man & Woman is a Star”.  Our home is the stars, we are star material and that we originate from stellar regions. Follow your Star as portrayed for us through the journey of the 3 Wise Kings from the East – dedicate 2021 to this New Year’s resolution! 

Many years were spent by the disciple Jesus between the Birth and the Baptism Initiation – and for us, they may be many lifetimes before we attain a mastery over our physical vehicle and emotional-astral body. The remaining 3 Initiations were taken by Jesus the Christ in just 3 years – an unparalleled achievement in the history of the human race. The Second Initiation marks the crises of the control, and mastery of the astral body – the emotional life and then comes the Transfiguration with its focus upon our mental apparatus. 

I have presented this material for your interest and your inspiration here at the start of this New Year. And now for the rest of my January Newsletter some other practical news.


OMStars presentation of 3 Classes with Derek Seagrief

On 13th. December I started a new exciting series of Live streaming with my USA friends at the Yoga Community OMStars, which has a 10,000+ international Membership. The title of my first class was “Entry into the Aquarian Vibration”.

The next two live presentations, 90 minutes duration with space for Q&A will take place 23rd. January: “DIVINATION – Looking into our Future”, followed by 21st. February: “ALCHEMICAL HEALING – Learning how to make an upgrading of your Male-Female Balance”.

If you are interested in participating then contact me or the OMStars website for further information.

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Magical Tarot in The Magic Garden with Jacob Moth & Derek 

Also during December 2020 my cooperation with THE MAGIC GARDEN and Jacob Moth gave birth to another fantastic live streaming around MAGICAL TAROT IN THE MAGIC GARDEN with the focus upon the Tarot Keys 6-7-8, The Lovers, the Chariot & Strength. This took place 11th. December, followed by a very rich dialogue during our Question & Answer session 14th. December. Both events have been recorded and are available on the Magic Garden’s website.

Here in January 2021 we go into action again with our Live Streaming Wednesday 20th. January, the Day of the American Presidential Inauguration, as we explore the Tarot Keys 9-10-11, The Hermit, The Wheel of Fortune and Crowley’s Lust card & Adjustment.

The event is free and you can join us by contacting The Magic Garden for further information. 

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Derek’s 2 Webinars February & March 

A reminder of my future teaching presentations that are advertised on my website – 90 minutes duration.

ZOOM WEBINAR: Thurs. 11th. February at 20.30-22.00 CET


ZOOM WEBINAR. Weds. 24th. March at 20.30 CET


The Webinars are free, yet you will need to book in advance to gain admittance. Looking forward to see many of your smiling faces next month!

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And men out there in Copenhagen, more good news: 

COPENHAGEN’S MAN’S GROUP – starts Thurs. 21st. January.

We are a small group of men meeting 2 times a month.

Do you want to activate your unique masculine archetype? Can you enter into an on-going support group for each other? Are you open to receive inspiration from other men? The group is open to all men of all ages who are committed to greater authentic living. Please join us here at the end of January.

To Register your participation, contact myself on Mobile: +45-23 81 76 18

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The departure of Sissel Tvedte, Jupiter Center, Norway:

On 5th. December 2020 my dear Friend and pioneer of Rebirthing in Norway, SISSEL TVEDTE departed from the physical plane, exactly 88 years and 8 months after she took incarnation. I smiled when I got the news of her exit, for even with her final act on planet Earth, she succeeded in making a powerful statement! Sissel was a beautiful soul and loved by many - And true to the number 8 vibration that she loved so much, Sissel died and was reborn several times during my 30-year friendship to this remarkable woman. Due to the lockdown I wasn’t able to physically be present at her funeral ceremony 18th. December. This was a very frustrating dilemma that I couldn’t honour this grand Lady at the time of her exit.

Her vision led to the creation of JUPITER CENTER, a wonderful Center of Light on top of a hill overlooking the nearby waters of Son harbour, a 40 minute drive outside of Oslo. JUPITER CENTER functions as an educational establishment offering a variety of workshops and has been a Retreat Center for many Seekers attracted to its beautiful location. Since it’s manifestation in the summer of 2003, more than 17 years ago, I have been a regular teacher at the Center. Together with Katie Trenary, we have set up a Trust (Stiftelse in Norwegian) to honour & protect Sissel’s legacy so that the great work at JUPITER CENTER will continue. You can help the transitional process by attending the various future Classes that will be advertised next month. 

I salute your total dedication & devotion to manifest your soul’s task Sissel and Thank You for all the light you brought down onto the physical plane.  And may JUPITER CENTER continue to function as a beacon of Light in these shadowy times ahead!

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Derek’s Newsletter – February 2021


Derek’s Newsletter – December 2020