Derek’s Newsletter – June 2021
Dear YOU! Welcome to this month’s edition of my Newsletter, June, the sixth month of the year, so we are approaching halfway through this New Year.
Thank you so much dear readers for your response to last month’s Newsletter where part of the focus was upon the imminent cultural revolution guaranteed in 2025 and the emergence of the 4th. Ray of Harmony Thru Conflict. Some of you wanted to know more about the 7 Rays which has promoted me to offer a new service activity – YOUR 7 RAY CHART. Check that out on my website.
And from an old Taurian friend in Sweden, Maylie Andersson, who helped arrange my workshops back in the 1990s, I received this wonderful comment:
“….Thank you so much for this Newsletter. In this you show us the beauty when a person does what he is best at – Sharing Beauty, showing Beauty and being Beauty. Looking forward to more Newsletters from your pen and behind it your mind and soul.”
Thank you dear Maylie and to all of you who sent me your feedback to my May Newsletter! And - I am looking forward to get response for this June installment – let me know that you are out there!
The Pentecost celebrations
I started writing this month’s Newsletter when the transit Sun entered the sign of Gemini 20th. May and a few days later it was the weekend Pentecost celebrations, what in England we call Whitsun or White-Sun, and in Denmark we call Pinse.
This occurs 50 days after Easter and derives its name from the wearing of white by the newly baptized or those seeking Confirmation via the Christian Church. It has been commemorated from the 3rd. Century as Pentecost – when tongues of fire and the power of speaking with tongues descended upon the Apostles via the Holy Ghost, after Christ had risen to Heaven. (Acts 2: 1-31).
The Bible declares that there was a “mighty rushing wind”, and wind is a common symbol for the Holy Spirit, as “tongues as of fire” appear and the gathered disciples were “filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance”. For scholars in the Christian tradition this is interpreted as ecstatic speech and the fulfilment of the promise that Christ will baptize his followers with the Holy Spirit.
Enjoy Gustav Dore’s depiction of this Pentecost scene, as the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, symbolized by the descent of a white dove, makes its presence known upon the Disciples of Christ.
Now the Holy Spirit is a Christian doctrine rooted in the biblical account of Pentecost.
This is an extraordinary account and after Pentecost the Holy Spirit became available to the Christian community.
It was taken as a sign of God’s continuing presence in the world after the death of Jesus. The inception of the Holy Spirit also conferred spiritual gifts such as healing and prophecy, through which God’s work might continue through the Christian congregation.
In many ways the Holy Spirit is a purely Christian conception. However, although the term “Holy Spirit” may belong to the Christian tradition, the nature of the experience, or one which may be described in very similar terms, may indeed belong to the universal community of spiritual pilgrims.
This central Christian experience has much in common with accounts of the risen kundalini. Although the rising of kundalini and the descent of the Holy Spirit may seem at first to have nothing in common, yet the commonality remains worth pursuing. The Holy Spirit is always depicted as entering through descent, whereas kundalini is always depicted as entering through ascent.
Kundalini is represented by the serpent, which in the Western mind has become the most maligned of all creatures since its part in the first fall from a state of grace in the idyllic Garden of Eden. The Holy Spirit is invariably symbolized by a white dove. This gentle image conveys a softness of contact which is not always matched in mystical literature. The experience of western mystics reveals the same kind of turbulence as that documented by eastern mystics.
And, for the sharp eyes, you will note that Gemini’s planetary ruler, Mercury has an associated symbol, the Caduceus – has 2 intertwined snakes circling around a central staff, with two feathers or two wings emanating from the top of the staff.
Thus, in Mercury’s associated symbol, do we find both the dove & the serpent image or iconography. It is worthwhile to meditate on the meaning of these two quite different symbols.
What I would also like to draw your attention towards is the fact that this event takes place during the zodiac sign of Gemini. The first sign of the Zodiac is Aries the Ram, followed by Taurus, the Bull, so with the third sign of the Zodiac, Gemini, we meet the first Humans – The Twins.
Gemini is an Air sign, the element air being the vehicle that carries the “breath of life”.
Gemini is a sign of communication and basically that means making a noise through a hole in the face to produce a language! Change the noise, change the language and we get confused. Yet Gemini is a sign that stimulates our ability to learn languages, to be versatile and multifaceted.
Do you remember the Old Testament’s story about the Tower of Babel?
The peoples of the world gathered together to build the tallest building in the world, reaching up to Heaven itself, yet due to the confusion of different tongues, the many different languages involved in the construction, the work was left unfinished. This story appears in the Book of Genesis and is a very brief few lines - yet highly esoteric. It is capable of many interpretations and yet there is an inner meaning which relates to this recurring theme of Oneness and of Synthesis. The opening line in Genesis Chapter 11 is: “Now the whole Earth had one language and few words….”
The first humans received lessons of wisdom from the Gods who at that early time in the history of planet Earth, dwelt with man and walked with man. Human beings received these first lessons of wisdom and developed them, but kept them as oral traditions. Not only because they had no writing in those far off days, but because the real traditions in Scripture, then and now, can only truly be made through oral traditions.
Suppose this Newsletter or book is published with musical notes – can the newsletter/book make the person sing?
The book can tell you everything about the songs and the music – but it can never give you the music. Another person should come and train you in the music and then only that person can give you that Newsletter or book.
In the same way no Scripture can be received through a book, and this is the reason why from ancient days til today, the Scriptures remained an oral traditions. So the primitive man transmitted it from person to person and afterwards when man discovered script and writing, each group of human beings transmitted the Scripture in their own language.
You know some people have language written from left to right horizontally, while some others have language horizontally from right to left; some have language from above downwards; some have vertically from below upwards. We have even today languages written in four directions.
So Scriptures are translated in languages written in four directions and travelled to four corners of the Earth. This is the story of the Tower of Babel – that is, everyone had the same Scripture or Universal Wisdom, but the man of one language could not communicate with the man of the other language. This limitation is what the Scriptures call the curse of Babel. When we are so busy with our own ideas, our own local viewpoint, we lose telepathic rapport with the ideas of others and the Universal Mind.
If we are truely to understand the significance of this story and that of the Pentecost drama, then let’s return to the energies of Gemini.
It’s all about REVELATION and revelation reveals what has always been in existence.
Gemini governs the axial rotation of planet Earth around the Sun, which guarantees that light, day & night, and the changing seasons comes to every part of our globe, so the revelation is to be universal, full-rounded and not fragmented, one-sided and sectarian. It is axial rotation that enables the Earth to keep on turning and turning so that our planet presents all sides successively to the light and warmth of the Sun – and if it didn’t do this, our planet would be destroyed for any purposes of life.
In the Christian version of the Pentecost story, the Apostle’s went forth after this event, to spread the word of Christ, becoming missionaries in the different countries. Did they present the universal or personal viewpoint?
And what is this universal language that is our goal and ultimate destiny?
To enjoy multi-dimensionality, to appreciate how everything is inter-related and thus bring together head and heart. In a word, we could describe this as INTUITION.
For the majority of members of the human race, the focus is upon the animal part of our nature, INSTINCT, and when we evolve the more human qualities, the focus is upon our INTELLECT or Intelligence.
And the next stage which aligns us with our higher nature, the Soul, is the expression of the INTUITION or inner knowing. It is the training of this intuitional sensitivity, the intuitional arts & intuitional sciences that is the major goal of the Aquarian vibration.
The Twin State of Israel & Palestine 2021
Then I should remind my readers that the great drama of Pentecost took place in the so-called “Holy City” of Jerusalem – and what is currently taking place in modern Israel?
For 11 days in the month of May, there has been a state of war with constant bombardment between the neighbouring states of Israel and Palestine, before international pressure resulted in a state of ceasefire just before the Pentecost holidays or “holy-days”.
The Twins of Gemini are reflected in the birth of both Israel and the Palestine state in 1948. Historically speaking, the British Mandate in Palestine expired at midnight on 15th. May 1948, However, the state of Palestine never came into existence. The Jewish territories had declared their independence as the state of Israel several hours earlier, thus “jumping the gun” as we say in English. From the Roman conquest at the beginning of the Christian era until 1948 the area occupied by modern Israel was consistently under Roman, Arab or Turkish domination.
In 1918 Palestine, the name normally applied to the geographical area, was occupied by the British who received a League of Nations mandate.
After decades of international negotiation, the concept of a Jewish state of Israel received backing from the United Nations and in an atmosphere of increasing violence, Britain resolved to give the state independence at midnight 15th. May 1948.
The Jewish leaders at that time announced their independent state at 4pm on 14th. May 1948 in Tel Aviv when Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister, stood up & struck the table with his gavel. The audience rose spontaneously and burst into the Hatikva, the anthem of the Zionist movement.
And so we have the horoscopes of these Siamese Twins, Israel and Palestine which I include for our further exploration. Now some astrologers have created a 4.37pm time which gives a Scorpio Ascendant, and based upon the importance of Ben Gurion reading the two pages of the independence proclamation that “The State of Israel has arisen”. Yet it is clear that Ben Gurion himself regarded 4pm as the critical time as he had noted that time in his diary.
The rising sign or Ascendant for Israel when we use the 4pm time is LIBRA, 23-degreses, which suggests that the identity of the nation can only be truly realized when it completes itself with another – and in this case, the Palestian people. LIBRA is a sign of marriage, the coming together with opposites, to include not exclude, to cooperate rather than compete, to emphasize equality, fairness & justice rather than exclusivity.
The base line for this Libra Ascendant is reflective judgement, as various alternatives are weighed in the balance. Do we see and include the other person’s point of view?
Libra is all about CHOICES – and choices are more easily made if we have a system of values on which to base them.
As astrologers, we would then investigate the placement of VENUS on this horoscope because it not only becomes the Life Ruler of the Libra Ascendant, but is also the planet governing Taurus, the zodiac sign containing the Sun at birth.
Venus in the 9th. House sign of Cancer and in dynamic square to mystical Neptune in the 12th. House would clearly describe the magnetic pull of establishing a home for the Jewish peoples around the world, a vision of a spiritual homeland for the wandering Jew. It also brings the personal view of love (Venus) into a grander more unconditional and therefore more universal love (Neptune).
So why doesn’t the Jewish state, which has been at war with its neighbouring Arab nations since its birth, function on these lofty levels?
The SUN in TAURUS occupies the 8th. House on this Foundation Chart for the birth of Israel. On a deep level, the Sun here shows the need to transcend personal limitations and separateness through some form of union and interchange with other people.
Astrology describes the 8th. House as representing “shared resources and inheritances”, so when you apply the fact that the Earth sign of Taurus means land, and Taurus is often known for its possessiveness, then at a glance you have the entire issue of this on-going conflict - Israel’s refusal to share land and inherited property with Palestine.
Also remember that money and possessions are just the surface level of what is shared and exchanged between people. Releasing psychic content from the bondage and repetition of patterns established through our karmic history is why the 8th. House is a battleground, so that breaking-down in order to breakthrough and regenerate and renew becomes possible.
This is the area of the horoscope for deep alchemical transformation and that means CHANGE in big letters, because it is precisely this Taurian resistance to change that is the essential problem. And the on-going Israeli government’s policy of encroaching upon land shared between these two nations, making more Jewish settlements on these borders is a clear refusal to accept the existence of a Palestinian state.
As the Jewish Talmud says, “We see things not as they are – but as we are.”
Progress depends upon change and change is a rearrangement of the Thinker, and Thought and the Thing.
Change is sight from another angle – that is all.
What we see as a problem, what is not agreeable to us, is an obstacle, but we have to include all these elements to complete the experience of awareness. In India it is Krishna who says, let us try to love as many things, objects & people as possible – for this is inclusion though Love.
As this is a Newsletter and not a long article for an Astrological magazine, I shall attempt to limit my observations.
But be aware that the presence of warrior Mars in Leo forming the challenging square aspect to the Taurus Sun describes this on-gong conflict, intensified by the powerful presence of the Saturn-Pluto-Moon conjunction also in the royal sign of Leo, which results in Israel functioning as an authoritative and therefore totalitarian state. That narrow strip of land in Gaza that is home for the Palestinian people and all the imposed restrictions that Israel dictates to its neighbour is nothing less than inhuman and not in any way expressing the humanitarian values of Venus and the Libra Ascendant.
And if we work with this 4pm local time for the birth of Israel, then this will accurately describe how the slow-moving transit of Pluto, archetype of death-rebirth, at the bottom of this horoscope, the 4th. House cusp at 26-degrees Capricorn all through 2021, is releasing all the pent-up anger and frustrations of both the people of Palestine and Israel. The daily violence between Jew and Arab in living together in their multi-racial communities these past weeks has unfortunately escalated to new extremes. The internal political struggles of recent General Elections to Prime Minster post in Israel and the continuing political struggle within the Hamas Palestinian military organization continues. There is a cease-fire as I write, but the war continues.
Will the Plutonian clampdown become even more authoritarian or will there be a positive renewal of the peace process? Whatever the results of this years’ intensive do-or-die struggle, new seeds of deconstruction will help germinate future reconstruction.
And what could happen in 2024-25 when the transit of revolutionary Uranus, The Awakener, finally reaches multiple conjunctions to the Taurus Sun degree in the 8th. House? Patience may be a Taurian value, so too endurance, but with this planetary combination in the future, we can certainly expect the unexpected! Will this lead to the only solution possible – a two state Nation, Israel & Palestine? Collaborate with the inevitable - Expect the unexpected!
The final words on this subject are to include the horoscope of Palestine for your study. So this means it has the same planets in the same signs as shown in the chart for Israel – but now occupying different Houses or Departments of Life. The Moon-Pluto-Saturn-Mars in Leo domino affect now occupies the western angle on the horoscope, opposing the Aquarian Ascendant.
The Palestinian people are projecting a revolutionary state, they are in a state of rebellion, yet opposed by a powerful opponent who does not see them as a Friend.
Transit Saturn, Fate & Destiny this year 2021 is almost conjunct the Aquarian Ascendant so the birthing process is a long drawn out labour, and with the oppositions to Moon (the people) and Pluto (survival issues), the testing nature of Saturn dominates the atmosphere this year. Next year transit Saturn goes over the Aquarian Ascendant, opposes its own natal placement and squares the Taurian Sun degree, so inevitably this conflict continues to rage on and on…..
The Jewish problem and its ultimate solution is a testimony of humanity’s entrance into the Aquarian Age – and it can only be solved with the involvement of many nations working together in a genuine expression of loving friendship as One Humanity.
Midsummer and the Court of King Arthur
And now to something more joyful – our forthcoming Midsummer celebrations as the transit Sun enters the zodiacal sign of CANCER this year on 21st. June – the longest Day of Light on planet Earth – the Summer Solstice.
It is a time of joy and expansion and we are invited to open ourselves to this expansive tide and find true fulfilment. For the esoteric community of the world, the month of Gemini is when there is a wonderful outpouring of Divine Love-Wisdom, the Christ Love, upon the whole world. All of nature rejoices in the Light and shows its colourful and fragrant beauty, while we can open our heart in love & joy.
In the Celtic tradition of ancient Britain, this was the time when the entire Court of King Arthur gathered to celebrate Midsummer, which they called the Festival of Joy. On this day, the Sun King and High Initiate in the Mysteries of the Light, gathers his court, at which all true priests & priestesses, knights & maidens, gather to rejoice in the light. A single great bonfire is lit to symbolize radient illumination, and Arthur’s Court makes the circle of love around it, as one whole being, in a dance of joy and thanksgiving. And then Arthur retires with his Knights & their Ladies at the end of the day to hold a Holy Communion. They commune in friendship and experience what is called the Grail. Each Knight experiences it in his own way and each Lady in her own way.
King Arthur is said to be the summary of all the Knights & Ladies, for all is synthesized within him. Arthur is like the Sun that goes around the Zodiac – The Round Table – and is identified with the Christ and His 12 Disciples. Arthur and his Knights reappear at times of crises in order to help man. In actuality, the Grail Mysteries of Arthur & his Knights complete the story of Jesus and His Disciples.
To explore this pathway would lead us into some wonderful revelatory energies – but that is not the goal of today’s Newsletter. The resolution of the crises is what the story of each Knight searching for the Grail, meeting their challenges and successfully surmounting their difficulties is all about. Through a study and inner experience of these archetypal stories, we may begin to see ways in which the problems of our own times can be solved. After all, the search for the Holy Grail is one of the greatest Healing stories that has ever existed, the Healing Cup that brings wholeness.
Heroes take journeys, confront their own inner dragons and discover the treasure of their true selves. The Hero’s Journey is a journey of Individuation. The need to take “the journey” is innate to us, for if we do not risk, we play prescribed roles and experience instead a sense of alienation and an emptiness inside. People who are dis-encouraged from slaying their own dragons internalize the urge and often fundamentally deny themselves, which can lead to becoming increasingly ill. In shying away from the Quest we experience a non-life and accordingly, we call forth less life in our culture. Every time we confront death-in-life, we confront a dragon, and every time we choose life over non-life and move deeper into the ongoing discovery of who we are, we vanquish the dragon. We bring new life to ourselves and to our culture. We change the world. The real task of any Hero is not to kill or to convert others – but to bridge.
When the figure of SIR GALAHAD, THE PERFECT KNIGHT, the child of Sir Lancelot and the Grail Princess, emerges in literature, the whole direction of the Grail Legends changed. The entry of Galahad into the Arthurian Tradition is something of a minor miracle. The creation of this figure during the 12th. Century by a Cistercian monk who realised the need for a new element to bind the many stories into a coherent whole, and so hit-upon the idea of bringing a Christ-like figure who would literally “redeem” the legends of their pagan origins. His coming to the Court of King Arthur is full of New Testament atmosphere.
All the seats of the Round Table are filed on this occasion, the 454th. Anniversary of the first Pentecost. In the Legend there was a seat called “Siege Perilous” which had remained empty and veiled since the Founding of the Fellowship. Now it is uncovered and the name Galahad is found written upon it in letters of gold.
The young Knight in red armour (the alchemical red and linked to the Holy Blood, plus the symbolic Red Dragon as Protector of Britain) takes his place and the Mysteries of the Grail commence. Isn’t this a wonderful correspondence to these living esoteric traditions, the deeper appreciation of Pentecost, and the Mysteries of the Arthurian Traditions!
You will begin to understand that the Zodiac circle represents the 12 Knights of Arthur’s Round Table. Each of the Knights is linked with a zodiac sign and a particular virtue, such as Honour, Gentleness, Nobility, Charity, Sincerity, Courage, Helpfulness, Humility and so forth. These titles clearly make references to Medieval Christian influences and would probably seem quite out-of-place in today’s society.
It is also true that there can be several variations of which Knights occupy which positions at the Round Table. For example, it makes perfect sense to place the greatest Knight at the Court of King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, in the sign of Leo, and his son Sir Galahad, who achieves the Holy Grail, in the opposite sign of Aquarius; with Sir Perceval in Taurus and Sir Bors in the opposite sign of Scorpio. These 4 Knights occupy the 4 Signs of the Fixed Cross of the Heavens, and the Arthurian stories reveal that all of them are partially successful in achieving the Grail, but only Sir Galahad achieves it completely.
Here is one version that I would like to share with you today:
And, Dear Fellow Companion on the Path, what “title” would you give yourself here in our 21st. Century? What “Name” would do justice to your life’s journey? This is absolutely worth mediating upon……
The zodiacal sign of Gemini is well known for its communication skills, as it is governed by the planet MERCURY, the Divine Messenger who carries the messages between the poles of Soul & Personna, at the speed of Light. It is the archetypal energy of Mercury that produces a steady pull between that which is perceived and the consciousness who perceives it. And being the closest planet to the Sun, receiving 7 times as much light as the Earth, it is this tiny planet Mercury who engineers the interplay between our Earth and the Sun. The length of its day is 88 Earth-days. Light from the Sun takes 8 minutes to reach us on planet Earth. These figures are significant to the esoteric minded individual and give many clues as to how Mercury works. Indeed, in esoteric literature Mercury and the Sun are often said to be one.
In ancient Egypt, the Messenger Mercury is called THOTH, Lord of Writing, Speech and all forms of Learning. The companion or some would say, totem animal of Thoth, is the APE, and it was a daily dawn ritual for the 3 Apes of Thoth to welcome the Sun and the new day.
In English we often talk about a person imitating another, “aping” or monkeying around. In Astrology the sign of Gemini is well known for its quick humour, ability to mimic, to imitate and to make charactiture.
In Japan these 3 wise monkeys, the 3 mystic apes originate the famous worldwide tradition of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”.
One covers his eyes, one covers his ears and one covers his mouth.
In both Japan and China, the monkey was used as a way to depict man’s life cycle and historically this philosophy was incorporated in the Code of Conduct of Confucius, and probably came to Japan from China in the 8th. Century.
The 3 Wise Monkeys is such a worldwide proverb that even MAHATMA GANDHI’s one notable exception to his lifestyle of non-possession was a small statue of the three monkeys.
And then there is a revealing photo of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi giving a gift replica of Mahatma Gandhi’s three wise monkeys to the ex-American President, Donald Trump
Just as there is disagreement about the origin of the phrase, there are also differing explanations of the meaning of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”
I wrote to USA to ask a well-known TV personality for his opinion, but the last one, “speak no evil” wasn’t documented, so I couldn’t share with you an incomplete survey.
So then I turned to the East and with a bit of research I found out that according to OSHO RAJNEESH, the monkey symbolism originated in ancient Hindu tradition and Buddhist monks spread this symbolism across Asia. He stated that in the original Hindu & Buddhist version there are 4 Monkeys and the fourth one covers his genitals.
The Buddhist version of this means “Don’t do anything evil”, whereas the original Hindu version is totally different: “Hide your pleasures. Hide your enjoyment, don’t show it to anybody.”
OSHO gave his own meaning regarding this. The first Monkey denotes “Don’t listen to the truth because it will disturb all your consoling lies.”
The second Monkey says, “Don’t look at the truth, otherwise your God will be dead and your heaven and hell will disappear.”
The third Monkey says, “Don’t speak the truth, otherwise you will be condemned, crucified, poisoned, tortured by the whole crowd, the unconscious people”.
And the fourth Monkey says, “Keep your pleasures, your joys hidden. Don’t let anybody know that you are a cheerful man, a blissful man, an ecstatic man, because that will destroy your very life. It is dangerous.”
The Eyes, Ears & Mouth
Let’s enjoy this journey we are now on by taking these insights even further with a new commentary.
In Astrology we say that Gemini governs the nervous systems, for it is because of our nervous systems that we can adjust to changing circumstances and relate to our environment, both internally and externally. If we wish to study the nature of spirit and the spiritual sciences, we must begin with the study of our own organism because all the sciences are found within us.
When you reflect upon the 3 Wise Monkeys, you will quickly establish that we are focussed upon the EYES, EARS & MOUTH.
We receive light through the eyes and we receive sound through the ears. What an extraordinary relationship exists between the eyes and the ears. See how light travels through the universe freely in the vacuum of space, descending from the subtler regions towards the increasingly denser regions until it reaches solid matter. But the inverse holds true for sound, for it cannot travel at all through a vacuum, it travels fairly well through air, better through water and it moves best through solids. Sound originates in the world of matter and diminishes in intensity as it ascends until it completely disappears in the vacuum.
Light shows form and colour, which reveal beauty and beauty is the expression of the truth which created the eyes. Sound is linked with the ears and the ears are linked to wisdom and wisdom to the mouth, since it is the mouth which pronounces words.
And so the mouth, ears and eyes form a Triangle. The eyes contemplate, the ears listen and the mouth relates that which the eyes have seen and the ears have heard. Here is hidden the secret of the intimate relationship between the 3 Virtues: LOVE, WISDOM & TRUTH.
It is a secret – and yet it is not – but everyone has a mouth, and the mouth in the language of the spiritual sciences, represents the feelings, the emotions, the passions, our instincts – it symbolizes Love. And what goes in and what comes out of your mouth?
Astrologically the mouth is linked with Venus, the planet of Love and you will quickly see the connection with the feminine quality of softness, kissing & the mouth that keeps us alive through eating, both Venusian qualities, while the tongue is linked with Mercury because it is so clever at saying real & fake news, good & bad things.
The Ears represent Wisdom. They are passive, unlike the eyes and the mouth which are alternatively active and passive. You know about the activity of the mouth, and especially the tongue. We can open or close another person with what we say and how we say it. As for the eyes, they can at times be very active in seducing or in blasting someone with a look. The eyes both receive and give out energy and were held in high esteem by the ancient Egyptian culture that had many mythological stories and teachings about the significance of the left (Moon) and right (Sun) eyes. But the ears themselves are never active except in their attention to receive sounds.
This is difficult for the majority of people to recognize, but being a good listerner actually promotes the other person being a good talker. This state is only passive in appearance, but actually it is the most active state that exists. Those who know how to achieve an inner receptive state can hear the voice of their souls, even in the turbulence of life.
So in order to truly hear and therefore understand others, we must learn how to respond to the vibrations, feelings and thoughts they send us. In other words we must vibrate in resonance with them. When we can train ourselves to listen in this way, we can draw nearer to the subtlest beings and elements which vibrate in all of creation.
You have often heard the old saying: “Ask and it shall be given to you; Seek and you shall find; Knock and it shall be opened to you.”
This formula seems very simple but is deep, very deep with meaning. We ask for everything imaginable but do not seem to know the laws involved, because we must also give something in exchange for everything we ask.
Seek and you shall find refers to the eyes and to vision.
“Knock and it shall be opened to you.” This phrase is linked to the ears and represents the fact that each of us vibrate in resonance with sound waves of the same vibratory frequency. If we want God the Creator to hear us, then we need to emit waves of a very high frequency.
In this way do we create a living Triangle and we are recognized by the Higher Intelligences of the Universe through this Light we create.
According to our mouth, ears and eyes, the wise can know our relationship with Love, Wisdom and Truth.
We know that we have two eyes, two ears and a mouth – but in reality, on the higher dimensions, we have 3 eyes, 3 ears and 3 mouths.
What? I hear you say.
The Third Eye is the mystic Eye situated at the center of our forehead, seeing Past, Present and Future. The eyes are linked with Truth. The Master Jesus said: “If your eye is pure, your whole body will be in the light”. And obviously he was not speaking of our physical eyes but of the spiritual eye, the Third Eye. Our two physical eyes and the Third Eye form a triangle, by means of which the currents going through us, our thoughts & feelings, reinforce our aura and sensitize it to the Divine World. At present we only receive light through our physical eyes because our Third Eye is obstructed by rather low thoughts and feelings which prevent us from perceiving the current from above. But this can change – and we need to train ourselves to develop this antenna to the Higher Worlds.
The Third Ear is found at the Throat. This is a wonderful teaching to come into contact with. The Second Mouth is found at the top of our head, the Head Chakra with a thousand petals or contact with a thousand realities. With this superior mouth we can speak and eat in the spiritual regions. It is this center which absorbs, prays and takes nourishment from the Divine Worlds.
And knowledge about the location of the Third Mouth will have to wait to another time – first enjoy the banquet you have already received.
The picture at the start of my Newsletter is the magical stones at Stonehenge, southern England and here at the end of this Newsletter I wish to repeat this image. Many of you have visited this site, the most popular tourist destination for visitors to Britain and some of you have joined our magical “In the Footsteps of Merlyn” Tours to southern England that we have been doing during the last 25 years. Next year May 2022 we shall take a new Scandinavian Group on such a magical Pilgrimage.
Stonehenge is to be understood as The Round Table of King Arthur because it represents the stability of eternal Laws. It is a place of ancient assembly. It is where we recognize the cycles of our life. When we come to The Round Table or Stonehenge we dedicate ourselves to the Quest in deep authenticity. It is for us to discover the nature of our spiritual service, for the ripples of our actions may spread wider throughout the world. The gift of The Round Table is adaptability to the Cosmic Laws.
When you have two upright pillars supporting a horizontal stone placed on top, this is called a Trilithon – and you will also recognize the visual links to the zodiacal sign of Gemini.
We are looking at a Gateway and we are referring to the Celtic concept of the spiritual doorway, the Trilithon.
With the previous Full Moon occurring May 26th. activating 5½-degrees Gemini/Sagittarius, and the next Full Moon this month occurring 24th. June at 3½-degrees Cancer/Capricorn, there has opened out a great Gate.
Bear in mind that a Full Moon is making us aware of something, as the Sun or consciousness is illuminating the Moon or what is unconscious.
There will be a NEW MOON Thursday 10th. June at 20-degrees GEMINI.
The New Moon sets the tone until the Full Moon two weeks later, and whatever is started at the New Moon, the promise or potential of the New, can bear results at the Full Moon period.
Your exercise, should you choose to do it, is to cooperate with these energies, and so mark the New Moon date, Thursday 10th. June and do the following:
1). Think of your most important goal, what you are aiming for, your future directions, be this personal or professional.
2). Hold that goal clearly in your mind’s eye – and as you do so, allow an image, a symbol, a picture, to emerge spontaneously that encapsulates this goal you are aiming for. Don’t move to the next stage until you have clearly established this image/symbol.
3). Visualize a stone GATEWAY clearly in your mind – the Trilithon.
4). Next, mentally “stamp” your chosen SYMBOL UPON THE SURFACE OF THE TOP LINTEL.
5). Hold the over-all image of your Symbol of this stone lintel clearly in your mind’s eye for 60 heart-beats.
6). Move your Otherworld form through the GATEWAY.
7). If you are successful, you will find yourself in the archetypal world of that particular symbol you used. Now enjoy this journey of self-discovery and whatever you see and experience on the other side of this Gateway has significance & meaning to you and your chosen goal.
Derek‘s new book to be published by IBIS BOOKS in America!
It is with great pleasure & excitement that I can inform you that last month my 400-page “ASTROLOGY, TAROT, TREE OF LIFE & YOU”
was accepted by my USA publisher – Hip, Hip Hooray!
We are currently negotiating the time schedule for when the book, actually Book 1 of a Trilogy, will get released – probably the start of 2022 to coincide with my return to teach in the USA.
As I have been receiving enthusiastic preorders for this as a future ebook, this postive new development means plans for making this as an ebook have been temporarily postponded. More news as it unfolds.
My 13th. Book: “ENTRY & EXIT: YOUR BIRTH & DEATH HOROSCOPE”, that was published in Sweden by Forma Books in 2012, has been radically revised in recent years and with new material added, this will be available as a new ebook in English this summer 2021. Your preorders are most welcome.
And lastly, I wish to inform you of my two new activities in Norway, at the Jupiter Center.
“The Jupiter School of ASTRO-PSYCHOLOGY”
– I Year Training, starting 18-19 September 2021.
“The Jupiter School of DIVINATION”
– 6 Weekend Workshops starting 2-3 October 2021.
These events will be Live Streamed and made available as recordings, which offers international students the opportunity to participate in these events with Distant Education. Registration is now taking place.
Click onto the links for further info:
More info about The Jupiter School of Divinination
More info about The Jupiter School of Astro-psychology