In 1990 the beautiful “Arthurian Tarot” deck was first published by Caitlin & John Matthews, well known for their prolific creative authorship of all things Celtic. These archetypal images represent a journey into King Arthur’s kingdom, where you meet the characters of the Arthurian world as your guides & teachers, and enter the landscapes of Logres, the ancient Arthurian kingdom that lies outside of time.
A Hallowquest is the inner search for the 4 sacred objects of the Celtic tradition. The SWORD, representing the Element AIR, the GRAIL CUP, the Element WATER, the SPEAR, symbolizing the energies of FIRE, and the STONE, Element EARTH. By following the seasonal quest for the Hallows – the ancient treasures of the Goddess of the Land – you discover the spiritual empowerments of your soul’s purpose. Ultimately this is a work of self-healing and thereby restoring the sacred treasures of our Earth. By the recreation of these inner landscapes we have a potent method of exploring our lives & re-attuning ourselves to our true desire & purpose. By such means, we simultaneously create pathways by which the living reality of the archetypes of these cards can manifest within our world. It is this two-way exchange which is at the heart of the Arthurian Traditions
For more than 20 years since its appearance, Derek has been teaching this unique tarot set as a 1-year Hallowquest Journey - and leading Scandinavian group tours “In the Footsteps of Merlyn”, to England, Wales & Ireland, where myth, symbol and ritual are combined in a magical adventure moving through the landscape.